The Hateful Epic Games Store
Hello world. I often see posts in various topics to games and on forums that the EGS is bad. And that everyone hates him. But, I sincerely, do not understand - WHY to this site such hatred? There is a game with an exclusive in PSG - no one even spits in the direction of this platform. Will be exclusive in the MC Stor - the situation is a little worse, because the whining about the impossibility of the exit of the pirate ... But it is worth the game to go out to the EGS, as just the apocalypse begins. I haven't seen so much swearing to the playground.I use the EGS, and I don't understand why he's so hated. Honestly! Don't understand. Convenient store, convenient library, free games (well, fig with it, that turkey 99%) It's like there's no such thing in the stim. Even now, the game, the cost of which exceeds 2k rubles... But, the site is still dunked in the dirt. Games are taken away, and the playground is hay. Why?!
Explain - WHY SO REALLY?!! I also want to be aware of the case, and then suddenly it turns out that they are draining, and I like the sucker they still periodically buy on shares ...
The theme is not created for the holivar, but with the real purpose of finding out the reason for hatred of a certain gaming platform, and since my goal is clear to adequate people, to your cons, to me:
P L E B A T !
You don't even bother. Instead of a minus clutch, it is better to explain your position in relation to the EGS.
And there's nothing else there, if only Stalker 2 is squeezed, we'll have to wait again for them to return to Stim.
The updated Mafia can be picked up in Stim, Cyberpunk2077 in Stim or GOG, Far Cry 6 (if you like it) in Yuplay, so that EGS is back in the span.
I already have a small library of games, and to pass it to me a hundred years.
Denis Kyokushin
I used to be a stomophane to the bone. But then I saw that the price difference with retailers is often in 100-200-300 rubles and scored on steam. What's the point of buying a game for 400 p if official retailers give it away for 200?
The "unknown" of the store is easily predetermined by the page in Wikipedia, the main thing is to buy from wallets without a commission for the purchase in the inostorys.
I don't take any games.
Metro Exodus in GOG took away for 719rub
Help someone! The games are gone from the library! They just disappeared! There are only the last 5, which took away for free. Metro, DDR2, and a host of others have disappeared. Already the launcher was demolishing, coming out, all to no avail. Has anyone ever seen anything like this? Please help!
In that the developers of the game will eventually get more money, and the store in which this game is exclusive, will get more customers and money accordingly. If a person wanted to buy a game, he will buy it in EGS, and the rest of them will.
Denis Kyokushin
Everyone who really wanted to play Metro exodus at that time had already made a pre-order and they had the game left even after the removal from Stim. Those who did not have time to make a pre-order or wanted to buy on the release, can buy the game in EGS. The rest would have been drunk in any case.
insel260 wrote:
Explain - WHY SO REALLY?!!
I want to have everything in one library in one place. Point. Either steam or a pirate. Well, or as an option let me all my games for free transfer to the EGE, along with the progress (time/knocked out aces) I will continue to collect the library.
P.S. do not want to launderes from other cantors inside the stima (yuplay, orijin, etc.) I do not buy such stupidly and pirachu. No pirate? I'm not a drug addict, I'm going to live without her.
They won't get any more money. Almost all of the games that were in EGS were released in Stim.
Apparently, there's a lot of money.
I initially spiraled on the test, then bought.
When you accumulate a library of games in one store, you do not want to leave it.
Perhaps, on the contrary, it is not enough to pull off every temporary ex for a year.
Games are taken away, and the playground is hay. Why?!
Everything is simple: meet on clothes, and see off on the head. Metro Exodus was moved from Stim to the EGS without any warning, and the bombing of many players caused a year-long exclusivity of the game, which looks like an attempt to forcibly drag part of the audience to a new store. If Metro had originally planned to release the EGS as an exclusive for one year, the hait would have been much smaller. Alas, we have what we have. Epics in a good way should at least another year or two to refine and polish his store, because at this stage it is very potable compared to the same Stim. If you want to attract a new audience to your store, you should work on its functionality. At the time of Metro's release in the EGE, this platform in my opinion existed only thanks to The Fortnait and its functionality was very limited: no workshops with a ton of mods, reviews of games in the store, illustrations and other goodness. The bad reputation of the EGS will haunt this store for a long time. All these erasers first with Valv, and then with the giants Apple and Google will not do good, because Epics in fact came to a foreign monastery with their charter and waiting to be accepted with open arms. In their place it was necessary to work rolling up the sleeves and gradually raise their offspring in the top, but, again, we have what we have.
Personally, I am infuriated not by exclusivity, but by the technical side of the launcher. The customer may not start. Games from the library may disappear. Intremeis can skew so that only manual removal of confits helps. Just today, after Linking Steam to the account, all transactions disappeared, and Epic asks to buy all the games.