Intelligence (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3)
Actually where to find them. If anyone has found them please post screenshots of their location.Still don't know what they give in addition to achieve. Not all found. They are kind of like the 46...
In the 1st act in the mission persona Non Grata one of the 4 laptops lying on a slide. Pick it can be right after you destroy the robot. (PPC for a long time searched for them in this mission)
Act 1 Mission turbulence After descending the stairs go right, the data will be on the right.
If someone important to collect in the game, all the intelligence, here's a video with their location:
Guy, you have to head all right? Listen, get it don't you the computer to sit, and with the success of classmates decided to do another!
P. S^Adidas, not you, and that jerk who 172 times wrote that Code the game. But I see its already removed))))
help find 2 laptop Missy Turbulence and 1 laptop in Missy Vyzhennaya Land the others all found who should write....Thanks in advance!