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S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20 09:31 pm

Editor units TroopEditor (Mount & Blade)

I propose to make a statement to Trapeziform to write all I know about him or ask questions, then draw it and post it to dox (eh... ambition then was)) ).
Be sure to make a backup copy of the edited file, just one extra character can prevent the game from starting, not to mention funny bugs
Manual is written for the original Mount and Blade in 2009, and author of a happy and outgoing student who wanted to help everyone, turned into a sad degrading lazy with a bunch of sores and long-standing systems, so I'm hardly in so many years will be able to answer questions on the editor, because I even forgot when the game was launched last time in this game to play, not to mention much about technical issues, better re-read the instruction and further discussion
For Warband almost all remains relevant
Only the editor is called Ashura's Mount & Blade WB/WFAS Editor functions much more http://rusmnb.ru/index.php?action=dldir;sa=details;lid=34
TroopEditor is editor custom units designed for editing of their characteristics (level, skills), equipment, branch development, etc. To start, write how they can use it (I write only what I know myself , I would be grateful if you add more, but the use of materials from other non-official sites for the game without the consent of their authors, will not be personally on the forum rpmdb register and inquire whether there was consent )
Let's start.
Start the editor. In the line Folder are paving the path to the folder with the module and select the module (you can select a folder with Nativo, you can select another mod, but now I will talk about Native. So, the folder with the module selected, look in the upper left corner, there is the string Filename with a drop-down list. Choose there Troops.txt
Look: there is absolutely all kinds of units in the game (618 names, some not used) .We start the analysis with the King Aripeka (room 182 in the list of Troop List.
So the King Aropec, its characteristics are: level(level) 41, strength(str) 20, agility(agi) 20 intelligence(int) 15, charisma(cha) 25. Below are the levels of gun ownership and skills. In the window below (Items) can be seen his stuff, you can get something to remove or add their own. You can now raise or lower its characteristics, things will change in the game. Upgrade Path to use can be bugs.
Now select the number 34 - Swadesi recruit. Branch Upgrade Path he is 35 swadesi militia, that is, when a recruit of the 4th level reaches level 9, it will offer to increase opolchentsa, then moving on to the next required level will have a choice between a Rifleman and infantryman. The shooter will only improve and infantry then you can leave a grunt or make a cavalryman. These branches can be changed, for example adding to a recruit an additional branch, for example a mercenary can do it with time to turn into a sister of the sword. Warning: it is essential that the next soldier in the line was above the level of the previous, otherwise the improvement may not happen.
Wrote it is unclear, if anything, better ask, and while some lists in Troop List
0 - our hero, the characteristics of change is pointless, but added things will be added to the beginning of the game.
26 - 32 range of mercenaries
34 - 43 ruler swadow
48 - 57 line Bagirov
62 - 67 range kergitab
72 - 80 line of Nords
85 - 93 the list of folks
98 - 104 bandits
164 - 179 Satellites
181 - 285 kings and lords
The rest are guildmaster, merchants, caravans, peasants, elders, Tantony, Cerini, different coaches, in General, all those who you encounter in my travels.
Another point: when you change the unit, be sure to click the UPDATE button, otherwise nothing will be saved, then at the end of the shenanigans, click SAVE.
Another thing: in the Items, you can add any NPC a gun, he in the window under number 405, and the bullets under number 126.
Then tell about the fraud with the file party_templates.txt. Huge request knowledgeable people to point out errors and add to it.
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Svetloyar 24.07.20

> Because of one unit, it is desirable to give a few types of armor that the clones are not like
Yes, how to say... lack of troops, armour for a specific class as it identifies and distinguishes the group from others. In addition, it allows you to give different Nations is not a duplicate uniform.
>And with alteration lines take out a paper pen, write the old and new version, along with the English names of the desired objects
The same garbage, but not all topics are translated into English.
>At the beginning of the game it will destroy and carry off the prisoners, and the next battle will review the appearance and weapons, and along branches
So you don't have to do))

Svetloyar 24.07.20

Tried it, waste is not liked. Still rules the one with the shield and fast weapons. Other equipment and the level of influence is small. Curious, but what pikemen (and other long weapons) heavily armored as regular laborovaya soldiers, with the task of confronting the cavalry doing the same; namely, take a number. That ordinary recruits that heavy spearmen wait until the cavalry is not mired in the infantry. But mitovica latter clearly lose a shield you can hide. And those and others noticed the love for the contact battle, because to remove the rider on the approach of the spearmen do not know (and if it's small damage from this type of weapons?).
Although maybe I do not understand.
It remains an option, it seems, only to develop some of the available warriors in mega cool.

