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Tigra 28.07.20 11:08 pm

First impressions of Gears of War 3. (Gears of War 3)

Some very quirky shops for several days to sell Gears of War 3. The lucky ones who bought the game, share your impressions!
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rader1945 28.07.20

If vobshem to posudite the comp better pristavki in mngo times, firstly on the number of games for example you can play on your shit console in ARMу or stracraft nature no in Armagh you immediately with the first shot will make you even perhaps training secontl not be able I tried on the console to play shooters there's no wheels there are three hands need to be to properly play one to turn the camera the other to go their to shoot HOW to PLAY like that ?
PS to be honest Relic with their policies and with their Biowar RPGs rule.

rader1945 28.07.20

prestiti a lot of mistakes just in the night is not convenient to write

rader1945 28.07.20

and the second on the computer to play 1000 times more convenient and it often is updated

Ebat kak ya lyublyu hlopa 28.07.20

You have everything in order at all? This is a topic of impressions, not arguments about the advisability. Want to provoke a total offtopic, what?

avos36 28.07.20

2 Bunch - a lot of drinking ?

2 of Get - +10

Tigra 28.07.20

Struggling to remember how many cruceta added a single, and did not remember. Do not remind?

PS And Yes, now I remember:
1. Ride Bromace.
2. Flight on the river.
3. Dom & Maria.


1. Drive the truck out of the fortress to rescue female characters.
2. Drive the truck through the city.
3. The underwater level.
4. Three travel on silverbeach.
5. Adult Leviathan in the first level.
6. An angry uterus corpser.
7. Lambent Berserker.
8. Invasion of the zombie lementov.
9. The scene with protoanemonin zombie lementov.
10. Flight in a locust barge.
11. Bee Queen Myrrh.
12. The increased variety of enemies.

Regression, you say?!

Tigra 28.07.20

Mlyat here ponabezhali bursting with envy schlottke at the ready with mantric Scriptures. Why Picard believes the best place for self-consolation console threads? The energy field better?!

Get three coffins ready
The whole game, I was keeping fingers crossed that hint of snot with sugar was not, and so they more and ending this sfeylil? Fuck-fuck. Hold it by the handles, I can take a hint, approx.

You can see the fire!? It's awful! Yes, everything is terrible!
Yes. He ahrenenno. Yes, everything is cool.

the comp better pristavki in mngo times, firstly on the number of games for example you can play on your shit console in ARMу or stracraft
And where is the war? I'm on your stark and Armu call from a dozen powerful games console.

in Armagh you immediately with the first shot will make you even perhaps training secontl not
I'm sorry, but this makes the game only nerdy, but not a masterpiece.

I tried on the console to play shooters there's no wheels there are three hands need to be to properly play
At present this thread is fine without the inconvenience of playing shooters on consoles with two hands, I'm sorry, but the joystick is not for рукож0пых starkrafterov.

avos36 28.07.20


rader1945 28.07.20

Console Caturday
ie noticed the realism of the game is not shedever

RamSeivrem 28.07.20

Console Caturday
Yes, you are a dear friend of all of concelebrate can write anything and belevit this sophomoric, nobody forbids. But this does not negate the truth that for many this DIN another prohodnaja. c(:

though you do not even play
beliv such beliv XD

avos36 28.07.20


Honey Cocaine 28.07.20

Console Caturday
You forgot that the second part is just the gameplay was much stronger, in comparison with the first part. It added a lot of finishing moves, duel chainsaws, new weapons, etc. then added the same new fatalities,for example, or the marks of enemies,but it's like I said to sponge paint.

1. Drive the truck out of the fortress to rescue female characters.
2. Drive the truck through the city.
3. The underwater level.
4. Three travel on silverbeach.
5. Adult Leviathan in the first level.
6. An angry uterus corpser.
7. Lambent Berserker.
8. Invasion of the zombie lementov.
9. The scene with protoanemonin zombie lementov.
10. Flight in a locust barge.
11. Bee Queen Myrrh.
12. The increased variety of enemies.

Most interesting is that we know that a lot of this was already in the previous parts,only the 3rd part is slightly altered and embellished,OK? 5,7,10 for example.
Oh and Yes,someone really liked to fight Lambentov,destroy the stems, etc??? I like that the monks of the Canthus once more delivered,for example. This is me about 12.
In General, I don't blame Epic, fresh ideas have come to an end, as well as fantasy.
8 the game for me personally, pulls,like I said.

Yury95 28.07.20

no! just the game corner! in the video you can see everything! can't console the full power of gaming industry experience! and the fact that they are doing the port on the PC is annoying! this Ki!

Yury95 28.07.20

PC forever!!!

