Attack Rating (Diablo 2)
All kind time of day.The question regarding the optimal number of ar for melee-Persian. There is an understanding that this figure is very subjective as the percentage of hitting the target depends on 4 parameters: ar striker, def purpose and lvl the attacker and the goal. But, maybe there's a good common figure ar, within reasonable limits, without affecting other stats?
What is the complexity?
Take the example of a specific case, my frenzy barb:
Skills: bo - 20, 15 - berserk, frenzy, sword mastery, find item(!), 1 in passing and others need.
The gear: lightsabre, lawbringer (the future plan), arreat, lionheart(shaft, wealth), highlord, LoHi (draki), strings, gore, raven and dwarf.
So here's my dilemma - there are 10 skill points, the candidates for the attachment berserk, frenzy, sword mastery.
berserk - damage from magic will be stronger than the possible 25%ED from frenzy or sword mastery (if you spend them), phys immune would be faster to go
frenzy - 15 is sufficient in terms of ias will be 5-frame attack with my gear, but it still gives 25% ED (if slacsite) and +7% ar per skill point
sword mastery - 25%ED if you slacsite and +8% ar (not significantly more)
Where to spread?
The damage is not excessive, but ar now ~7300 and hell travi (pers swinging to farm spoil) 78% hit by consuls, but I want more (according to the Baal in General, 65%).
But again, today I calculated that when I'm 92 LVL to get a 95% hit by the consuls, I have 25K ar inconceivable without damage stats and the cuts..(like really?) So, is it worth it to sacrifice damage if you ar still not be the same as you want..
I should be grateful for the advice and proof.
Yet, by the way, if the weapons have sockets, you can insert runes Eth. Ignore Target's Defense does not work on uniques and bosses, but -% Target Defense - works for them, but it seems superunique and bosses is effective only 50%.
Grief in this respect is good because there both.