It's all about the sound! yes in SOUND!In the options, turn off the sound ("No Sound")
and do not slow down! Try it, though it's not
fun to play without sound , but it's better than with brakes!
Don't say that feces The
behavior of the car is more sane than in GTA
And the damage is generally super!
When a car slides with wheels on asphalt with a slope of 5 'is this a sane behavior? =)
But the damage, yes, it was good at that time, and even now some kind of alcohol will start driving: D
and it does not slow down!
This RAM is not enough for you ... I also slowed down, I turned off the shadows and the drawing distance. And then I just put in another GB of RAM and everything went
The author of the genius himself would never have thought of it, he really turned off the sound and does not lag))
ozu has nothing to do with the game should work at 512 norms.
King's Bounty: Princess in Armor "Gift Bag" 621Kb
Patch King's Bounty: Princess in Armor v1.2 27Mb
Patch King's Bounty: Princess in Armor v1.1 28.9Mb
Patch King's Bounty v 1.7 RU 5,7Mb
Patch King's Bounty v 1.6. 4 5.6Mb
Patch King's Bounty v 1.6.3 5.6Mb
Patch King's Bounty. Legend of the Knight v.1.5 RU 23,4Mb
Patch King's Bounty. Legend of the Knight v.1.4 RU 24Mb
Patch King's Bounty. The Legend of the Knight v1.3.1 RU 24,9Mb
Patch King's Bounty. Legend of the Knight v1.2 RU 21,8Mb
Another year has passed, but I still can't forget the horror that I experienced from her glitches. :)
help i can not enter the game because the monitor is 60Hz and the game is 100Hz there is
simply no picture and the sound is on
More than 10 years have passed since I left my first message here. And oh god, the memories of this game are still nightmarish.
It's been almost 16 years since I played, and I still remember this game with horror! Lifetime trauma.
Not so long ago I read the opinion that this is GTA 4 before the release of the four, a large number of bugs, beautiful cities, car physics and an excellent storyline with a soundtrack. But the four still performed better, although there were worse optimization problems