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AS.Mind 20.12.20 05:10 am

[PlayGround] UT2004 ASSAULT Mode Fan Championship 12. Registration (Unreal Tournament 2004)

Registration for the Assault Championship is now open.
Leave your applications here in Temka, or in a personal Skype: mindmind444

Championship format: AS 5v5
Registration for the championship will last: (according to the situation) mid-end of September
Championship start: October 1
End of the championship: around December
Organizer: Mind
Support: Cold-M, Forsiets, Xenon I

plowed the rules of anger + mine in my own way :)
Spoiler- Registration:
1.1. A prerequisite for registration, if the organizer does not know the player, is to complete the registration application form.
1.2.2. If a player does not fill in the main points, then registration may not be valid and such a player will not be included in the list of participants.
1.2.3. The registration form can be filled in and sent to me in a personal skype, if suddenly someone does not have the opportunity to do this on the forum. After that, I can post an application on the forum.
1.2.4. Items to fill out:
1. Your main real nickname.
2. The nickname under which you will play in the championship (under any other nickname that will differ from the one stated in this paragraph, it will not be possible to play in championship matches).
3. Your Skype.
4. Schedule who has it. (Insert times here at which you would be able to play almost regularly)
1.3. If a player wants to be the captain, then individually he informs the organizer of the nickname of the player with whom he wants to be the captain.
1.4. If a player has already submitted an application for registration, but then for some reason changes his mind or cannot participate, he will be obliged to inform the organizer about this before the registration deadline. If a player registers, and warns about the impossibility to participate after registration is over, or due to other unreasonable reasons does not play, then such a player will be added to the black list and lose the opportunity to participate in the next championships.
1.5. If a player initially registers as a substitute, he must individually notify the organizer of this during the registration period.
1.6. All interested persons are allowed to register, except for the following persons:
1. Eva
1.7. By registering in the championship, the player automatically confirms that he is familiar with all the rules of the championship and agrees to adhere to all these rules.
If the penalty is not specified in the rules, the organizer announces and enforces the penalty.

- Distribution by teams:
2.1. Each team consists of 5 people.
2.2. The team captains and their assistants are approved by the organizer at the time of registration.
2.3. On the day on which the captain's selection and division into teams will take place, the pairs of captains will, in the order of the queue established by the organizer, choose their players from the list of registered players, the players will have price tags according to the plate, to guide the caps in choosing a player and for clarity of the final cost of the team.
More specifically, in turn, the following selection procedure will be established:
1) The weakest pair
2) Weak
3) Average
4) Strong
5) The strongest
2.4. If a player has not participated in previous championships, then the rating will be awarded to him, which will be determined by the organizer.

- General provisions of the championship:
3.1. Matches are held on PlayGround servers:
Only in case of serious problems with these servers, the match can be played on another server according to the scheduled date of the match, if possible.
3.2. Championship maplist:
- AS-BP2-SubRosa-LE [F3]
- AS-FallenCity2
- AS-Glacier
- AS-HolocorpRedux-LE
- AS-Convoy
- AS-ABP-Protocore-v2
- AS-Junkyard
- AS -Insurrection-LE-V3
3.3. After the captain's selection and the complete formation of the teams, the schedule of matches is formed, according to which the games will have to take place.
3.4. A team that does not show match activity for 2 weeks, at the discretion of the organizers, can be removed from the championship or reorganized with minimal damage to the original balance of power in the championship.
3.5. Each participant plays under the nickname under which he was admitted to the championship. Also, it is advisable to use your own team tag.
3.6. Each match lasts until two card wins.
3.7. In each match, for a 2: 0 win on the cards, three points are given, for a 2: 1 win - two points, for a 1: 2 loss - one point, for a 0: 2 loss - zero points.
3.8. If two teams have the same number of points, the result of their personal meeting is taken into account to determine the position in the ranking.
3.9. Captains must send the server password to the organizer before the game, if they have one.
3.10. In case of a tie on the map, the result is not taken into account. Teams play the two remaining cards (the last card is selected by scribbling from the maplist). If the result on these maps is 1: 1, then a "draw" in the match is counted and the teams receive one point each.
3.11. Unknown, little-known and for the first time registered for the AS championship, participants must come to the training camp before the start of the championship so that the organizer can evaluate their skill and they confirm their willingness to play.
The order of the matches.
3.12. The team captain agrees in advance about the day and time of the match with the captain of the opposing team, taking into account the capabilities of the match participants, after which he informs the organizer about the agreement that has arisen.
3.13. A scheduled match can be canceled no later than 30 minutes before the announced time. Each team can take advantage of the canceled match twice during the championship.
3.14. At the appointed time, the opposing teams meet on the server. A team that does not appear in a five-player squad for its scheduled match within 25 minutes from the start of the match receives a technical defeat on its "own" map, if the opposing team appears in a five-player squad. After that, the teams either postpone the match, or agree on a 4v4 game, or wait for the latecomer. The last two development options are possible only with the mutual agreement of the teams.
3.15. Immediately before each match, the team chooses "their" card and communicates it to the opposing team. The opposing team does the same.
3.16. If the score after two cards is 1: 1, then the third card is selected by scrolling from the maplist. In this case, two cards already played in this match are automatically crossed out.
3.17. "Own" card is played first for the attacking side. On the third map, the team that scribbled last plays first for the defending side.
3.18. The order of choosing your card and drawing is determined by the teams by agreement. If there is no agreement, a third party tosses a coin.
3.19. With the mutual consent of the teams in a particular match, the game can be played in 4v4 format.
3.20. During matches, the following persons, in addition to the participants of a particular match, have the right to be located on the server with a set password:
- the organizer acting as a referee at the match, resolving controversial situations, if any;
- a streamer who, among other things, is in charge of the coin toss to establish the order of deleting and selecting cards by teams;
- commentators;
- UTV operator;
- server administrator.
3.21. Teams must abide by the rules, even if the organizer is not present at the match for some reason. The captains - the participants of the match, and only they, must notify the organizer about such violations on a personal basis, and the organizer will make decisions on these violations after the match according to the rules, which may lead to the cancellation of the result of the match, and will also publish a complaint on the forum. only if evidence is provided that the violation took place. (Take screenshots, submit a video stream or write a video yourself, write demos, etc.)
3.22. If any of the rules were violated, but none of the captains participating in the organizer informed about it, or the opposing teams both agree to count the result regardless of whether the rules were violated or not, then the result of such a match will be valid.
3.23. each team can only choose the same map twice in the group stage of the championship. There are no restrictions in the playoffs.