Monya72 28.07.20

Most interesting is that we know that a lot of this was already in the previous parts,only the 3rd part is slightly altered and embellished,OK?
Here it is! developed with you consoles grandmother pulled at the same GOW2, only buy GOW3. And then you cry say GOW3 is niyabinghi shooter with the soul, although it is not so.)

Ebat kak ya lyublyu hlopa 28.07.20

Console Caturday
Do not think slightly warmer final tapelivayam, rather the opposite.

avos36 28.07.20

Single-single, but the cartoon thoroughly reworked.

Kenn1y 28.07.20

Overall, the single is cool, location is great, here's the multiplayer nafig, although some people like to feel like a octopus I got BF on the PC, though with the cheaters (
PS someone wrote that the first 2 chapters are short and I think the first 2 chapters are the longest, here are 3 really short.

Tigra 28.07.20

You forgot that the second part is just the gameplay was much stronger, in comparison with the first part.
Oh, sorry, it would be foolish to expect the same megastack quality from trikvela, given the fact that GeoW1 was low budget (Yes, low budget) by technodisco and breakdown of the pen Epic Games. Improvements trikvela had enough five Call of Duty.

Then added the same new fatalities,for example, or the marks of enemies,but it's like I said to sponge paint.
Plus new enemies, new weapons, and one hell of an epic list of guilty trikvela, which I have already written. OK, downright cosmetic fixes, yeah.

The most interesting that we know that a lot of this was already in the previous parts,only the 3rd part is slightly altered and embellished,OK? For example 5,7,10.
Niherasebekei bit, it is brought to perfection, for in the sequel, Leviathan was very much nesereznenkie, and the Berserker is not so creative. Flying on the barge-the locust Yes, changed slightly, then I agree. Well, Yes, but what about the other fad of the list of improvements of gameplay trikvela?

Oh and Yes,someone really liked to fight Lambentov,destroy the stems, etc???
Yes, I liked it. Thanks to lambentov the battlefield turns into a kind of chaotic blockbuster, they greatly add to the variety in gameplay mixed with the locust.

I like that the monks of the Canthus once more delivered,for example.
Well, this is for you, but objectively the variety of enemies has increased for the better. The Kantus monks there are in the triquel.

In General, I don't blame Epic, fresh ideas have come to an end, as well as the imagination.
But in the case of GeoW3 from Epic fantasies are sickly full triculinae improve more than enough.

Just get out already terrified with this thread, all somehow poher outpouring battherta some stray pikiranku.

Learn to read the whole thing, but not something that eases your sense of jealousy.
Improve trikvela:
1. Drive the truck out of the fortress to rescue female characters.
2. Drive the truck through the city.
3. The underwater level.
4. Three travel on silverbeach.
5. Adult Leviathan in the first level.
6. An angry uterus corpser.
7. The battle with Lamberton-a Berserker.
8. Invasion of the zombie lementov.
9. The scene with protoanemonin zombie lementov.
10. Flight in a locust barge.
11. Bee Queen Myrrh.
12. The increased variety of enemies.
13. New weapons.
14. Much more than a decent story and the main characters.

And then you scream saying GOW3 is niyabinghi shooter with the soul, although it is not so.)
I'm sorry, but it is. The sequel itself was niyabinghi shooter with a soul, and a triquel with a hefty list of improvements and gameplay additions, especially. I'm sorry again.

Get three coffins ready
Better go watch grey's Anatomy, you'll love it, and my Gears of War 3 don't touch your soap operas, PONEL!!!11

Honey Cocaine 28.07.20

Console Caturday
GeoW1 was low budget (Yes, low budget) by technodisco and breakdown of the pen Epic Games.
You gotta be kidding me...

and one hell of an epic list of guilty trikvela, which I have already written.
Well, Yes, but what about the other fad of the list of improvements of gameplay trikvela?
Well...I personally do not consider them as such,OK? Here I for example agree with Tony,that play is not interesting, better to watch the movie anyway,well, I'm just tired of this game where all of the same type from moment to moment,firshtein? Waiting for Dark Souls karoch.

Thanks to lambentov the battlefield turns into a kind of chaotic blockbuster, they greatly add to the variety in gameplay mixed with the locust.
The first couple of acts and then how many games with similar enemies? Like a giant tentacle, etc.? By the way, I was at the stadium realized that I was talking about the meeting on the bridge with the usual locust I was glad that I saw during the first two games. In short pzdts what cool this innovation in the form of lambentov. Sucks in General.

Well, this is for you, but objectively the variety of enemies has increased for the better. The Kantus monks there are in the triquel.
Know. I mean,their very appearance was more inspiring in the second part.

In General I really don't want to argue,I'm just already tired of these games-blockbusters. The series is made up of Epic dignity and all.
The chords still run.