Does iron maiden with bone wall? (Diablo 2)
The people are kind and knowledgeable, please tell me whether the curse iron maiden with bone wall necromancer - will keep damage to mobs because they hit the wall under this curse?da eto rabotaet no crap proklyatie. esli ti summoner uzai ad esli esli poison lowrez bonir mb dekru ili confuz
Health monster surpasses their damage, and therefore themselves, they are unlikely to be hurt by the Iron Maiden. Same thing with the thorns paladin. So eto crap proklyatie and see the post above. For comparison, in early versions of classics (1.00 - 1.03, maybe later also) the balance of health and attack damage of monsters was different, and there is quite possible to kill, say, an Assembly of boss paladin thorns (tried personally to 1.00).
1.00 - 1.03
1.09 LOD was a combination of bloody hell Golem + iron maiden(had a few rips, due to the feedback Golem NCR, when there was no mobs and the melee mobs are casters felled the Golem).
My favorite build is ad+ce necro, especially in chaos or throne where all the same how much HP the mob
will keep damage to the mobs
xxxSpxxx, if you have a sidekick with whom to play (barbarian, PAL/other kontaktni), practice on it: he runs, throw him a Bone Prison and Iron maiden sharply. there will be a sense. ;-)
Especially if Bud Sorka/NCR/alendro/Hamer well, in General, all non physicist DD.
Well contact and Ogaden maybe he's just not physical damage gives. In General, the token safely and try IM bilder PVM to try. But I feel that it would be very uncomfortable/painful
GV-, ;D
Well contact and Ogaden maybe he's just not physical damage gives
gradusGl, which has a vegan-Dean? you are about to avendzher? :-)
kakieto paladini's netradicionnoi oreintaciei poterli moi posti potomu 4to ya zabil skazat nih o ;/