Probably just stupidity to give one of the fighters two-handed axe. This is a powerful weapon capable to break the skull despite the helmet. Moreover, the attack from the second row of the field, behind the line of shields. However, in the game they are bursting ahead of the rest and aim to hit the enemy at close range.Needless to say about the effectiveness of this technique. Yes, it is possible to issue a second weapon, but I didn't bring variety to all with swords ran...

Oh and added:
And maybe what is not boring mod with normal Russification, supporting change a file (including installation graphical mode)? It would correct itself and all. And then there is that made the folks and all, peace and quiet, and to do nothing.

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

In native spikes, spears and other long weapons are very weak. The rebalance is bergitska pikemen, which quickly destroy the riders there and the spear is much more powerful and skill Polearms have high. So I suggest to increase chaacteristic two-handed weapons, and toporikom to reduce athletics to run slower defenders.

Svetloyar 24.07.20

In General thought and thought and decided to finish svadov. Now testing. It is noteworthy that the mounted spearmen come out of the battle after the convergence, and strike when they cover the horse swordsmen (from swadow now two branches of the riders). Although crossbowmen of svadi lost, Luke has added some infantry, but to use them they refuse (it's true - not overlooki; but even so, while the enemy away, why not use?). Troops are now similar to the troops, not the rabble who-what.
The crossbows will have to modify the reload speed kills, even damage that is not save. We should add halitsky bows, but not many.
Also noted the low efficiency of two-handed weapons for the infantry. After the increase in damage is not so sour, opponents once again think before going under blow substituted.
Had to give up Hiking kind Gergiev. Hashishin will not work, the engine prohibits the use of two daggers as weapons, and to solve this problem, the grass has not yet delivered.
Well grenadiers to give the parents did not.
In General, the rebalance is going well, you have to make a few edits, including to increase the experience to get new level (in principle and sought, and the ragged quickly flashed, quickly to be replaced by normal troops, but for a single battle to educate the farmer to the military case is impossible).

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

To shoot with bows and arrows guaranteed to be in the corpse, underneath the list of troops, it is necessary to galochku supply (can't remember what the name of the item), then the unit will be considered an Archer. At guns are not affected, I remember distributed to the peasants pistols, still shmalyaet, though not all were. And another case may be that due to the generation of items from a list of available unit may not be arrows. So they need to give one type of knives, bow and arrows.

Svetloyar 24.07.20

Interesting generation))
Item like ranged is called. Here the point is that it men with serious glands will make in this class. I'm afraid that they will stand post and stand, but as the enemy at close range fit - their derevkova axes will be waving))) However, if you raise a polearm infantry, no archers, too, will not be noticeable. Moreover, as I said above, I've swadow 2 types of cavalry.

Corrected branch looked. Better. By the way, the riders dismantled almost all of the frags, the infantry was otavalos only leftovers, because they pulled Luke (who was) and even began to shoot. However, the accuracy left much to be desired, but the fact(!).

If you make the bandits levels of development, how to get them pumped? Or how to post a map to the new unit?

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

Bandits you pumped will not keep as in party_templates recorded the squad, so he will. So you add a couple of other units in troop.txt create a branch development and prescribe all the units of this branch in party_templates (6 types of units you can put in the squad, more branch of the bandits do not make sense). A new group of units can only be created through a modular system, edit manually a long, difficult and cause a bunch of bugs.
When creating a new unit, then it needs to be, in any case not in the middle, and at the top change the total number of units, and then polivaetsya a lot. And that at me because there was a glitch when the caravan guard was a peasant, commanded the steppe bandit. Read the story, when the kings Yarovikov commanded Nizar.

NightHawkreal 24.07.20

The misalignment most of all goes to typically Harmakosu.)))

I have the Luthors were a bunch of castle guards, headed by swedisk knight.

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

And that, the usual corps of raubritter)) Although there is a knight with an armed entourage, it is commonplace))

NightHawkreal 24.07.20

Well, not the knight money, collected the guards, and... to work )))

But when the wedding dance to GG for the wedding fell the character, which turns Gerlacus....

