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z_sail 25.07.20 09:11 pm

Skyrim is a disappointment (The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim)

First impression was that the game would be a perfect 10 out of 10.
But with the passage of the second time realized that it is crude and half-assed.
No memorable characters, dull gameplay, and epic invasion of the brothers tempest in Whiterun at all amused, monotonous caves.
Perhaps the best in the game is dragons and the world itself. But all that inhabits this world is dull and boring.
Especially this feeling is increased as you progress through the Witcher 2 and comparing these games.
One can see that the creators of the Witcher have thought through every detail, every corner, the plot is just like the movie! Atmospheric toy.
PS And you were disappointed? You still cheated? For me Oblivion better than Skyrim.
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danilukHF 25.07.20

What do you want in the 2nd time to pass this need a strong stomach to have at least I year 2 forward to forgotten.

The_apathy 25.07.20

no one said that the Region is better than Sky,I only said about the Guild.

z_sail 25.07.20

the fool

z_sail 25.07.20

the fool

usoid 25.07.20

By the way, very mnogie on another began to look at the region after the release of Skyrim. The area is really closer to Mork than Skye. Skye finally from Drogo Opera and other principles are built. Many are simply thrown away. And the introduction of innovations sometimes controversial and seem unnecessary and redundant.

Nixard 25.07.20

Well, in General, there is a theme already revealed. But still I will add.
I agree with the fact that, as mentioned above, Skyrim is an open-world where you can go absolutely anywhere, limited only by the fact that the character can't climb like an assassin, but only jumps. (Sorry, of course, that unlike Morra, Obly, it does not bleed acrobatics, athletics, rukopashku, mysticism, etc. But in every branch skills have perks that I really liked.)
As for the comparison game with the Witcher... I only played the Second part, and I'll tell you: playing the Witcher, I felt a little cramped. Then the ledge will not jump, to jump back, you need to search for a specific point where you can climb/climb. Then pumping skills. Well, somehow does not appeal after Skyrim, where the skills out as you use them. Of course, the Witcher gives you good skills, but choose them yourself... somehow not original already. Yes God with them, with the skills as they say the taste and color...
Now about the camera. Dialogues of the Witcher really is more dynamic. But the game itself weighs quite a lot. I believe that it is because of them (+the engine) and it weighs at my 29Гб. This is given the fact that the Witcher consists of a Prologue and Three big locations assigned to chapters. Now imagine if Skyrim had the same conversations with different actions, gestures, turns of the camera... Every detail is prescribed a certain script, each replica is a sound file, which for me as a non-programmer person, glued to any character MIIIIINE way)))))) Elkin horse, Yes, Skyrim would be under 200 Gigs would weigh!
So for me the sky and Wish completely different games and I get the same pleasure from the passage of both one and the other.

INjektion 25.07.20

Someone here said they say the dullness of the characters,the cave,secondary jobs are all sins of the genre.Nothing of the sort.Take Gothic 1-2.Cloud characters with their personalities(a lot of them and they are not similar to one another, they are all like the living-and there are no cinematic cutscenes and super duper facial expressions for example),lots of interesting jobs and a great sandbox.And in all conversations of the game what is soulless work.They are always a good idea-the dark brotherhood there,the dragons,the civil war,the quest for a serial killer,and the implementation of the HS.Of course for those who never seen Готику1-2, Skyrim-Фолл3 that the standards of the genre,and of course they are happy it will play.
The developers understand this very well..well, what for them to try..?Conversation makes the game not for the sake of art or from the excitement of some of the scrolls..the usual conveyor zasilania the dough on a well-known brand.

I'm not arguing.The game is very beautiful scenery,nice music.But that's all.Unfortunately I can't close the eye on scenes with no hint of intrigue,the clouds repetitive tasks in the spirit of Diablo or Sacred,dummy ops do not cause any feelings ,for all as one-2-3 lines of words and farewell to the almost complete absence of the beloved choice(only the civil war and all...).

MunchkiN 616 25.07.20

in Skyrim I was disappointed with the graph control and woodenness years.
and so the game rules. although you can play it a year later.

