Legendary Lies (Crashlands)
Surely you have already completed the Legendary lies quest, where you first had to find an island, and then go west and fight one of the bosses of the savannah - Baconweed Fairy. But did you know that originally this quest was called differently?Let's go back to the days of beta testing. Then this quest was called Legendary Truth (The truth of the legend, which is logical, because at the end we learn that the fairy is not kind at all, as the legend said), the quest was similar, except for one line: Go south of this location (square lake). The players started walking south. Some walked an hour, others two, some even three hours when Sam (one of the developers) wrote "Oh hey ... oops ... you need to go south of the ship (lifeboat), not from that place" ... This caused the players to feel sad and angry, where someone exclaimed, "This quest is more like a legendary deception!" After multiple requests, Sam changed the name of the quest