Svetloyar 24.07.20

Have very complicated) Sorry new troops, bummer, have to redo there...

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

I now change the branches of all the factions in Vogue sword of damokless, change Imperials equipment, such invading Mongols, still have until the end to figure out how to change the party lords and garrisons.
While redid three of the gang, the sea robbers have added branches - archers, more powerful infantry and Berserkers (Though I have them turned out terribly strong); the mountain robbers remade completely, now in the unit of 10-15 raubritter in heavy armor, 15-20 and 20-30 armigero bollards with Polearms, and Luthor became the sacred Inquisition: 1 very strong Inquisitor, 5-10 knights, guards of the Inquisitor (the Inquisitor and his guards in black armor) and two types of crossbowmen (with light and medium weapons and armor). Expect the inquisitors to tweak the dialogue. The other two gangs added leaders and has had few units.
Now testing mercenaries, instead of 9 they are now 20, added branch of archers; added another crossbowman at the end of the branch; added two heavy horsemen at the end of the cavalry line, the infantry got razvedenie - one branch goes to two-handed weapons (late pikeman and Alemannic), the other to one-handed (at the end of a fighter with a shield - reinforced mercenary blade, only in the weapons list added maces and one-handed axes) two-handed (at the end of the marine in light armor with two-handed sword). Now look at their gear, what and where to change. And the glitch with the prices appeared - a mercenary knight in connection with the increased level 71 requires a penny a week, and the next unit in the development branch somehow requires a total of 60 dinars, although at a higher level.

Lysyy Drakon 24.07.20

Tell me if you add, say, a branch of mercenaries another branch, some heavy cavalry, not whether it will cause bugs? I.e. to the penultimate horse mercenaries had the opportunity to develop not only the coolest mercenary horsemen, but even some other. Don't need to be to start after this change the game? Play Sword of Damоcles - Invasion.

And yet - where you can change the value of the content? And it hurts so hired riders road...

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

To bugs was not necessary after adding a new unit to change the total number of units in troops.txt that has always been compliance. And preferably new units to add to the end of the list. To start a new game required.
The cost of maintenance don't know how to change it, but it depends on the level. For example the knight 50 level is worth 91 coins. Mercenaries usually are more expensive.

Maksimimilyan 24.07.20

I propose to do and the manual for the equipment for the Troop Editorа. But it is not really in a rush to constantly start a new game to see how it looks on the new grunt armor or helmet. Preferably with screenshots and English.

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

Who should they open the translation file things and put what you need. More importantly, just to put to not reminiscent of the clone wars. And ticks do not forget to place. It is much easier than to prescribe the numbers of things manually, songwriter or via modelco. And in any case will have to start a new game in order to check all this.
But please, no one bothers you. Just keep in mind that the number of things in fashion exceeds 600 units, the screenshots will make it very problematic. And English it from English-speaking users would not read one, but the English do not understand. Success won't wish for on this forum suggested creating fashion and even Ukrainian translation, but none of the projects not yet finished, the authors just bored something to do, no perseverance.

Maksimimilyan 24.07.20

S. A. V. E. I. G., and more Importantly to put to not reminiscent of the clone wars.
No, on the contrary. Clone wars helps to distinguish one state from the other.
PS I offered to make this manual because I have some units (Not individual soldiers) had received the same or armor (On the torso), or the same equipment (General).

Svetloyar 24.07.20

>I propose to do and the manual for the equipment for the Troop Editorа
Unlikely to be very dreary.
>More importantly just to put to not reminiscent of the clone wars.
In my opinion it is better to make each unit unique, it is strange to see the army as. Except for the gun, but there are strictly necessary for the har-Ki watch.

Maksimimilyan 24.07.20

Here's a useful reference for Troop Editora. To help select equipment for the soldiers.
Weapons: http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Mount%26Blade/Weapons
Shields: http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Mount%26Blade/Shields
Armor: http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Mount%26Blade/Armor
Horses: http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Mount%26Blade/Horses
Question: is it possible to register the soldiers and at the same time crushing and weapons of war so they used them at the same time and by order changed?

S.V.A.E.I.G. 24.07.20

Teoreticheski you can, but don't know how it will look. Most likely the soldiers will be one type of weapon: combat maces. For cavalry with long budgets, the case is easy, because they are simultaneously the peak and other weapons, but for infantry that does not work.