Can't find a game? You here!
I've seen a lot of forums, asked where to find the game. Let us create one? Let all who need help in finding the game, writes here!How to apply you ask? Very simple - I will answer you!
1) approximate year of issue(or when you played it)
2) the game Genre
3) Description
If any item is don't know/don't remember, feel free to skip! But at least some description is a must!
Will start first, in my topic :D
1) Played 7-8 years ago(Maybe more)
2) rpg/action
3) I Know that it is possible to customize your character(like race is, if I'm not mistaken). You show up... that's going to fight... something happens... you Wake up in some building(or not building), but there are a lot of characters. You appear in the cage... up to you talking(you Can choose the answers to the questions. To engage in dialogue). You loose and you're running around, performing tasks. You can buy armor, weapons. There is magic. Manna of life.