Of a chain of murders (Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood)
PPC is not good at the chain.tell me how to do them?tried delat as written but nifiga(Dagger prosche to make chains than with a sword. Long suffered and could not understand how to do the chain. Now everything is fine!
Record 2206 What?? 2206 people?? You bredish chtoli??
I have a maximum of about 30 in training, I do not remember exactly. I just hastily passed, to suit the ride open and all.
Anyway, if you didn't multiply the number of dead people on the longest chain. 47 murders in a row - and would you the same, even more
And what is the result?
Number of dead * the longest chain = ? Glasses or something?
Damn, I don't saw the description. Cool pancake, it means to get 300 points for example, it is necessary to make a chain of 10 people, and killing 30 people in all. I tried to make a chain of 15 to 20 people, maybe more, thought only of the value chain depends.
From the value chain depends. If you're only counterattacks to kill, not much to fill
But not only on value chain depends, and also from the number of dead. Very good I understood it. I've always tried to do so many dead, and such chain, i.e. these indicators were the same. And now it is much easier to do. Make a chain of 12-13 people, and kill 35-40. Of gold enough.
The coolest chains in the crossbow (a maximum of two murders, but it looks cool :)
Choose the crossbow and all. Only the chain will really not more than a couple people
2201 point for 1.5 minutes. How many killed I do not remember exactly, but not less than 45 series. Dagger and throwing knives.
The suit Raiden is something like Easter eggs from Yubikov. The suit repeats the GG suit from the game series Metal Gear Solid. It looks like this:
Well, given all this fun for passing absolutely all of the training missions in the training mode at any medal (at least all bronze).
I agree with those who have it turns out poorly. I don't know what a wanker you have to be to right away and worked quickly and efficiently, but you just got lucky. Skills are always honed over the years, and in the case of games at least a week of the game. I have the most right now was very often a double murder, for 4 seconds 8 corpses. And then I played another half hour and I stopped it got. No matter how much I tried clamping for 2-3 seconds the attack button and the directions in any direction, does NOT work. And before somehow. In General, not p. izdite what is hard??? To cut down tries.yd forum, once you have no issues and problems, PI.Dora unhappy.
actually, none of you here nichrome not sensibly explained. How to go from capture? WHAT BUTTONS TO PUSH? I have layout by default. So what buttons and in what time? How to make a double murder? Chain I understand how to do, but with the double turns. In the chain it is only the direction button is clicked, the attack clicked, and Ezio himself there on. But trying to pinch - nichrome, the chain immediately stops. Well, who of you here the entire combat system learned? For who here fucking complicated? Here explain, and if they understand it, then hats off. And so, you that don't know shit when that happened.
Drink vernocchi. Th evil tatakai? Do you have any difficulties with the game? So climb on is not present. The game can be found a few hundred different guides, boevok and advice.
How to go from capture? Press Shift while holding RMB and all. What are the difficulties?
Double murder hidden blades? Nothing complicated. Importantly, two guards stood nearby and all. Two corpses.
Pooh.... a double murder in the CHAIN.... EPT, do you think I can ask such banal garbage about hidden blades? When Ezio stabs someone shoots a gun in the other. Tried again right now, one out of ten times it happened, but not constantly. In General, if YOU get it painted you poponyatnee, and the feeling that you get, and you don't know what to do. And out of capture - and tried everything and in different combinations. By the way here 2 post and each his own.... Not working, nichrome can't help it. I get in the capture, stand there a couple seconds, and then Ezio is released. And I'm talking about rear grip. When even grab did not have time to chain killings have not stopped. So at what point to press the RMB? I somehow turned out quite randomly that Ezio then knocked over the exciting, odd seems to be made, or jumped him in the head, or a sword... well from contrihute I have killed TWO of breathtaking and a side guard. How to do it - don't get it.