- Championship Playoffs:
3.24. The top four rated teams advance to the playoffs. The best rated team plays in the fourth highest rated team. The second-rated team plays against the third. The winning teams in these matches advance to the Super Final. And the teams that lose in the semifinal matches play a match for the third place. All these matches are up to three card wins, except for the super final, which is up to four card wins.
3.25. The team with fewer points chooses the first map, then the choice of maps is made by the teams in turn.
- Prohibited game actions:
4.1. Climbing out of the ion tank inside the door on the Glacier map. Climbing under textures on all maps. In case of deliberate violation of this rule, the player will be disqualified in the current game, as well as for one game of his team, upcoming with the next opponent, without the right to substitute and without the right to cancel the match.
4.2. Unauthorized substitution of players in the team by other players who are not included in the team based on the results of the captain's selection. If this rule is violated, the entire team is disqualified from the tournament, and the results of all teams with the offending team are canceled.
4.3. Using cheats. A player who is seen using any type of cheat will be disqualified from the tournament, blacklisted and deprived of the opportunity to participate in the next championships.
4.4. Insulting participants during a game or between cards, whether it is in text chat or in general voice chat. Any direct deliberate humiliation of the honor and dignity of an individual or a team as a whole is considered an insult. At the first violation of this rule, the player is issued a warning from the organizer This warning is valid for the entire match. The next violation of this rule after a warning is issued, the player will be disqualified for the remaining time and cards of the current match without the right to substitute. A team, in case of disqualification of its player, can play out four of them, can use the right to cancel the match if such a right has not been used 3 times yet, or admit defeat on the current and all remaining maps.
4.5. Sabotage the tournament. In case of any attempts by a player to sabotage the tournament (for example, refusal to participate after registration, negatively affect the process of participation in the championship of his own or other teams, prematurely terminate participation in the tournament (match) due to his own dissatisfaction or other psychological factors, etc.) he faces disqualification from the championship. Such a player is blacklisted and deprived of the opportunity to participate in the next championships. Also, another decision may be made by the organizer if the situation is controversial.
- Technical issues during matches:
5.1. When one of the match participants leaves the game, a pause is put on the server. Waiting for a kicked out player: 15 minutes. Further waiting is possible with the consent of the teams: 10 minutes. If the relegated player does not return, with the consent of the team with the full roster, the final game takes place with 4v4 rosters. In this case, the player leaves the server of the same order of selection in the captain's selection as the one who departed. Also, in this case, the departed player is allowed to enter the server only after changing the map. If a team with a full roster does not agree to a replay in 4v4 format and the organizer has not identified the winner, the captains will postpone the replay of the match for another time.
- Substitution of team players for third-party players:
6.1. Temporary substitution of a player is possible only with the consent of the opposing team, and at the same time only if the skill level of the substitute player clearly does not exceed the skill level of the substituted one.

