drawdown fps (Battlefield 1)
so after the round is played the change card , and always there is a drawdown fps , should relogate the game and everything is fine . The battle goes on the ultra, cleaning the computer . Even the antivirus deleted anyway why in the second round is for the drawdown fps . Only helps relog gameI read the topic , and I want to say that the drawdown fps only after a map change . If I'm with ultra on minimal all the same . Should relogate all work perfectly
In the sense of recogniti? Profile to re-login or something?
I have like crap. The single is great, just flies on the ultra. And the multiplayer on some maps lag wildly.
Strel Ok
Yes relog games do completely along with the release of origin and come again , then with fps it's all right
On my duryagina procedure was not , not freezes , no crashes, just bottlenecking and 30 fps, has helped to raise , in the advanced settings to put the performance of services running in the background and task Manager to put priority бф1 on low, now with 50+ fps, but when downloading a file podaci appear friezes, before that they were not