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annortheone 26.07.20 11:12 pm

PVP LADDER (Diablo 2)

1. First of all who wants to participate writes in PM on the forum his accounts with pvp characters that he is going to get fair pvp, indicating their buildup. Approx.: *akk1; nickname; bone necromancer (the table will be a corresponding reduction bnec).

2. After such registration, these players have the data will fall in the ladder list in the following form:

3. Duels are Softcore Expansion.

4. All participants will have zero wr,% against the other builds in the ladder until he can play a duel with them.

5. Index wr,% specific duel will be based on the number of unique meetings. This means, if player 1 played against player 2 build at least 1000 times, but it is not played against the same builds in the ladder as the player 2, the resulting wr,% this duel will be averaged with the others have not played to avoid calculating the rating, only one frags. Thus, a particular duel in equal measure will affect the calculation of wr,%.

6. To play runes or other in-game values — driven players. To publish data of players in the leaderboard need mutual consent of both parties before the duel and the inclusion of the moderator fair pvp. This is in order to rule out fan duel from games on rating.

7. In order to avoid the so-called vifromline on nubah, that is, when one player intentionally gives in to others, it is proposed to introduce the lower threshold total win rate (twr,%), below which if the first is to get (less than 2% for example), then duel with him the other members of the ladder will just be deducted and not to influence their wr% and such a player will remain statistics of played duels. The lower threshold of the twr is set by the moderator of the ladder.

8. All data of played duels sent by the moderator, fair moderator of the pvp ladder, and in turn, the moderator of the ladder publishes it.


9. Because non-ladder characters to intersect with the ladder can't in some games and for some players, time consuming and there is no desire to gather again the characters for pvp, there is a proposal to conduct parallel 2 League: landernau and non-ladder. If reset PvM-the ladder, the ladder characters from League just moved to non-ledgernew taking into account all dialed frags, but counted afresh indicators wr%, taking into account the existing players accounts in a non-ladder League.

10. Expressed the idea of automation of conducting very difficult and costly to implement, and the result of the neglect by the administration intervention in the subject of this topic, her need only the attraction of the moderators fair games.

Add v.1.3
This will certainly be useful to know players interested in how this will work in General, including, and materiel to this idea. Let us examine some of the controversial issues:

11. Mirrorwriting
For example, in the ladder created 4 players who have coldsore (csor) with nicknames in the table below. The first number is the number of won duels against the player in the column, the second - total number of played duels against him.

Buildup one, respectively, as it will be considered, you ask? Very simply, it will be calculated taking into account the arithmetic mean, for example, we count on the wr coldsore against coldsores player cold_one:

wr% cold_one (vs csor) = ((5/11)+(7/21)+(4/7))/3*100% = 45,31%
Can see that the number of duels is not the deciding factor in counting, play at least 1000 times against one player of the same build will not give special advantages. Therefore, to set the overall rating, as mentioned, you need to play a lot of different duels.

12. Inactivity/deliberate draining of the rating
Suppose again that the player cold_four zaregalsya to the ladder, but didn't play any duel. The accumulation of all data of played duels all players zeros that player will be considered, and, therefore, slightly reduce the overall ratings of the other players. But due to the fact that the ladder will be updated periodically, this player will not be removed from the ladder, and just be paused, that is, in the future nick will be grayed out, i.e. marked as inactive and zeros on the calculation of rating other players temporarily will not affect. The player can remedy this situation, playing a duel against every other player in the ladder and in the future he will be able to fully participate in the rating.
Let us examine the situation where a player deliberately gives in to others, to increase the rating of the others. In this case, if it will be observed, given the fact that it will have too low rating (close to zero), it will also be paused, but a different color. The player can remedy this situation, but he will need to play a greater number of duels to get a plus. As you can see, doing this the player will be very inconsistent if he pleases again to climb the stairs of the ladder your character (this will be difficult).

13. Counting the total (TWR%) winrate
This figure is based on previous winrate xx,xx% against every build and will also be averaged. TWR% will be equal to the sum of all wr% (the table is xx,xx%) divided by the number of different delay, which will determine the players that fill the ladder. If you don't count the mirror of the duel, then the denominator is subtracted 1 when calculating.

14. The solution to the problem with a passive game
Then either leave as is, either of the following:
Solarpoolheater duel remains a classic - 5 minutes on 1 fighting game. No arrestov and other locations to replay. If a duel lasts more than 5 minutes, it can peregrevaetsya 1 time in the same location and if it is not known the result of the duel, then pasewada side on the decision of the moderator shall count or loss or such a duel will simply not be taken into account. Thus, both parties will be interested in timing the end of the duel.
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bd_sm[TDPG] 26.07.20

I would like to see an example where I have something mangled. Give only direct quotations and copy-paste

don't like to discuss — not discuss, ignore fears is that you mentioned hysterical (negative)

I never mentioned a very unique duel. Under the optimization of the pair meeting in one of the posts above I was only talking about duels between different characters of the two nonunique participants, to improve the accuracy view, which will give them a TOTAL boost

once you write about the rise of the uniques in this way, then it is likely that you did not understand what was meant.

