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NATSU | 28.07.20 11:29 pm

Pirate game licensed games

Good afternoon people, I wanted to know your opinion nashet two factions or pirate license that you prefer one or the other or maybe both write
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Alec Says 28.07.20

Depends on many factors, for example: price, quality, availability of spare funds, you have free time.

Polololon 28.07.20

Litsuha only MMO or online-pass with chums. Single player only piratka.

Eroppo 28.07.20

I'll add that when I went to the license at first were surprised - many stocks that I dumped on Krivorukov developers, is caused by inept romaldini

Esthetix 28.07.20

+ the same garbage

ded_dimitriy 28.07.20

In the period from 2000 to 2010, bought only a license to drive. As games and movies.Then were born two daughters. Family budget certainly went in a different direction. Four years sat on pirates. Now went smoothly on the license. Of course I try to take the discount.But that same Lark took without hesitation. All the same, the license is as close to the body. Support,bonuses and other crap. So now the license explicitly.

grigo33 28.07.20

both that pirate license,a pirate good that you can play for free,and a license I like because of the achievements any

Roman Postov 28.07.20

I am for the standing of the license. Supposedly the Witcher 3, Dying Light etc. where do the developers not give a shit

nikita gordey 28.07.20

Now from license little help,here before Yes, because before the game was interesting and indeed they used to do.

nikita gordey 28.07.20

And about online games which is available only in litsenzionke there are as many ways to play online without a license cares a lot of different programs and hacks but if broke then be prepared to fork out denyushku more.

FedosKarpoev 28.07.20

Naturally license.The developers need to support,because it is a focused perspective to do new games,and to do them efficiently.
P. S. death to the pirates!)

Zhizn dermo 28.07.20

Pirates and only pirates. Because I'm a pirate to the bone, not just staged DDOS attack on the site 1C, stealing even the discs at the store...basically humiliated these pigs always and everywhere.
You watch it, and then one day fall asleep and not Wake up.

PCHalfFullHD 28.07.20

License. Everything is quite simple - if you make a good game and everyone will buy it, then publishers/developers will make a sequel to this good game. Voting with the ruble, in General.
Yes, the prices are brutal now, but a working person can easily afford a few AAA projects a year - just do not eat everything, and to choose only what you like the most.
+ multiplayer, of course.

Life sucks wrote:
You watch it, and then one day fall asleep and not Wake up.
I doubt that he is 89 years for that to happen.
And Yes, do not confuse the terms. You're not a pirate, but only a petty thief :) the Discs he stole, that's hilarious :D bortsuny system :D here's one I wonder - how old are you? Like, I registered there already in 2008, I think, that really passed for 20 a long time, and thinking, and present yourself like you on the strength of 15-16 years and you downright seething teenage rebellion. To work even a job or the money they steal from bad guys that came up with some stuff to fool people? :)

Zhizn dermo 28.07.20

At the moment I'm 30 and I know how to use money efficiently. May be in me, and full of rebelliousness, but it's better than senile depression. Well, in General the herd is not to understand what im is.
In addition to aging, there are many ways of remote death. For example damage through mental suffocation, there is also a chicken ritual called Weeping doll.

Torusman 28.07.20

Only by means. There is money - license. No money - pirates. The question is closed.

Nurg 28.07.20

Optional, depends about what games even to enter the conversation.If the game will be the curve indie, with unconditioned prices, pirates, if a less good project, license

Evgeniy Astrahancev 28.07.20


Asvik-Anubis 28.07.20

I don't have any pirate all the games I buy only on Steam, Origin, Uplay
Compared to games on PS4 games on PC are not so expensive. So PS4 only exclusives and other games on PC

xakdog 28.07.20

License. Although sometimes given to carnal sins and shake pirates in order to learn more before purchasing the product.

Igor-Knight 28.07.20

I will say this, before everything was shaking with the torrent, watched what and washed.
Now is no time for it, and look for cracks, pump not working Repack.
And in the absence of time, attention to the quality of the project more attached!
Therefore, ONLY a LICENSE - plus - updates from your (use steam) + if bought season pass, car is pumped up and instalacja Addons+saves are always on the spot with a computer was not+ possibility poyuzat immediately after.
Not reklamedata now, do not take from what happened, look at the reviews(generally only BlackSilverUFA as for me the only rules obzorschik and video blogger, because without the Mat all cultural)And then buy.

alexksysx 28.07.20

License, the pirates are only to familiarize you with the game/program