Editor units TroopEditor (Mount & Blade)
I propose to make a statement to Trapeziform to write all I know about him or ask questions, then draw it and post it to dox (eh... ambition then was)) ).Be sure to make a backup copy of the edited file, just one extra character can prevent the game from starting, not to mention funny bugs
Manual is written for the original Mount and Blade in 2009, and author of a happy and outgoing student who wanted to help everyone, turned into a sad degrading lazy with a bunch of sores and long-standing systems, so I'm hardly in so many years will be able to answer questions on the editor, because I even forgot when the game was launched last time in this game to play, not to mention much about technical issues, better re-read the instruction and further discussion
For Warband almost all remains relevant
Only the editor is called Ashura's Mount & Blade WB/WFAS Editor functions much more http://rusmnb.ru/index.php?action=dldir;sa=details;lid=34
TroopEditor is editor custom units designed for editing of their characteristics (level, skills), equipment, branch development, etc. To start, write how they can use it (I write only what I know myself , I would be grateful if you add more, but the use of materials from other non-official sites for the game without the consent of their authors, will not be personally on the forum rpmdb register and inquire whether there was consent )
Let's start.
Start the editor. In the line Folder are paving the path to the folder with the module and select the module (you can select a folder with Nativo, you can select another mod, but now I will talk about Native. So, the folder with the module selected, look in the upper left corner, there is the string Filename with a drop-down list. Choose there Troops.txt
Look: there is absolutely all kinds of units in the game (618 names, some not used) .We start the analysis with the King Aripeka (room 182 in the list of Troop List.
So the King Aropec, its characteristics are: level(level) 41, strength(str) 20, agility(agi) 20 intelligence(int) 15, charisma(cha) 25. Below are the levels of gun ownership and skills. In the window below (Items) can be seen his stuff, you can get something to remove or add their own. You can now raise or lower its characteristics, things will change in the game. Upgrade Path to use can be bugs.
Now select the number 34 - Swadesi recruit. Branch Upgrade Path he is 35 swadesi militia, that is, when a recruit of the 4th level reaches level 9, it will offer to increase opolchentsa, then moving on to the next required level will have a choice between a Rifleman and infantryman. The shooter will only improve and infantry then you can leave a grunt or make a cavalryman. These branches can be changed, for example adding to a recruit an additional branch, for example a mercenary can do it with time to turn into a sister of the sword. Warning: it is essential that the next soldier in the line was above the level of the previous, otherwise the improvement may not happen.
Wrote it is unclear, if anything, better ask, and while some lists in Troop List
0 - our hero, the characteristics of change is pointless, but added things will be added to the beginning of the game.
26 - 32 range of mercenaries
34 - 43 ruler swadow
48 - 57 line Bagirov
62 - 67 range kergitab
72 - 80 line of Nords
85 - 93 the list of folks
98 - 104 bandits
164 - 179 Satellites
181 - 285 kings and lords
The rest are guildmaster, merchants, caravans, peasants, elders, Tantony, Cerini, different coaches, in General, all those who you encounter in my travels.
Another point: when you change the unit, be sure to click the UPDATE button, otherwise nothing will be saved, then at the end of the shenanigans, click SAVE.
Another thing: in the Items, you can add any NPC a gun, he in the window under number 405, and the bullets under number 126.
Then tell about the fraud with the file party_templates.txt. Huge request knowledgeable people to point out errors and add to it.
Select in the drop-down list file party_templates.txt. It is possible to edit group of NPCs. Select 6 Looters. It is those weak bandits that you run into the same pants and armed with clubs. Under the window group is located para Members it defines are available in the group of NPCs, here's the Luthors number from 4 to 25, then they are in this limit and will appear. Then they can unite, but the respawn takes place in a number ve. After the number in the line item prisoner is seen as a tick in it, they are not prisoners of war. It is possible to add any troops to the bandits and make them prisoners tick. One time I was strengthened by pirates, so in captivity they had a number of strong troops to rush to the villages in search of recruits. After the battle of ex-prisoners can be hired. But here caution: if any Lord will break this group, the liberated lords will to serve him. You can also add other troops bandits, you can even supply them with the commander.
