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mariha_ 20.12.20 05:21 am

Deleted Persian by mistake (Diablo 2)

Hello dear administration
Today I decided to pump the Persian and after I dropped my gear, I deleted the wrong character. Could you give it back to me?
My Account mariha_ I have deleted two characters, truth_hurts and Mariha. With the first all the rules, I dropped my gear and will pump it, but Mariha was deleted by mistake. Please return it to me if possible. I hope you have Persian saves for yesterday or some other date. I will be grateful
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Torum. 20.12.20

This is impossible, you can enjoy life.

irknet 20.12.20

Deleted characters cannot be restored, unless of course it was a server error.

Rivnyanyn 20.12.20

And if it was a server bug, is it reset? 😈

Archon guard 20.12.20

still, of course, a reset is made! - the past was just because of the XD server spike