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Vanya Rygalov 19.11.20 03:47 am

For fans to drive pitchforks on water

The condition of the task.
Suppose that tomorrow all sanctions imposed against Russia will be lifted.

Will the material well-being of the population change for the better or for the worse?
Or will it remain unchanged?

The deployment of the response is welcome.
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Mag Otshelnik 19.11.20

I don't.

Hryas 19.11.20

Everything will remain the same, because life never gets better in Russia

Vova126 19.11.20

I think if all sanctions are lifted, then the dollar and euro will fall a little bit and computers in the store will fall a little bit and my psychological state will improve a little.

Ostap Bandera 19.11.20

That layer that steals can change.

rPeBoJL 19.11.20


MorirMerda 19.11.20

Well, I think it will improve, because if we assume that everything is so bad because it's so bad because it's not going to be so bad from the top, it doesn't happen that it's that strong, it's obviously the pressure of the West. Maybe the US and Europe do not need these sanctions so much and they do it more by inertia. That is, the oumka as if decided to punish for Krymnash, in the end it turned out that the Tia did not bend and explained everything, and the decoration in all respects itself as much as possible. And to give up their decisions means to show their weakness, and the U.S. formally waiting for a new presication that he has already outlined some other course. And if any new president comes to the U.S. (Trump) and puts the program to lift sanctions, they in my opinion will be unanimously removed (one decoration will remain dissatisfied), and everyone will be happy.

the endless misanthropy o 19.11.20

Maybe the ruble will strengthen and prices will become more adequate

oltr 19.11.20

Only if, in terms of the "purchasing power" of citizens, the situation improves.

Sidorovich12 19.11.20

Vanya Rygalov
Everything will change with the lifting of sanctions, but not for the better for the average resident of the CIS. Now the main financial transactions and exchange games are based on the same changes in the foreign exchange market. It would be better if currency rates and other similar financial indicators did not change for as long as possible, because the more stable the indicators, the easier it is to predict certain changes on the stock exchange. And frequent changes in the financial indicators and exchange rates very often negatively affect the growth of prices for consumer goods, as producers and implementers at unstable rates begin to be insured, significantly increasing the final value of a product.

The Cartilage
In part, you're right, because the price growth for everything will remain at the same level, just a little slowing down the rate of inflation growth, but after a while everything will be the same.

requiemmm 19.11.20

It won't change. The bottom line is that for our valiant elite, we're all not human beings at all. The standard of living is always kept at the level, "if only starved and did not go out on the streets" Any increase in wages is accompanied by a proportional increase in prices in retail chains, which are in collusion. It's pointless to argue with that, I know that many people here have sclerosis in general, and they'd rather go public than admit it, but it is. Our universal meter, a loaf of bread, has doubled in price in seven years. Wages have doubled?) How much buckwheat, 130 rubles a kilo? Who's on the news about an unprecedented harvest? And if oil is free, what the hell is gasoline so expensive? You get it.
There's only one big plus in all of this. When this stinging squall begins to regulate, it will be easier for people. Because she herself has taken herself beyond morality, unequivocally designated as the Enemy. You know, it's hard to shoot a man who might just be passing by. Some even in our time have consciences and principles, although it is hard to believe. Now it's all clear, we're z, they're security, snitches and camp administration. Nothing to lose but chains:)

Sidorovich12 19.11.20

requiemmm wrote:
When this chewing schval will begin to regulate
Who? The same fat? They," as you've already said, are all in cahoots, and if the common people will follow, then because of corruption, it will also turn into the same fat puller of all who is not lazy money. "Money and power spoil a person, and if you are a really good person, you will never have either."