Dr.Kostet 25.07.20

All the time,
But to each his own:
Rider - stirrup
Hunter - gun

Alice MR 25.07.20

What I didn't like? - The linearity of the moral aspects of the game and, as a result, great imbalances of the foundations of GG.
First, this hitrozh( )Pai garter free choice for compulsory execution. For example: the only way to identify the Stone of Barenziah is to become a member of GW - the latest bastards of Skyrim. Or this: (in any way) a runaway orphan get us a ticket to TB!.. Winterholiday, Associates and other factions of Skyrim is one worse than the other! Where not credited - directly to the forehead sucker and the back - six. The impression that they themselves developed forgotten about our origins, not to mention the jarls and other powers. Depresses me immortality geeks and mortality on important nps. Example: I came to Riverwood - came a dragon. Had ass handed to whole village. Ran the blacksmith, began to fight him and, in consequence, died. Thought next-day rise again. - Hell! Been here for two weeks. Left a widow and a blacksmith, sawing! But the members of GW that I want to cut since the first meeting - the immortal! Alas, this is not the only example((. Chasing Altmark... the Game puts the choice of either a BB or the Imperials. Vanity against bootlicking. Went to whore for the Imperials because they are whores of the Aldmer. Where the army of the dominion? Met people their embassies. After a brief dialogue I had to kill everyone not recognize me Altmer. Now, at every meeting, find the bodies of orders of type: Anariel, ~25, dangerous enemy, fell without warning class((! But I'm for them((... Moved to the Rogue, but they could not(. In Skyrim I lacked such itself, independent of dependence. And to serve, and, if anything, to behead. The dialogues are not enough phrases like: - fuck you nah... or Go to W( )PU, deity! The limited internal diplomacy and the scarcity of moral choice not to match the epic vastness of Skyrim.

RBR1 25.07.20

There is a little.

Pavlinho 25.07.20

Wrote a lot about it,I will write again - in fact for 2011 is worthless,because you have a lot to Fight,so to work out the interview we had a call,they came up with animation,beautiful course for the first time,but not on the twentieth.

KIRGO 25.07.20

After SKYRIM, other games - stone age (except for Gothic 1 and 2) of course!!!! And, play have Skyrim on ultra settings and high-quality hardware, then there will be some mega-Giga =))) Control in Skyrim - simply nowhere, and the play should be not below the level of EXPERT. If the Witcher is to say, it sucks the second Witcher, the first a bit better, but both of them Kaka is shorter and not subject to discussion)))

PS Aftor theme - shkolota!!!!=))) Such topics are usually created by people who can not complete the game or the hardware is not at the level of the game, or just a bunch of clowns cheap for example!!!=)))

deleteprofilenaydalenie21 25.07.20

The author, you will never understand the atmosphere of Skyrim. Skyrim for the Nords!

KIRGO 25.07.20

So it is with everyone who loves Skyrim!


DrGaspar 25.07.20

In Skyrim, in my opinion, there is nothing except the graphics and a large game world. The characters are miserable and napaimiut holdalls; the fight will be extremely boring with a complete lack of entertainment and functions; quests are pretty soulless and execute them there is no desire (especially the quests of the guilds, that's really where the mess hall is full); the balance is totally absent, already at ~50-m level is boring to play even on master. In General the game resembles a fake candy wrapper beautiful, but inside...candy. To play, of course, quite possible, but the same Oblivion is made me much more positive emotions.

RBR1 25.07.20

About 50 level exactly said.
Here I, for example, a character 40 LVL - has only the steel weapons and fur armor (the truth and - pumped to the level of Legendary) - makes any enemy with one, so to speak, of the uppercut, as long as the enemy, including even the highest draugr, though the dragon priest does not cause any impact.
Playing on Expert, it would seem, should have been harder, but... I don't think anything changes on the Master.

KIRGO 25.07.20


You fashion download, do all the POUM and will be CHA - peel, already in legendary armor from dragon scales - current path!!! and, if we add effort to complete all other job - that's when I will laugh!!!=)))))))))))))

As, on account of drenching, so all her fans for this and love that there is a fashion sextillion and so on. and TP and other Labuda type .... that spicy saumaise, where the SPIRIT of SKYRIM, and pure zabalaoui of pornogay our great!!!!

Get all brand fashion\patches and leave the game like they developed have made and I am more than confident that SKUROV - only - NORDS!!!!

RBR1 25.07.20

As, on account of drenching, so all her fans for this and love that there is a fashion sextillion and so on. and TP and other Labuda type
It's not true.

patlatyy govnar 25.07.20

hmm. I hated this game as a continuation of the dull oblivion and not any I morovinda. but in times of beshara I month and a half ago, put it on the PC itself. the first time was almost hooting in places of pleasure, as well as a little pouspokoilsya I found everything that was hated in previous installments. and for the second time it does not want to go. the most interesting thing in the game is the thieves Guild and dark brotherhood, everything else has a story so disgusting that KJV=to minute not want to. the main dragon is ridiculous nonsense. about the people's war, too, is essentially nonsense, but then I quietly passed (like just to come and clean up). searching for dungeons at first seemed interesting. to the first Dwemer ruins... my verdict the game is the same Kal disposable like all the previous games in the series