- Controversial issues:
7.1. For all disputable urgent questions, please contact the organizer.
7.2. All controversial issues of the championship are resolved by the organizer.

Who does not want to read all this, here is the most basic:
Spoiler Made a champion according to proven and accustomed schemes with minor changes:
Format: Pair (cap + assistant) during reg, or just a cap (in the future you can choose an assistant), if a weak player wants to be a cap, an org will decide this issue according to the situation + the rest, through the cap. selection.
2.3. On the day on which the captain's selection and division into teams will take place, the pairs of captains will, in the order of the queue established by the organizer, choose their players from the list of registered players, the players will have price tags according to the plate, to guide the caps in choosing a player and for clarity of the final cost of the team.
More specifically, in turn, the following order of selection will be established:
1) The weakest pair
2) Weak
3) Medium
4) Strong
5) The strongest
In the map list - standard + two often playable cards at every training camp, almost, Robo and insurection.
3.2. Championship maplist:
- AS-BP2-SubRosa-LE [F3]
- AS-FallenCity2
- AS-Glacier
- AS-HolocorpRedux-LE
- AS-Convoy
- AS-ABP-Protocore-v2
- AS-Junkyard
- AS-Insurrection-LE-V3

- each team can only choose the same map twice in the group stage of the championship. There are no restrictions in the playoffs;

- Game format: group and playoffs
In the playoffs I did the following:
3.24. The team with fewer points chooses the first map, then the choice of maps is made by the teams in turn.

The rating of potential participants can be tracked here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zbtKN3pkxhw5bSwh_YcJTkivFnVGnPp3NUMh6n1PYHE/edit#gid=1531706319

PS Yes, yes, I know that I said that I had tied it up, but, as it turned out, there was no one else, and the desire overpowered me to play my favorite mode + I have free time. I decided to lay out the reg today, and not tomorrow, since I sat down to dig into the rules.

Registered players (25):
First pair: Norfolc-xxxx (k), Sm @ ll
Second pair: Naut (k). van
Third pair: Roy (k). Cold-M
Fourth pair: Mind (k). Koffeek
Fifth Pair: CHONG (k)
Forsiets [ForsiyskayaRepublic]

Subs: vestniksmerti, Syzygy. Bugatti
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Boneyan 20.12.20

Signing up

Noize_suppressor 20.12.20

Angerfist +

AS.Mind wrote: I
plowed the rules of anger + mine in my own way :)
Use it to your health.
Only there is a possibility of confusion =)))
AS.Mind wrote: A
team, in case of disqualification of its player, can play out with four, can use the right to cancel the match (p. 4.3.1), if such a right has not yet been used 3 times, or recognize defeat on the current and all remaining maps.
For example, to scare people with a point that does not exist - p. 4.3.1 =)

AS.Mind 20.12.20

Yes, I didn't notice, I'll fix it, the roof just started to go at one moment from a ton of text)

AS.Mind 20.12.20

+ ultra, its schedule will be decided later with the team

LiAlena 20.12.20

Well, write me down =)

Arxsab 20.12.20

Koffeek o /

Rasty569 20.12.20


_uLTRa_ 20.12.20

I would like to see the Assault veterans in the championship. It's so great to be able to pull into your favorite mode all together: on the same team or against. Enjoy the memories and get real pleasure from the game! Regard comrades, regain!)

Ray4eg 20.12.20

LiAlena, Alyonk, do you still have our conference on skype?) If yes, then write there plz)

LiAlena 20.12.20

Didn't leave, it seems, but it is not displayed ... =

Freiherr 20.12.20

I would like to see the Assault veterans in the championship.

And on the contrary to me newcomers, because except for veterans no one will come.
Usually it is customary to speak about veterans in a positive context, but the veterans of the Assault were supporters of unsportsmanlike behavior.
I remember the player was 77, he more or less knew how to shoot and he was kicked for it, can you imagine what they got to?
And not only him, many other strong players kicked as well.
The "veterans" of the cars seized the server and learned not to play, but to kick in an organized manner, any danger of an opponent and immediately the stench in the chat and the veterans showed a master class on quick kick.

Therefore, when all sorts of ch0ngs and poisons were selected in labor regimes, they were carried around like shit.
Look at the dueling champion, ch0ng is in last place and everyone laughs at him, and this is almost a top assolter

_uLTRa_ 20.12.20

KapDun, because the main thing in the assault is tactics and do the squeezing, and then just shoot (which is not equated with camping). Yes, in the championship, undoubtedly, without an aim player you can lose everything to hell, but in a regular game on servers this is not the main thing. Moreover, when a player, such as 77 and roars, stupidly enter pokemperit, it starts to enrage. So they kicked.

