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S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20 09:31 pm

Editor units TroopEditor (Mount & Blade)

I propose to make a statement to Trapeziform to write all I know about him or ask questions, then draw it and post it to dox (eh... ambition then was)) ).
Be sure to make a backup copy of the edited file, just one extra character can prevent the game from starting, not to mention funny bugs
Manual is written for the original Mount and Blade in 2009, and author of a happy and outgoing student who wanted to help everyone, turned into a sad degrading lazy with a bunch of sores and long-standing systems, so I'm hardly in so many years will be able to answer questions on the editor, because I even forgot when the game was launched last time in this game to play, not to mention much about technical issues, better re-read the instruction and further discussion
For Warband almost all remains relevant
Only the editor is called Ashura's Mount & Blade WB/WFAS Editor functions much more http://rusmnb.ru/index.php?action=dldir;sa=details;lid=34
TroopEditor is editor custom units designed for editing of their characteristics (level, skills), equipment, branch development, etc. To start, write how they can use it (I write only what I know myself , I would be grateful if you add more, but the use of materials from other non-official sites for the game without the consent of their authors, will not be personally on the forum rpmdb register and inquire whether there was consent )
Let's start.
Start the editor. In the line Folder are paving the path to the folder with the module and select the module (you can select a folder with Nativo, you can select another mod, but now I will talk about Native. So, the folder with the module selected, look in the upper left corner, there is the string Filename with a drop-down list. Choose there Troops.txt
Look: there is absolutely all kinds of units in the game (618 names, some not used) .We start the analysis with the King Aripeka (room 182 in the list of Troop List.
So the King Aropec, its characteristics are: level(level) 41, strength(str) 20, agility(agi) 20 intelligence(int) 15, charisma(cha) 25. Below are the levels of gun ownership and skills. In the window below (Items) can be seen his stuff, you can get something to remove or add their own. You can now raise or lower its characteristics, things will change in the game. Upgrade Path to use can be bugs.
Now select the number 34 - Swadesi recruit. Branch Upgrade Path he is 35 swadesi militia, that is, when a recruit of the 4th level reaches level 9, it will offer to increase opolchentsa, then moving on to the next required level will have a choice between a Rifleman and infantryman. The shooter will only improve and infantry then you can leave a grunt or make a cavalryman. These branches can be changed, for example adding to a recruit an additional branch, for example a mercenary can do it with time to turn into a sister of the sword. Warning: it is essential that the next soldier in the line was above the level of the previous, otherwise the improvement may not happen.
Wrote it is unclear, if anything, better ask, and while some lists in Troop List
0 - our hero, the characteristics of change is pointless, but added things will be added to the beginning of the game.
26 - 32 range of mercenaries
34 - 43 ruler swadow
48 - 57 line Bagirov
62 - 67 range kergitab
72 - 80 line of Nords
85 - 93 the list of folks
98 - 104 bandits
164 - 179 Satellites
181 - 285 kings and lords
The rest are guildmaster, merchants, caravans, peasants, elders, Tantony, Cerini, different coaches, in General, all those who you encounter in my travels.
Another point: when you change the unit, be sure to click the UPDATE button, otherwise nothing will be saved, then at the end of the shenanigans, click SAVE.
Another thing: in the Items, you can add any NPC a gun, he in the window under number 405, and the bullets under number 126.
Then tell about the fraud with the file party_templates.txt. Huge request knowledgeable people to point out errors and add to it.
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Svetloyar 24.07.20

S. A. V. E. I. G.
Thank you for your answers, I will be back, but I trepidition to conjure.
But hargitay on the forum rpmdb read, you can do this: to change attitudes of hostility and ban to put up. However, the relationship will be consistently poor from the beginning to the end of the game.
But the invasion idea is also nothing (this was in early versions probably intended?), however, W the modular system is not for me...
Any chance you make some mod, maybe similar? Can lay out what files the Board. I understand there are only scripts in the prescribed invasion?

One more thing I forgot to ask. If, for example, in the editor fields change, then how is the appearance of the character? Somewhere it is necessary to edit manually or is it automatic on randomly stavia?

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

I plan on doing the mod, although it says loudly - mod, just change a little the Sword of Damokless: replaced with the Imperials invading the Mongols (though the faces of them are European:)), will add new units and change the standard nativesa faction on Eastern European (just a new branch, the weapons and the title really drew attention that making a cheap version Rus 13), the map changed (although it can be fraught with the fact that the fraction of the invasion will not come).., in short, a purely cosmetic change. But there is no computer at hand, you can not move him. But will bring the computer, choose a time, and dig into the scripts, if you figure it out, then lay out these files. But it'll be easier to download this mod and try to change it by myself.
And female faces are placed randomly in ordinary units, I don't know about unique NPCs.

Svetloyar 24.07.20

Now did Reserv troops, I'll try to create something...
But there is still the question: the actual doing, for example, upgrades from the robbers and to.... However, on the map and will spawn exactly robbers in small batches. How to spawn upgradeany thieves, or at least increase the spawn ordinary thieves? (the idea is in the map editor you can set spawn). Still like the idea of the grade of robbers flawed and it is better to pay attention to mercenary troops. But here again the same trouble - you can hire recruits only male. Maybe then in taverns to replace any free men at arms in any kind of warriors? (I hope the tournaments won't be a problem because of the replacement?).
But there is still a logical problem: if you overdo it with gradom troops, then different types will not fit in the unit. How to remove or change the constraint on slots Otago? (they are like 38 default).
So, what really replaced without a modular system?

