Pumping with SPECIAL (Fallout 4)
Hello!Today April 29, 2016
I decided to start the game again. As the previous time decided to pump with the help of the book SPECIAL, and a faithful friend of the dog. I've tried it a dozen times, and it doesn't work. Tell me, please. Is this bug with a SPECIAL book fixed?
What's the point? you can and cheat swing, business then stupidly at once all the perks to yourself in the garage
I don't use fashions in principle. It was a bug, I used it. Now the question is whether it works, or fixed.
ALEXANDER 22 wrote:
"Decided to start the game again"
And I got to level 40 (in the sense that I'm not a beginner) and started to play something. I envy people who are not lazy to play. Or maybe avitaminosis!?
If you don't understand the difference between a bug and a cheat, there's nothing to be smart about.
It's not a big difference. Both are frauds. correctly noticed and here you use or not. It's not necessary for everyone. for not some gta online
Tali Zorah vas Normandy
For the gifted. The console doesn't work on the difficulty of survival. That would connect it need fashion and stuff that is essentially a game already spoiled. And bugs do not spoil the game. Is it normal that your opponents are falling off one of you, and you're dropping five thus and nothing, it's not cheating? That's it. Survival is survival - looking for different loopholes through only the game itself - it's not a scam. Son.