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RB265 27.07.20 08:28 pm

Why students don't read?

Of all my classmates only read by two people. However, it was all there Stalker and other Cats-Warriors. When I asked others they said,This skocna!!! And as I tried to explain to them, they would not listen. Can anyone explain what's going on? We will soon autopeep.
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MunchkiN 616 27.07.20

schoolboy pitch in my opinion it is impossible to bring to school reading literature
VA first because it's mandatory. need to know the content of the subject as required by the school curriculum and discipline
this imposes the fact that in addition to scholar lessons niche additionally will not do as well as to prove some theorems to solve some interesting complex problems facing the RA framework solernou program.
on the other hand the scholar as a normal person can be a hobby around which will appears actual interest in additional information. and not the fact that it is associated with reading fiction.
reading of literature in turn, the number of information very poorly and soap. beech contain very little ready information and their transformation into virtual reality requires a greater barrier to entry than in prior art various media content. so it is natural that people will consume something that is easier and better availability. kintz and Gamesa.

Sithomazafakatron 27.07.20

Because for them, it's stupid and uninteresting.And here I look dofiga knob appeared

Pecos_Bill_2.0 27.07.20

Well, to say so not all reading is impossible. That's when I went to SHK, it was these people who read books, and still meet, though less. Sometimes reading there the Witcher, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Stalker. Basically this. Well, there is the literature of the 19th century and earlier do not read. Not seen such. Can fantasy it interesting because it is similar to the RPG game? XS, but maybe so, and much for the games themselves, or reverse the game by the book. Well SHK-liter I myself was not iteresno, because it is not designed for children, and in kagbe seryoznyh people. I myself SHK prog 5-6 books just read. And what to speak about the current generation, which even Tom Sawyer are not all interesting.

Vaipen 27.07.20

Unfortunately the demands of Soviet education and the European requirements the employer cardinally differ. Schools and UNIVERSITIES are trying to teach all at once based on the principle of maybe something useful. Employer do not need an electrician and plumber zamirouski classics and groping in Quantum physics and able to deactivate the atomic bomb. They want someone who knows how to screw in a light bulb and which side to take up the wrench. And on your knowledge not your main profession they care about, even if you're a doctor. So, for me, the education needs to change. Initially and learn what you need in his future profession. And the rest of the people, if he is interested, and he knows the good sources of information now abound.

Wladimir2016 27.07.20

Protocol 10 I you correct a little, unless of course he correctly understood your idea:I for example completely different look at the world after 491 degrees Fahrenheit. I think you mean 451 degrees Fahrenheit by ray Bradbury.
And I'd add that school books was not interesting to me. However, thanks to the teacher, my grandmother loved to read. I remember the whole family going down for country table, get off the shelf such as Captain Mayne Reid, or sir is Correct and what worlds could be opened. And games, movies and comics it is best to leave people who are deprived of imagination.

requiemmm 27.07.20

Initially and learn what you need in his future profession. Yes, if the country needs specialists, it is necessary to prepare specialists. Read database and forward, practice, practice and more practice, enough to produce welders that arc can't light and mechanics that the bolt is only seen in the pictures.
But the effective system of training there are no teachers for non-core items, and they are released every year. The minimum base hours will not allow these graduates of teacher training colleges to receive at least some salary. They simply don't need. Exactly.
Practice costs a lot of money. In the case of the same welder, it is necessary to give the apparatus, jumpsuit, mask, mitts, bag of electrodes, a couple of tons of metal and to pay for electricity, repairs and to cover your ass in case of emergency that will. To pay to the master, so that he strained one of the students, than the public benefit and generally followed him. The room again is also not free.
Thus, the problem of unwanted people with diplomas is not going away:(
How interesting it turns out...the essence of the existing education system to place unwanted people, pay them a salary for unnecessary work, and training professionals to pass on to the shoulders of their employer, thus removing responsibility for poorly executed work. And no one to answer, how lovely, after all 8 hours a day dudes taught, paper gave themselves the loot received, training completed, and that the output is the same as the input, so the train left. Cautiously, a young professional!!