Now for some groups:
4 - the defenders of the village
6 - Luthor
7 - the bounty hunters
8 - steppe bandits
9 forest bandits
10 - mountain bandits
11 - pirates
13 - the caravan for the quest the Guild master
14 - the quest of the bandits, sometimes they can accidentally meet when they robbed the village
15 - the bandits for the quest with rescue of hostages
16 - quest hostage
17 - a group of peasants who walk between town and village
18 - a group of undistinguished travelers used to the quest to catch the spy
19 - a group of peasants for questo to capture the peasants
20 - the inconspicuous citizen, for the quest to catch the spy
28 - the usual caravan who go between cities
Swag an excellent overview of the programs! To be honest - the page saved, I am sure that will come in handy this information. Especially liked the line about Sister of the sword))). Thank you!
And Mona Lee with the help of tripadisor...to do so would be pumping units were faster than in the original game or the mod???.
In principle it is possible, that if for example, as I discussed in the first post, you have a recruit of the 4th level, it will offer to upgrade up to volunteer when he attains 9th level. But if you put the volunteer not 9-th and 5-th level in trubadore, it reaches a recruit of the 5th level it has to offer to raise up to volunteer. But a new game will have to start necessarily.
1) is it Possible Cerino and Granton hired to do?
2) is it Possible to create new troops and add to the game or make another upgrade bandits to the new category?
3) any change must start a new game?
1) Is using another program (any change to the modular system)
2) New troops must be done manually, the songwriter, in this then edit. Bandits, you can add a new branch, for example the Luthors over time to turn into pirates.
3) to start a New game necessarily any change.
Hmm...it's in troops.txt to register? And how to combine all? Is there any benefit chtol or something?
Well, I have a computer at hand, so don't remember, but have to register in troops.txt observing the sequence number, etc. Try to find a guide on the forums for modding on www.rusmnb.ru may be there is.
I wonder, is it possible to add a development branch to factional warriors, or at least you can remove the default mercenaries from taverns and replace them with your new (meaning no NPCs, and there are all sorts of free battleships, etc.)?
Add a branch you can use the upgrade path, even from kergitab to Bagirov to Replace the mercenaries in the tavern difficult, I did not understand, better just to change the available features and weapons.
But I have the idea to add Valkyries, however, this requires the female characters. Is there any way to do this?
You can, I would advise to add them the next step after the sisters of the sword, which originate from the peasant women, the female gender not to forget to put. For one unit you can not add and edit some old ones, to deliver a level higher than that of sister and female. You can try to change some bandit is a girl gang together.
And still such question:
Is it possible (and how) to add in-game faction? And is it possible to do so, to hire recruits not only male but also female? Because peasant women - a rare thing, a full squad of Valkyries to score)
And dogonku: I would like to not throwing the dice of war was abyssalis, and based on logical calculations. There is a mod\article to help\editor or something like that?
All this can be done using the editor modular system. I just don't know about the war, the only possibility of war to advertise in some fashion. Give links later, because the website rpmdb (www.rusmnb.ru) is not working, maybe later will work. There is this editor in the files and on the forum the lessons on it. But I don't dig.
Yes, the website I went for a long time that have downloaded, but the surround forum.
So I asked questions and got answers. Can now rummage...
S. A. V. E. I. G.
Thus, the forum master (however buggy they have it often).
In General what I would like.
1) New troops. I understand that and change troops and a new branch can be done with the corpse of the editor without getting into a modular system?
2) In the Russian version to change the names, the names should be in localization files to go somewhere else or have cast?
PS it Seems through the localization files was trouble with the coding...
3) In the end is the capture of one or two GOS-in and the game becomes more monotonous.
How to diversify the gameplay? You can, for example, have something like a random rebellion, the formation of new States, the invasion of some aliens))) However, to do this with modular system working, and it's not mine. You can create something with a file? Well, for example, the amplified Gergiev and at some point sent to fight with everyone (but how should it be fixed?), or spawnin at some point large groups of bandits... But then again... Yeah, the version with hargitay I like, but how to get them not to attack until a certain point, and then to fight with everyone?
4) Installed new weapons (Unique Armoury v.0.85). Are there any high-quality sets of weapons and armor (maybe even specifically for men and women) or re texture the old one? Itself do not take.
Actually was tempted to take some decent mods, to Russify and polished. But...that crack no, the mod beta, the graphics can't get it up...in short a lot of problems.
1) Yes, it is easier and faster to do in trubador
2) localization Files open Notepad. But if you seriously decided to Russify fashion, there is a program for converting at the same rpmdb.
3) here only in a modular system to dig, because scripts change and more. Make kergitab sharply attack at all would be unlikely but possible to arrange the invasion, as the in Vogue Sword of Damokless after a year of playing time comes a 15-thousandth army of the Imperials. But after editing that file will not succeed.
4) that I do not know.