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kejn100 30.07.20 01:30 am

Your impressions of The Solus Project (The Solus Project)

The Solus Project now available! Share their impressions.
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Lukyanov 30.07.20


raider1990 30.07.20

what is not clear with the ending...a lot of questions remained. what with the main character eventually became, what will become of humanity
Spoilerose these reptilians will take their custody what it's for
Spoilerancient with their signal who searched for the reptilians, what they were looking for part of this signal in the DNA of different races. it is not clear. whether developed scored on tying the whole story to the end, whether to leave it to the players ( if so, then let him be killed), whether I missed something...

and the whole thing is great)

raider1990 30.07.20

and interestingly one ending or more than one, and do they depend on collecting all the secrets and notes....

LenivyiBob 30.07.20

An impressive game. Survival - explore the amazing and intriguing history.
Just passed the room with the dolls, the bricks laid decently. I suspect that the chilli is one of five sons who ran off from the grave.(not sphalerite)

Ivan Trubeckoy 30.07.20

Really liked the game, at the end put a tear for joy, that saved his...but then came the aliens, they took me to, and said that everything under their care...( Sorry for writing the ending)... But then I had huge questions...Who are they? Why would I helped at the end with the battery? Why have you taken on yourself? Still, they destroyed the second race? They enslaved them? Destroyed? Or is it the smoke destroyed them? They decided also to us? In General, the game is awesome, the music chosen topic, sometimes there was a feeling that really on another planet go=) Who passed the game, share your opinion about my questions. Thanks in advance!

Kolyuchiy83 30.07.20

People what for spoilers to write? It is that experience? Create a topic and write spoilers in there. The paragraph went to look whether or not to play, then you skip to the end told=((

LenivyiBob 30.07.20

Ivan Trubetskoy
During the journey we had to read signs, there are told all events, and in the course of the plot all by himself to think.
Spoiler pass on the facts missed Supplement health I some what missed the signs according to my statistics.
Was spoilerish themselves aborigines came reptiloid - showed a few tricks and became local gods gained elected aburov - those recognized dark side reptiloydov - rebelled - lizards rigged so that they themselves unrolled reviewing one of the balls - then it turns out that a colony of reptiles(one of) themselves they are refugees from their dying planet, found God particle in smoothies - began to get created the balls(I never realized that there is the fog, the power supply balls) - oversaw abarov and do experiments in parallel on all the colonies did the same (Ground is also the type of one of the colonies) - the plight of the earthlings knew for a long time and thought they will go nuts - there is a GG - assemble the repeater - IMHO, the parallel proves that the earthlings have not yet useless stuff" - reptiloid decide to take the earthlings in turnover(to care) - I think the lizards experiments on extracting God particle will continue and he will be a valuable instance. Short ass.

Aleks Keyn 30.07.20

Excellent game. The plot is magnificent, even despite the fact that I missed a lot, not paying proper attention to signs. After the first dungeon, I thought, well, it nafig! Hurry to the lighthouse to finish and call in the ship. But it was not as I thought and the events in the game began to develop so that would not run away from the planet, and to understand what's happening here?

The game creators certainly did a great job creating this world. At first he looks quite friendly, you're not hot and not cold, food is everywhere. But on the other Islands begins the real struggle for life. And the atmosphere of the dungeons is awesome. In fact there are no scary monsters who should be killed or something like that. But still the situation has caused some fear and discomfort. And if you play in the evening Yes in the headphones, so that, the dungeons become really creepy. Also, one of the advantages of the game think that it is no wonder arrows pointing you the way. Stupid? Walk. Missed the place? Go back, remember where I was, focus. This adds hardcore and the feeling that you are really a kind of space Robinson.

In General, be sure to pass this great game again and recommend it to others. It's definitely unique and kind of a novelty in the world, where every year on copy-paste the same plotless jester.