Battlepacks (Battlefield: Hardline)
In General there was such question. Then decide to take a regular edition for 1999r or take special for 2499. They differ only in the battle packs: Versatility, Precision and Suppression. So, what kind of weapon is nowhere this information is not found. Just write like weapon with a huge store and good accuracy, but the names do not say. Wanted to ask those who have these sets revealed that for the weapons in them?Mr.FlashMode
they acw-r , l85a2 and the car 556, he's the ace 21 . L85 is pretty bad , but ACR and ACE great guns and can be obtained only by purchasing the Deluxe version of the game
I bought this version,but still can not help for as long as I pass single,for the cartoon will not take.
Of these 3 guns you mentioned, I just want the ACW-R. do You have any idea whether you can buy this 1 set of combat separately?
No unfortunately not , all three weapons are available only in the Deluxe version . Well, the way I tell you the ACE is a great gun , and we can L85 like , but as for me it is not very good
Thank you for all told now likely to take the Deluxe version, there is still 10 gold sets give.
Well, I'll ask again...sets work only in multiplayer,in single data trunks no??
Alex Sazonov
single as you progress through your trunks open separately from the multiplayer, in the manner as it was in 4 pieces!
Accordingly, if you need only company, it makes no sense to buy the version with the kits?
In the company of guns is not given, and ACWR fell in a set for pre-order the regular version of the game (pre-order did at the end of the summer when it was worth 1500 rubles)