Pranks in Far Cry (Far Cry)
Then on a realist jumped from the waterfall (mission "Dam"), came out, and I'm already on the banks of the shrek waiting :).And some do not sink, and go "on the water aki on dry" and become each other in the queue. I even dived under them and looked at their soles of boots. That's cool!
L.I.T.-MSt I also saw such an addon. Just who did it completely unsold game Far Cry.
I had this glitch when Doyle dropped you off with a bunch of people. And there had to be found the key to the cave.
There's also a script where a man runs away from a mutant. The joke was I had that I had Jack Carver in my place as a mercenary. I was still scared that I was lured by some skunk.
Tell me what the problem is! Nothing happens when you press The Print Screen! Checked it out of the game-runs, but in the game-no. Maybe some settings in the game should be changed? Or clava glitches (I doubt myself) Klava-Genius (Aztec) KB-06 PS/2.
You don't have anything to write, you write "er"? Tipo of the first or the preved? Or didn't I get it?
screens to shoot not PrintScreen, and F12
and they are stored in the game catalog.
And what jack blue doesn't say anything?
and what are some glare of the squirs of the screen?
Blue, because the walls are blue, and the light, reflecting off the walls, falls on Jack, so he and blue.
yes I say no!
I was playing Mission 4 with jack then! It's me had problems with seeing.1
By the way, for some reason no one noticed such a joke from "Buki", although it is difficult to call it a joke ... In short, we play a license from "Buki" stage called "Fabrika." Valerie and I went to the lab to inject ourselves... A what? That's the joke! I was picking in my ears for a long time until I believed... In short, the video starts, and Doyle says, "You need to find a serum (!), they use it as a vaccine (!!). Look, they should have it stock..."
Yes... Okay kids, but there should be translators and specialists in the firm!
The vaccine contains antigens, and is intended to be administered to the body for immunization (producing its own antibodies) and, as a rule, disease prevention. Serum is a drug derived from human blood, animals or genetic engineering, already containing ready-made antibodies to the pathogen. It is used mainly for treatment and emergency prevention. In general, in a nutshell, the conclusion is this: serum and vaccine are completely different things, and Dr. Doyle doesn't know it... Gyeg...