I'm not lazy, although it is getting a little old, to once again draw this to your attention:

I do NOT mean vifromline one pair of duels until blue in the face, only a moron would do such a rating at least somewhere.
Of course, the rating should be based on the unique duels, I sympathize with you, and it would be nonsense to do otherwise.

That's what me annoying:
Drawing Parallels between pvm and pvp ladder, and there are those who wish to ascend will either until you're blue to spend time to farm mobs (pvm ladder), or spending time on unique duel (pvp ladder)

the parallel between the farm 99 and the evidence that you are top in pvp in terms of time — crazy.

Let's figure out one moment. Small. It will clarify our discussion, and he needs it. Says a lot of words, but, apparently, we have each other so normal and not heard.

If one of the players spent a LOT of duels and scored a LOT of credits (be it win rate, points, bonuses, or something else that characterizes the position), the duel with THIS player noname certain that you just registered in the ladder will you GIVE him a LOT of the same conditional points (in case of victory), or it will not differ from the duels played with any other participant in the ladder?

bd_sm[TDPG] 26.07.20

That is, a duel *with Roses since necro, launched the ladder, give the same raise to twr, as the duel with named a roundup of the top ten leaderboard? You plan to do?

QLinkee 26.07.20

That is enough to win 1 duel vs each class and have zashkalivalo win rate?

QLinkee 26.07.20

I didn't say it was easy. I the fact want to find out whether it is possible to do so.

yamas 26.07.20

arcega not seen?

bd_sm[TDPG] 26.07.20

I'm going to ask a few questions and ask you to answer on them and not on something else.

1. Are you going to list builds that can participate in the ladder?
1.1 (1 if not, then don't answer) How are you going to do when someone leaves unspecified you build?

2. How will you deal with the situation, when to offset winrate against a specific Assembly is selected to a weaker enemy, is conquered, and as a result has a win rate against this build 100%, which is more updated will not mean ignore the other participants?
2.1 If you think that scenario 2 is impossible, don't answer 2 and describe why is impossible. I see you said that it will be very popular.

3. How to account for different characters of the same master?
3.1 If just as the various participants in the ladder, just say so, don't answer that deployed in 3.

4. How will you deal with the situation when the noob Carl gets a Buzz to wear Sorka for small to register in the ladder, to go into a duel with my necro, to cast the EU on 1 level, to give my necro a 100% win rate against the EU, and happily continue playing on your mephala? Explain that to me hum just do not mind for 100% winrate with necro against the EU.

bd_sm[TDPG] 26.07.20

1. To stretch an owl on the globe is sometimes possible. Accepted.

2. In the conventional ladder hundreds of participants. Someone will score on it, someone will be online rarely, someone will Troll fathers ignore to their percentage began to appear. How you will deal with all this?

3. To account for these statistics. Bipartite too. Let wins the strongest and the smartest. I do not mind. Interested for your reference only. Accepted.

4. Accepted.

go to answer 2

bd_sm[TDPG] 26.07.20

Let's first suppose that tarasek at all. Problems and without bulk. Let's assume that everything is more or less normally dressed, so at hand would have a significant chance at victory. How do you solve the problem indicated in 2?

bd_sm[TDPG] 26.07.20

The proposal here is simple — to make the bar lower twr is relative. For symmetry, also the top.
Example — *Papa with twr 80% permitsa or bend only players who have twr from 70% to 90%. *Noober with twr 55% permitsa can either be done with only players from 45% to 65%.
In repeated duels between two players their wr pair is considered separately, and reported in twr as one meeting (though they play tyschschu times). General statistics otdelnogo of the player begin to show only after a set of a fixed number unique games (WoT, for example, a hundred). Boost to twr wr to a separate Assembly only be considered after a set of a fixed number unique games against this build.

The whole recruitment process is fully memorize how in the log and in the database. With the passage of a certain amount of time after each duel, subtract it from the overall rating of this player is obsolete — we have only fresh ladder. Period ask, for example, as 30-60-90 (to taste) days.

You need to carefully choose the official builds, not to prevalencethe some of them potential ottara twr. Example:
If the Assembly Bonera divided by NvD NvC, NvA, NvN, NvS, and EU Sorka only to share BES, FES and LES, then either of forty will receive a priori a big boost from victory over all the five necrosarcoma, touch 1-2 arkabarka. Makes sense MB even only to share classes, leaving the Assembly at the discretion of the players (but then OFC has its disadvantages).

The case is complicated, but we have made significant progress.

add to Add a charge for the participants of the ladder, all of the duel (e.g. runes) with Modera must be taken into account in the ladder if you are twr requirement. Rationale — want to find out who is steeper with an official guarantee of results — be ready for the official records of the results.

add by the Way, it is possible to introduce a rating anal around the server auto-registration of the characters at creation. But 1) requires a large staff of pvp modders, 2) required software, 3) FIRC it will never go.

bd_sm[TDPG] 26.07.20

It's not shit, as an example, though absurd. Illustration of the fact that we must think before you enter a new Assembly.

