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Nomad Ikzesten 28.07.20 10:58 pm

Impressions of the game (Street Fighter X Tekken)

Already played Street Fighter X Tekken? Share your experience with others!

If to speak in General terms, the game made me negative impression. Learning takes place very quickly. Advise him to go through when you first start the game only because the gameplay of this game is slightly different Street Fighter 4 and Super Street Fighter 4. The possibility of getting your combos Oates virtually unchanged. There were so-called Stones, which enable special attacks. For example: in order to perform a normal attack Hadouken from Ruy need, as well as in Street Fighter 4, click next pix.PlayGround.ru , and here's a simplified attack pix.PlayGround.ru. It is also possible to change the partner during the game, i.e. before the battle, you pick not one character, but two. During the battle, if you are very much crippled, you can change your character(just like Mortal Kombat 2011), to crippled partner could sit and regain strength and continue the fight further. There is a new attack: Launcher, Boost Combo and Cross Rush, EX moves, Super Arts, Super Charge, Cross Arts, Cross Assault, Cross Cancel, and Pandora. Read more about them you can learn after training.
The ability to edit a character, too, has undergone some changes: now you don't just change the clothes color, you can repaint its individual parts.
In General, Street Fighter X Tekken is the good old Street Fighter 4 only with some innovations that are designed to diversify the gameplay and characters from the Tekken series.

Gameplay - 10
Graphics - 8
Sound and music - 8
Interface and control - 9

My rating: 9 out of 10.
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DeathColdUA 28.07.20

Also as I'm sure there's a file with the short name Dvlj.emz

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

Okay about the characters spoke, now, at the expense of extra costumes to the game.
Admins or Moderators Awww!!!, who nebudu have a home?)), do on the forum about the additional costumes, the place for discussion. The ATO does not hunt for one place to do srach)))).

YDC 28.07.20

So you create a theme and all the costumes, too, like the fall will be.

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

I'm sorry if that BUT I am on other sites don't allow myself to host. Let it be someone else zaymetsya.

YDC 28.07.20

Why hosting?Then anyone can create a thread in the forum.

Florentin 28.07.20

Not like the game. However, many did not expect from her.
Engine SF4, it just screwed characters Tekken all.
The speed of the characters is immediately obvious that low, so there has to be a version of Turbo and Super. As always, the source of money from Capcom.

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

I don't know what you do not like the game to me it is normal, Yes, I know that the engine is not very interesting BUT the game is even on the engine, Street Fighter looks good. I schedule like it colorful the more you say speed is slow Well I wouldn't say I have a normal speed and the game runs on high settings without any slowdown and I have a PC middle ie not between the powerful and the weak and powerful.
But I'm with you in some way I agree BUT maybe you know a computer you have not pull the game as it should but the frame rate is constant and everything is OK.

Tom X 28.07.20

The speed of the characters is immediately evident that the low

If you're talking about movement, there were dashes back and forth. If it's about performance, then tip - in the settings the background put on low - will have to play in a black vacuum, but the FPS will soar to sky-high(playable) heights.

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

Tom X
My FPS on high graphics, 85-88

Tom X 28.07.20

You, therefore, to worry about.

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

Tom X
Yes you are right. What's your game not working?

Tom X 28.07.20

Yes, the computer is relatively ancient and at high settings the game is, like, 2/3 of the normal speed. Therefore playing without background.

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

Tom X
My computer is 6 well for 7 years, but seravno pull.

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

Hmm compare TEKKEN well, at least 5 or 6 Street Fighter 4 and Super SF 4 is really two different games, BUT this game is something new, I did not expect from had nothing of the sort. There is only one BUT on PS3 and Xbox 360 came out SF X TK Special Edition where everything is available from the costumes to the characters hidden and in SF4 they need to access and a computer developed only think to release them, they certainly they will be released BUT if among the hidden DLC characters will not be Devil Jin'and that is certainly to normal Jin'well, kazam'e will be screwed as an additional costume in the form of Devil Jin's. As I said I have some files associated with nekotorimi DLC characters BUT I'm not sure that it is characters with hidden content, but rather only those files which should help in the installation of DLC characters or costumes to them.
Some of you think that the game is GOV*Oh, some say that the game is for homosexuals, but not all think so, that's the game I personally liked it And to all those who read my post and who liked the game please reply and unsubscribe.
Please do not swear and vaslovitsy humanly.

RPBG 28.07.20

Guys, as a 16 lesson pass in training, where it is necessary to perform a Cross Cancel? Make according to instructions - block, forward+silnymi+silnye - nepoluchaetsya.

DeathColdUA 28.07.20

Uh well, can you gems to use for this, just in the settings of the stones need to install what is the stone and why, BUT before that read what stone is what is intended, then you poluchetsya.

Tom X 28.07.20

It's all about the timing. Just keep trying.

RPBG 28.07.20

Tom X
I've tried, I have a gamepad raskherachit anger.

Tom X 28.07.20

Then forget it. In the battle all about him, won't remember. And then, there are far more effective ways to use a strip of energy.

RPBG 28.07.20

Tom X
And there is for completing all the training, nothing opens? May suit a thread or a pebble...