Freiherr 20.12.20

because in assault, the main tactic is to do squeeze, and then only shoot.
Only the attacking side needs to squeeze, and the side that is defending all tactics comes down to the most banal: you need to kill the attacking enemies.
So here many honorary veterans started having problems, can you imagine, you run to create a project, you want to get some fun from the game, and a head flies in your head, how can you be? Found a way out, you can call the player a camper and this sentence is enough to carry out the punishment.

_uLTRa_ 20.12.20

want to get some fun from the game, but the head flies into your head
Do you understand the difference between normal protection and constant camping? (plus, they still like to play pigs on someone else's respawn when camping. This is probably the apogee of indignation) You
can kill attackers in different ways, even banal spam with a flack and rocket in different directions, which is practiced by many players for whom the aim is not so important.

Freiherr 20.12.20

Do you understand the difference between normal protection and constant camping?
Well, this is the specificity of the whole ut2004 with its balance, which is biased towards the advantage of light, this is the norm.

You can kill attackers in different ways, even banal spam with flakes and rocket in different directions, which is practiced by many players for whom the aim is not so important.

Galina you koneno give weighty arguments in favor of the kick, but for progress in skill, tactics, and in general for sports excitement, players who are unpleasant in the game should not be kicked, but replayed. I am very sorry that the veterans chose the first path.

_uLTRa_ 20.12.20

If you replay, then you need to send one player off the camper all the time. In fact, it annoyed me only on Dzhanka, probably like many others who kicked. Convoy, starting on Glasa and Proto, Holo - it is quite natural to pick up a light or a snipe.

Freiherr 20.12.20

If you replay, then you need to send one player off the camper all the time.

I can imagine you sending MITA or chong to make the roar))))) ahah.
In ut2004, like a Gareth Bale in football, he will beat two out of the blue.
The tactic for removing such players does not work, only a kick.

Freiherr 20.12.20

I will try to reproduce how the matches of the Assalt veterans took place.

Team of veterans: MIT, drukh, ch0ng, poison, ultra.
Cons: Roar and randomy

Before the match:
druh: friends, we are the best assult players, we must win today, let's beat the random ones on the server of our organized team right now?
mit: dada, good idea, no one will bother us.

The match begins.
A junk card, a roar, takes position as the team of veterans rushes to the first boarding and the first attack.
piv-pav, poison falls from the head, and since he is the commander gives the command:
Poison: you need to select one player against the sniper, MIT go and deal with the impudent person there.
mit: he is already a corpse.

Meath makes a long way around the enemy rear, and after a minute he is already at the roar, bangs, a sphere exploded, mit did not have time to understand what had happened.
After another 10 seconds, the roar kills the druha and confusion arose in the team.

ch0ng: the guys need more effective tactics, I propose to go to the camper together, I go and the poison.
poison: together he definitely has no chance.

the guys are running together, one is running with a rocket, and the other with a bottle. A roar from afar, each of them has a shot and they have 30 hp, then they finally noticed it, the poison is churning out a banzai and releases three radio-controlled rockets, the roar of the dodge leaves and finishes this attack from the minigun.
The guys are shocked, all attacks failed, they did not manage to complete their attack on the map and decided not to finish the game and play a new card.

poison: you need to take a robot factory, there is a tank, I will sit in the tank, it is tenacious, and the two of you run from behind and don't stick your head out, as we get close, jump out with a rocket unexpectedly and we will kill him.

the battle begins, the guys do not have time to get into the tank, they are killed on the way, as a result, the team of veterans takes an emergency meeting:
poison: there is no fan, guys, this is not a game.
ultra: He's a kemer and a villain. You can kill attackers in different ways, even banal spam with flakes and rocket in different directions, which is practiced by many players for whom the aim is not so important.
mit: he has no conscience
ch0ng: guys I came up with a way out of the situation, we will kick him and he will no longer interfere with us getting fan from the game

in a minute inscription: roar has been kicked.
game ends 5v4
druh: we are veterans of the assault, we won, we are the best. Uraaaa

Noize_suppressor 20.12.20

Khihi) Reminded this story:

.Darky. 20.12.20

> In ut2004, he is like a Gareth Bale in football.

I don’t want to answer Mr. Okoshken, but to compare a well-aimed, but standing still utshnik and one of the fastest football players in the world - you have to be able, of course.

On the subject: I won't play, of course. Comment - call, we'll see: 3