rPeBoJL 27.07.20

requiemmm wrote:
In the case of the same welder, it is necessary to give the apparatus, jumpsuit, mask, mitts, bag of electrodes, a couple of tons of metal and to pay for electricity, repairs and to cover your ass in case of emergency that will.
the pig bit exaggerating but in General, as always right)

AgronomNN 27.07.20

Burning issue, are unable to recruit workers, comes the body and can not Express their thoughts. This chuystva education*UI disappeared, the 2005(release from school). Ask, what book are you reading? I do not read, there is nothing useful! This is fucked up. What can I say, son, 11 years, not reading books, vocabulary at least, is boring man.

Oleg Dudin 27.07.20

To read books is boring? Sad to hear that.
And then what's not boring? To read the tape VK and the comments trolls? Type of fun? So you can read and just a fun book and spend time. Each book (good, of course) - it is a world far greater than any a sandbox game, if we start from the obvious analogies. It is possible to offer the genre and enjoy.
First children to read boring, then what? Difficult letters in words to add?
Don't know how to live without books. I, of course, now the more I read from the screen, but at home there is a good library, to the congregation which was put in their hands. The book is still nice to hold in your hands, flipping through the pages.
Not without books. Otherwise, the brain will rust. This and so everything goes by stupefying the people through the idiot box and so on. I have to resist it.

MC Eptyshka 27.07.20

Interesting topic. Especially annealed comrade Protocol10, would be better if his posts were just trolling. Users Mordok and Dragon 2055 respect for the wonderful posts.
Wladimir2016 wrote:
And games, movies and comics it is best to leave people who are deprived of imagination.
From one extreme to another. This is also an interesting thing. And they should not replace each other but coexist.

Oleg Dudin 27.07.20

MC Eptisa wrote:
And they should not replace each other but coexist.
Yeah. The main thing to be told an interesting story that I want to believe.

rPeBoJL 27.07.20

Shadows in black hoods
Crawl out of the cracks
See stress
For prey of their own.

zhimipe 27.07.20

When I was in school, agreed with the teacher in literature that I will read only what is interesting to me. I was reading a book, for example 451 degrees Fahrenheit ray Bradbury, and then briefly told the teacher what the book is about. Well, that's not interesting to me to read Dostoevsky's depressing!!!

Ruyder 27.07.20

Would like to the material provided on the basis of the student have good taste. It may be foolish, but educated people in different occupations would be much more, especially in our time.

On a subject - At school at the moment has a huge set of alternatives is a TV, phone, computer, set-top boxes. They don't understand what benefit you can take from this - information is available as never before. But no, we are going to degrade watching Mamashov. Bravo.

Vova126 27.07.20

students do not read books because you haven't grown before.

ZiZu Zankercu 27.07.20

the school is not as fond of books, read read (for homework or at the urging of his parents), but that would be to sit down myself and read some kind of book - did that. although, in the childhood books I read a lot (parents make). I only once in his childhood took up a book, but only because I went with my parents to another city to relatives on the street was the heat under more than 40 degrees, the TV didn't work and had nothing to do... then I'm somewhere in the bookcase dug the invisible Man H. G. wells and I enjoyed reading the entire book.
in General, I sat down on literature, when he was in the hospital with a broken arm. but then I was 15-16 years old. lie to a month, nothing to do, toys to mobile tired, and so I decided to download the book roadside picnic... since this all began.
now I have every 2 week read a new book, how much have you read have no idea, I think 500 is exactly. and interest is not lost, though passed with science fiction, just fiction and fantasy, and recently met with the new genre Litch. very interesting.

on topic I will say this, this is not something that children, even adult books. too many worries, work, study, personal life. time reading remains. because come home from work in the 6th hour of the evening, to prepare something to eat, then eat... after the routine of work and home forces read simply no. I want to go to bed, turn the telly and after dozing for a while under some sort of Russian serial - fully to sleep.
but you can pre-plan your days and schedule, that all went one by one, then and only then is a lot of free time which you can spend on your favorite hobby. I live by routine and I have a day is about 2-3 hours on reading books. on weekends and games to play, and in the evening before bedtime of course a few chapters of a book read.

