Steam doesn't see me playing. (Cyberpunk 2077)
Actually strange what, and with no other game was not - the game bought in the steam, played 4 hours, came out - steam writes that I played as much as 2 minutes, for all the time no ace did not get (the story is not what?). Started the game once again check - rolled, steam does not see that the game is running. To the game itself there are no claims, played clearly without lags or departures, but steam something wonders, with the same success the game could just spiral ...
Have you ever clicked on this news?
Same problem, I'm playing and steam says no. I've already tried to reset it, and cyberpunk, and the driver of the vidyuk.
Here the site is stim?, I certainly understand everything, maybe anything, maximum you will give a link to the steam forum with such a theme.
And that's where the solution will be, not here.
deleted the game completely from one disk and uploaded it anew to the disk with the installed steam - that is, did not carry the folder with the game, namely re-loaded
This happens if you run directly from the executable from the folder, and not through the Steam itself. Perhaps, maybe also if you turn off the GOGovsky launcher in some way, but I have not tested this