Your favorite genre in games?
This search and skimmed through the forum, seems like this topic yet.Love most: Racing, FPS, TPS, Simulator
And what game genre you prefer?
Of course dynamic FPS!
F. E. A. R.,Crysis respect.from TPS good Resident Evil,Dead Space,Lost Planet(current 1st part).RPG respect the current FallOut,all these RPGs with dragons,trolls sucks. and of course the great Mass Effect,a mixture of TPS and RPG with something.
Favorite genre is RPG. Here are the reasons:
1. RPG is not stamped as action games, shooters and simulators.
2. In an interesting RPG combat system (the Witcher, Skyrim...).
3. RPG pay more attention to the plot than other genres.
Hard to say genres shitload of ASN-RPGs the most or perhaps the type of GTA5.
I've always hated the genre as RPG of all evil like orcs,elves, demons, etc., but loved the Action,and then (since 2010) loved the RPG,but was not like it Action,because it is very tedious (one fire and all),I fell in love,probably due to Fallout 3,Dragon age,Oblivion,the genre is quite the same drug and like Strategy (RTS,TBS don't like,but some games of this genre like still love economic)