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annortheone 26.07.20 11:12 pm

PVP LADDER (Diablo 2)

1. First of all who wants to participate writes in PM on the forum his accounts with pvp characters that he is going to get fair pvp, indicating their buildup. Approx.: *akk1; nickname; bone necromancer (the table will be a corresponding reduction bnec).

2. After such registration, these players have the data will fall in the ladder list in the following form:

3. Duels are Softcore Expansion.

4. All participants will have zero wr,% against the other builds in the ladder until he can play a duel with them.

5. Index wr,% specific duel will be based on the number of unique meetings. This means, if player 1 played against player 2 build at least 1000 times, but it is not played against the same builds in the ladder as the player 2, the resulting wr,% this duel will be averaged with the others have not played to avoid calculating the rating, only one frags. Thus, a particular duel in equal measure will affect the calculation of wr,%.

6. To play runes or other in-game values — driven players. To publish data of players in the leaderboard need mutual consent of both parties before the duel and the inclusion of the moderator fair pvp. This is in order to rule out fan duel from games on rating.

7. In order to avoid the so-called vifromline on nubah, that is, when one player intentionally gives in to others, it is proposed to introduce the lower threshold total win rate (twr,%), below which if the first is to get (less than 2% for example), then duel with him the other members of the ladder will just be deducted and not to influence their wr% and such a player will remain statistics of played duels. The lower threshold of the twr is set by the moderator of the ladder.

8. All data of played duels sent by the moderator, fair moderator of the pvp ladder, and in turn, the moderator of the ladder publishes it.


9. Because non-ladder characters to intersect with the ladder can't in some games and for some players, time consuming and there is no desire to gather again the characters for pvp, there is a proposal to conduct parallel 2 League: landernau and non-ladder. If reset PvM-the ladder, the ladder characters from League just moved to non-ledgernew taking into account all dialed frags, but counted afresh indicators wr%, taking into account the existing players accounts in a non-ladder League.

10. Expressed the idea of automation of conducting very difficult and costly to implement, and the result of the neglect by the administration intervention in the subject of this topic, her need only the attraction of the moderators fair games.

Add v.1.3
This will certainly be useful to know players interested in how this will work in General, including, and materiel to this idea. Let us examine some of the controversial issues:

11. Mirrorwriting
For example, in the ladder created 4 players who have coldsore (csor) with nicknames in the table below. The first number is the number of won duels against the player in the column, the second - total number of played duels against him.

Buildup one, respectively, as it will be considered, you ask? Very simply, it will be calculated taking into account the arithmetic mean, for example, we count on the wr coldsore against coldsores player cold_one:

wr% cold_one (vs csor) = ((5/11)+(7/21)+(4/7))/3*100% = 45,31%
Can see that the number of duels is not the deciding factor in counting, play at least 1000 times against one player of the same build will not give special advantages. Therefore, to set the overall rating, as mentioned, you need to play a lot of different duels.

12. Inactivity/deliberate draining of the rating
Suppose again that the player cold_four zaregalsya to the ladder, but didn't play any duel. The accumulation of all data of played duels all players zeros that player will be considered, and, therefore, slightly reduce the overall ratings of the other players. But due to the fact that the ladder will be updated periodically, this player will not be removed from the ladder, and just be paused, that is, in the future nick will be grayed out, i.e. marked as inactive and zeros on the calculation of rating other players temporarily will not affect. The player can remedy this situation, playing a duel against every other player in the ladder and in the future he will be able to fully participate in the rating.
Let us examine the situation where a player deliberately gives in to others, to increase the rating of the others. In this case, if it will be observed, given the fact that it will have too low rating (close to zero), it will also be paused, but a different color. The player can remedy this situation, but he will need to play a greater number of duels to get a plus. As you can see, doing this the player will be very inconsistent if he pleases again to climb the stairs of the ladder your character (this will be difficult).

13. Counting the total (TWR%) winrate
This figure is based on previous winrate xx,xx% against every build and will also be averaged. TWR% will be equal to the sum of all wr% (the table is xx,xx%) divided by the number of different delay, which will determine the players that fill the ladder. If you don't count the mirror of the duel, then the denominator is subtracted 1 when calculating.

14. The solution to the problem with a passive game
Then either leave as is, either of the following:
Solarpoolheater duel remains a classic - 5 minutes on 1 fighting game. No arrestov and other locations to replay. If a duel lasts more than 5 minutes, it can peregrevaetsya 1 time in the same location and if it is not known the result of the duel, then pasewada side on the decision of the moderator shall count or loss or such a duel will simply not be taken into account. Thus, both parties will be interested in timing the end of the duel.
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yok0o 26.07.20

nonlader zod postavlyu na etu Saue vs tebya
otvetiw' zodom?

Obsessed 26.07.20

believes that his opinion is authoritative for the remaining
stupid attacks on my address

bd_sm[TDPG] 26.07.20

dry the paddles boys, the party will not
the administration of lace up boots

lordgarry 26.07.20

I wonder how it all started and all came to the banal )))

Progon_mulov. 26.07.20

na vse chem ostanovilis green?
aleru napisal?

bd_sm[TDPG] 26.07.20

at Alegre and stopped

Progon_mulov. 26.07.20

tablitsa be vestit' v otdel'noi teme ili spetsial sdelayut'no dlia etogo foruma razdel naprimer?

bd_sm[TDPG] 19.11.20

nothing will be done, the administration is against

Wiba 19.11.20

The table can be googled dox saw, and that's it.

Torum. 19.11.20

The most important thing is forgotten - the Pvpshers themselves. Is there one now (not a low pvp like firk of off)?

yamas 19.11.20

Are you ready for the pvp?

bd_sm[TDPG] 19.11.20

not a moderator

yamas 19.11.20

Yes, he's the king

bd_sm[TDPG] 19.11.20

It should be understood that the idea without admin support is deliberately dead. You're going to have to accept that.

The ruking block trapeze rolls out the bvc.

PROBAtw 19.11.20

Without bo on the fair everything is not so obvious, really.

bd_sm[TDPG] 19.11.20

not a gift anyway

ZRDn 19.11.20

the idea is notoriously dead if it is not supported by the players themselves and if the thinker lost interest, and the admin here is generally the last in line))
A hand-wringing treps for all one solid, infuriating no gift from behind the constant mill)

bd_sm[TDPG] 19.11.20

laziness to speculate on this topic, so just give a prediction - will not work out
it's going to come true because it works like that.

PROBAtw 19.11.20

And I support the author's idea. I've been following the theme until I've played in the new season.
My opinion is that it is worth to keep this table based only on the results of fair pvp tournaments (hopefully this season there will be more than in the past) because other options, I think, are just very UNOSTOV in structuring and counting, and is it necessary? It seems to me that if it is normal to realize the dribble of points at least from tournaments, to create a lader, which will be periodically updated from tournament to tournament, then it will be possible to expand this idea, no one will ban, if it will work:-)

Spoileri esli budut turniri ofc :

T-Fox 19.11.20

Believe me, the people will support this idea if the administrators introduce a rating pvp system. But, I already had one idea, or rather just a proposal that would attract people on THE PG and pvp in time. Namely, to make sure that on the fair machine cleaned extra resisters, etc. and abs, prohibited skills would not have caste . And guess what they said to me? right - no and will not be. That's the way it is with the Pvp Ladder, there will be no him, strike.
What the administration will cut for the players - the pipel sucks, so sho does not piss.