MorirMerda 19.11.20

as long as they don't starve and don't go out into the streets
Exit to the streets Volodya fixed without any tricks, on their channels - he is a kgbman. All the susshads and others like her were driven into the stall, and rightly so. Because otherwise something would have happened in the decoration.

jeorje 19.11.20

certainly not for the better, as if without sanctions we were not satisfied with crises, defaults and other all sorts of devaluations, which only words and methods will not come up with the ruling elite, to further undress the people, although it would seem that there is nothing to remove; the lifting of sanctions will also be adjusted for something, suddenly it turns out that sanctions were necessary for us and planned by wise steering, but the vile pindos canceled them at the most inopportune moment for us and from that the dollar will rise sharply and oil will become cheaper (but not gasoline at gas stations, of course)...

requiemmm 19.11.20

Who? The same fat? Ours won't come out of nowhere. For the next five meters, our one, it's you. There will come a time when you have to do everything yourself.

Taking to the streets is the dumbest and most pointless method of struggle. The KKK's book methods are the most reliable and the least bloody.

Russian_Lawyer 19.11.20

Vanya Rygalov
the situation in the country started to deteriorate about 10 years ago, so sanctions are just a salvation for the authorities, now they can write everything off. Nothing will improve, it will only get worse. With goods can become easier and only.

smallhell 19.11.20

Sanctions are a load.
Nothing would have changed, nor had nothing changed from the imposition of those sanctions.

Vanya Rygalov 19.11.20

The endless misanthropy of the black cosmos wrote:
Maybe the ruble will strengthen and prices will become more adequate
Will it strengthen? How fast and how fast? Will he return to the pre-sanctions 30-35 rubles?

Podvipodvertov 19.11.20

Nothing's going to change, it's stupid to hope for that. And it is not in our government (I do not support it and do not justify it), it is in the people itself, in its mentality, in its bull - scotch - spitting attitude to all living things, including themselves.
This is not the government lying on the streets, lying drunk on benches, parking where it is not necessary, being on each other, hamit, driving drunk without rights, sends three letters of old people, kills veterans of World War TWO for a couple of rubles, takes bribes, does his job on ... All this is done by ordinary people, people have become ossiked, bored. In Russia for a long time man man wolf, all shit on each other and live like pigs in manure.
And the power she just uses it and that's it. Ordinary people have nothing to respect and appreciate, and the government understands this. From here there are fees for cap repairs, high prices and low wages (for the cattle are not supposed otherwise), brazen lies on TV and bitter truth on the street, etc.
In Europe or America, the government is the same because we are all human beings. Only there the people put themselves initially not as stupid cattle, but as a proud man, a worthy man. And their government is there with people counted, hence the life there is better. And if the people do not like something, he does not remain silent, and goes out into the street. It may not always bring the desired result, but the authorities know that the people will not remain silent and stand aside, and will declare their rights, this is the first. And secondly, the fact that people there respect each other, and such people will not be treated as cattle, hence the authorities respect their people there.
And it is useless to sit here to shout and swear, it will lead to nothing, our people will not change, the pig will never become a man. Therefore, if anyone wants to live normally, raise children and give them a good future, then leave here if there is any opportunity. Russia is a dead place and will never be the same.

the endless misanthropy o 19.11.20

Vanya Rygalov
The ruble 4 for the year can drop, Tired in the region of 58-59, the first Putin 10 years the dollar was kept at 28-29, so as not to be too ashamed, about the return to Yeltsinsky 6 rubles was not a speech, but it is important to keep the psychological barrier

nikita2112 19.11.20

The ruble will not strengthen this for sure. He simply will not be allowed to do it, because it is more profitable to drive goods for export. The fact that with such a course the people do not benefit from imported goods to buy no one sways. Support the domestic manufacturer. Well, in principle, if you sharply return the dollar to 30 rubles, then all our s/s producers quickly bent, because imported products will be 1.5-2 times cheaper. The government will have to listen to their crying and help pay the loans. That was the case in the early 2000s. Therefore, the government carefully shifted these concerns on the shoulders of buyers (us).
If the sanctions are lifted, perhaps wages will start to grow slowly and become equal in dollars to those before the crisis and sanctions. In short, a new round of inflation, rising prices and melting ruble savings.