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

Tab party_templates can be controlled group of NPCs. There are asking the robbers ' needs fighters, and if we want prisoners. In the second post I gave some numbers of these groups. There is, I think, it is possible to stake up to six types of units can upgrading robbers to stick or give them commander. About respawn I do not know. In this same tab you can try to change the composition of the armies of lords and garrisons. The problem with the hiring of peasants can be solved if some bandits put in the squad a few peasants marked prisoner after the battle and will get them in the squad.

I don't know how to change NPCs in the tavern, I read, but it's such crap, so did not go there to climb. There's still sort through the in-game scene editor need to edit...

The limitation of 32 units, and I think this value does not change...

STALKER MiTricH 24.07.20

How to spawn upgradeany thieves, or at least increase the spawn ordinary thieves?

in theory this is simple via tripadisor....I did...just select the tab of robbers or pirates, and below put what you want....what you want quantity and quality and how to write SWAG them to give Mona and the commander of the firearms and even thou it should be....

Svetloyar 24.07.20

AU Amazi...what I brake something? Wanted Nordic warriors to do: replaced recruits Nords floor and be done with it... Now I will try... Balance is still important to follow...

To self: I must remember to increase the number of arrows and a hatchet for throwing, and a little unrealistic.

Svetloyar 24.07.20

Well, turns out pretty interesting (actually I thing))). The main thing now is not just to measure pussy on the battlefield, and have to put more heavy equipment.
However, there are some problems:
1) Not a problem, of course, but the warrior-level 36 requests 85 coins. Will have to raise fees for quests or cities...we need to remember where I saw it...
2) Also, it's not that problem, but purely aesthetically... Female recruits were shaved bald. How would they prichesochka to prescribe?
Well, besides try to make 3 branches of progress.

And here is another question: how to set the availability for firearms? Somewhere I saw the theme, but did not pay attention...Now hunting for folks to get to shoot. In addition to shamanism in aytim the editor need something to register?
By the way, and who are the dark knights? In the list,the game does not meet...

PS looks Like I do not otherwise create fashion rebalance)))

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

About firearms
Need the mods to add different types of muskets in the game. In the very same game from firearms only gun and bullets. On the troops tab in the add item window units the gun (things room 405) and bullets (cartriges - 126). Directly through itemeditor can improve weapons ' performance and include it in the sale...
You can of course in the same itemeditor to take a horse, add it to the musket type, the reload animation of the musket, out of harm's way off the display on the body of, well, anything, then take for example the infantry Pico to change its characteristics so that it becomes bullet (same animations, types, number of peak in the quiver) then save using tripadisor add this natural wonder to the inventory player. Then start a new game and if the game does not fly from the abuse of nature, the horse will be with smoke and the roar of vomit myself infantry spades... Although I never mocked the game, but in theory it is possible to provide soldiers with firearms)))

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

Oh, I almost forgot.
Dark knights met in early versions, now blocked, but not completely removed. Zombies also removed from the game, though there are third floor - undead, in one version of the game player, after you click end adventure automatically led the army of the dead.

Svetloyar 24.07.20

>Need the mods to add different types of muskets in the game.
Well, have to look... At least the model. Just managed to get grenades, so I think now: the Nords to turn into of women warriors, swadow further develop cavalry, and relative to do the infantry, including grenadiers and Fusiliers. Maybe Mishanina be released, but variety is guaranteed.
Now poroyus in the forums, I will be with family just to start (though check to begin with - to do or not).
Well, the question remains open: Women recruits were shaved bald. How would they prichesochka to prescribe?

>third floor - undead
I thought it was option not to dead soldiers)))
>Dark knights
Yes there is I saw in the editor behavior chtol... For mercenary troops 2, 3 for neutral, 5 for knights.

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

About women do not know where it changes.
There is still the option for immortality, she PS-travelers and of kings, also troubadore included. And undead is the gender of a character in Calradia men's, women's and gender dead)))
In the same fashion, added another one - Trolloc, in short it is a bipedal goat with a unique voice))

Svetloyar 24.07.20

How to set the sound to object?
Where you can tear off exactly the model of the musket?

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

The sounds of shooting in the game already.
Where to take the model of the musket do not know, look at rpmdb, maybe firearms vylazhivat separately

Svetloyar 24.07.20

>Firing sounds in the game already.
That's fine, but I need garnet for the sound to register. I'm not sure which parameter is responsible for combining...

Firearms, as I understand it - a gun. If we don't find the model of the musket, you can shred the crossbow, but again, the sound your want to enter...

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

Well, this is not me(( I and things from mod the mod have not figured out how to throw.
There is a mod China Battlefield, it has a variety of sounds of gunfire and grenades, including the effects of explosions. And among the cheap stuff is muskets. Well, many kinds of firearms: rifles, machine guns, pistols, machine guns, mortars, bayonets for rifles, etc. But the musket and the silicon gun will be there.

Svetloyar 24.07.20

Well, I'll try to pull out of fashion...at least we have to using that is...

vladekta 24.07.20

No problems

Yomen 24.07.20


Svetloyar 24.07.20

Curiously, but it is easier to create additional branches of development, rather than to alter the initial. For the initial class it is very difficult to pick up equipment. Visually it is not displayed in editora, and names can not be guided - Russian version. Have to open a lot of files...
On paper ready to branch swadow left to score the game and protest. Oh, sorry there is a table of items, and the file of Russification they are not numbered, newdbname just horror.

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

Yes, things are hard. After all, it is advisable to give one unit a few types of armor that the clones do not like, and it's a long time...
And with alteration lines take out a paper pen, write the old and new version, along with the English names of the desired objects. So still scribbling a lot.
I can advise to add new units prisoners in some weak gang. At the beginning of the game it will destroy and carry off the prisoners, and the next battle will review the appearance and weapons, and along the branches.