in my opinion the easiest way to instill sympathy for the books to children is to take them to some wilderness, 2 weeks, the main thing that charging from your child took away a mobile phone is not scandal. but without charging the phone itself to sit and do nothing. at the same time before the trip to prepare for, and take for example books of different genres and are popular at the moment among young people. if a child likes fantasy -to take it, but generally I recommend that genre Glitch, as children now sit at the games, this genre of literature they will be at the time.
from this genre I can recommend (personally read and even several times perepletenie) such books as:
1. Mahanenko Vasily Mikhailovich - a series of books "the way of the Shaman"
2. Dmitry Rus - a series of books "play to live"
3. Ivan Magazinnikov - "Dead Inquisitor"
4. Andrey Vasilyev - book series "Payroll"
5. Dmitry Raspopov "Master of blades" (2 books) - it's not Glitch but also very, very interesting thing!
6. Dmitry Raspopov - "to Live again"
7. Androsenko Alexander - "Nagibatorov"
8. Sergei Izvolsky - "Virt - Terra"
9. Artem Rocky - "The weird noob"
10. Kuzmin mark - "Eressea" - another very interesting book!
11. Gold John - "Chrysalide" - reading the series of these books, the soul of the tears from anxiety for years and, though the heads of the hero and too many buns, not a terminator, worth reading, an interesting series of books!
12. novel - "overlord" - novel is a Japanese literature, her writing a manga, and then remove the anime. and anime, I think, is now popular among young people? maybe even someone was watching this cartoon Overlord, but I'm sure at 100, none of those who watched - not read the novel. but in the anime only 20% of the novel! so who watched the cartoon Overlord - read novel - a must! at the moment, translated 9 books. by the end of the year is expected to translate 10.

well, I think the original finish. I offered you books from your gold collection, those books which I really liked. and here I described the books of the genre Litch (excluding 1 of a series of books). but here they are not all written, as more than 50, that's for sure. start at least with these, I hope at least 2-3 people at least something from this like they have sympathy for the books.
if that write in PM I can still recommend different books in the genre of fantasy, science fiction, fantasy, Glitch and more. write, do not hesitate to read books is fun and educational!

Mabel Pines 27.07.20

RB265 wrote:
Of all my classmates only read by two people. However, it was all there Stalker and other Cats-Warriors.
And what grade are you in?

Wing42 27.07.20

You think only school children do not read books? Then I'm a little upset - very adult and Mature people also mostly do not read books.
This is partly the problem is the books themselves, since in the era of the Internet and text editors with spell check, punctuation and even style any kind of book can Topstitch absolutely anyone, including those discussed here, the students. The Internet is OVERWHELMED with tons of paperwork, in the mass, which is a pitiful sight without a hint of an interesting plot, well developed characters and the originality of the world. Reading such works is not a pleasure, it is nothing gives a person who spends their time.
The reverse side of the stick that has two ends, is me in the form of domestic classics of past generations, about incommensurable values and the relevance of which I have heard so many arguments and statements, it would suffice to write a separate and very weighty book. The most fun of such arguments is just the same, actuality affected in the work, sure and other people's opinion about a particular profession immutable stuff. A single fact that any of the the perennial problem is still not solved, our credit nor our age, nor the people living in it.
At the time the greatest rejection and aversion to the classics of Russian literature I experienced in trying carrying out the necessary from the teacher's point of view the finest content analysis of the work - say, that the author all the same mean that hinted and so on. Mental Masturbation, otherwise you will not tell.
Well, the bottom line: looking for eighty percent of modern literature (especially Russian) I can say that I would have dashed off a cart and more interesting, and stronger.

RB265 27.07.20

Mabel Pines

Mabel Pines 27.07.20

Then it is strange indeed) I cats-warriors read in the fifth grade))