*Noober — abstract a noob. No one in particular had.

bd_sm[TDPG] 26.07.20

So be it.

For the top 20 of the leaderboard to lead the red table games with each other. The distribution in the header was also consistent with the ratio of their forces, and was not the result of any inventions by vifromline from common table. In other words, you had to invent a way in which the first place, Signori other members of the top twenty, even if that dude really shreds the rest of serv. So top 20 was a special area, the condition for being in which let it be twr, and the specific position is determined by duels with other pretty boys. A special area with other rules.

RainInTheNight 26.07.20

Well, you've been written. And pvp will come 1.5 persons.

p.s. 1e played for not one person but two. There are two different Akka 1e.

bd_sm[TDPG] 26.07.20

Like mad naruzhnoi option, with a bunch of cons, but forming a real process of foaming and floating to the top candidates in the tops — automatic recording frags stupid stupid games console fair, stupid Rega of participants upon entrance to it. All the problems of this impingement on the fan to solve the postmoderation — that is, any naughty fair fair participant receives a banana and a real opportunity to fly out of the ladder. For all that will emerge above a certain threshold twr can already undertake a systematic moderskuyu duel with moderskuyu control and moderskuyu reports. In the bottom as possible the way to consider the build and the classes that it is easier in technical implementation, the time modders, provides any flow of participants and does not harm the idea of the ladder.

You can allow permitsa on the bottom above 60%, and consider the results with reasonable statistical significance, the threshold of which you can set on the General interest in the games fair. That is, if in an average week in the fair go 1000 unik characters, it is required to account for the importance of winrate will be higher than if I went only 100.

add the Implementation depends on the chosen design. What I write in this post can be implemented only with the support of the administration, which is fair pvp does not like like the idea. Possible implementation:
1) Moderskuyu reports form. To make a web page with form and admission to the modders feir. Probility it also button to load the posts with the complaints of the players. This will provide a relatively rapid filling of the reports modernization and their further automatic analysis and accounting, as well as adding to this stream of complaints, with automatic compliance. The weight — average. Cost — 15-70 rubles, if you order on the side. Problem — to create in fact the linked sites, or accounting robattle.
2) Implementation of the bottom, with subsequent integrations and pratapa top moder. Can be realized only with tight support alera. To write software to parse the stream of kills in pvp games it is not a problem. Page for modders to robattle he was also gash in the state, and quickly. The severity is extremely high. The cost is 0. Problem — will have to try VERY hard to keep him interested.
3) Given all the stuff manually on the home computer modders, or in their private network. About the same as 1, but without the flood of complaints that will go to the forum. The severity is high. The cost is the same as in 1. The problem is to unite the modders in this network without the ads on PG.
4) Passive moder in the game fair with special software. Special software on modernizing tracks entering the game for new players, check in the machine, their armor through fair opportunities for modders, records of classes, their registration. Keeps score of kills, and MB of complaints data spec team chat. To provide the interconnect between the various modders for the General accounting of the results. The severity is very high. The cost is 0. The problem is the cheat to interest the administrator of a resolution of modernizing this softiny. To interest me to write this softiny. To order on the side for reasonable loot doesn't look possible — authors will have to dig into the engine D2.
5) Modernizing the Martians. Account for all manual, or software, nahravanie in MS Excel. The posting results in a thread in the forum in the form of nice pictures and graphs. The severity is an unknown. The cost of the soul. The problem is to find the Martians, in addition to himself.

bd_sm[TDPG] 26.07.20

the small number of participants is bullshit for them not to start
moreover, they will be much more interesting tournament than playing king of the mountain for a stool

anyway, for a large number of participants I wrote down everything I could think of

T-Fox 26.07.20

Let's first suppose that tarasek at all.
And I would have played tarascou, it's fun.

yok0o 26.07.20

znayu v esku talrawke kotoraya > 90% pg

Archon Guard 26.07.20

I tried to read delicious, but very long, now I understand those who are in my themes about innovation nichrome not read, but only argued

in General, it's all over you know what - NOTHING IS DONE

T-Fox 26.07.20

Well, you can play and carrascoy, is unlikely to rise above the threshold of the twr to duel with you was read.

In this attitude I expect when playing tal raška. The more you underestimate the enemy, the sweeter the victory over him.

firkax 26.07.20

Very interesting to watch as a cocky player who started playing in the just ended season, teaches a much more experienced player and also a moderator of fair pvp, game pvp.

firkax 26.07.20

I started playing since the beginning of 2013 So don't talk about things you don't know.
that's what I said, if you haven't noticed
the beginning of 2013 that just ended, 23.03.2012-05.06.2015

had no difficulties to understand the mechanics of the game
and about it I wrote - a cocky player

well, silly insults to my character I will not comment