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bankrott0 27.12.20 01:56 am

Monsters Metro 2033 (Metro 2033)

Who is the most annoying monster of Metro 2033 for you throughout the game ??

personally, demons infuriated me. You go to yourself on the surface and then bam-from the back attacks and immediately flies away, you don't have time to soak him ... yes, and in my opinion the most powerful monster in the game.
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DukeOfChaos 27.12.20

2 Strel-Ok

Yes, 8- round airgun . Shoots with special arrows (which can then be removed from the corpses of defeated enemies).
Below is a short video of how Helsing can quietly, quickly and reliably bring down enemies.

Chapter 4, War, Front Line.
Quiet and fast clearing of the last 9 Red Army soldiers. Helsing rules!

Strel-Ok 27.12.20

Tin. And I made a batch there =) First I threw 2 grenades, then I jumped out with a gun myself, finished off the rest

tuskan-- 27.12.20

What is Helsing, an air rifle? More powerful than a shotgun at close range?
Duc is the most powerful weapon in the game.

EGO.Indy 27.12.20

That okay !! The most powerful, 20-round shot will be on the trenchant Helsing!

Komodo Saurian 27.12.20

DPS higher, single shot not.

Deather9 27.12.20

For me, these are the worst ones:
1) What's in the photo of Komodo Saurian
2) These damn amoebas, that is, the balls are green.
3) Librarians, when you have no cartridges, and they do not care how you look at them.
PS What will happen if you get under the train of a ghost? It's a pity he does not pass through you, most likely you will die. Yes, and kikimor pins with a knife to kill. Hunter, On paveletskaya especially, he runs at you, and you say: "Come on, run here, a surprise awaits you here, don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you," and then hop a retaliatory blow with a knife and finish off. Liked. Only if you have a gas mask, you better not play.

Sharp_tp 27.12.20

Infuriates the librarian and the kikimora .., damn it swears when the quest with the library passed.

GeoViking 27.12.20

Demons should be properly watered . You fire a few queues, he flies away, arrives, you give more. Failed three in a game.
You stand in the corner with your back, shoot, everything is very nice. At first I also ran, then I realized what was what.
Wet fire amoebas from SHS from afar, and nests too!

xDarkOverlordx 27.12.20

Amoebas enrage ... but more amoebas are enraged by those whom Bourbon called kikimors.

tuskan-- 27.12.20

enrage those whom Bourbon called the kikimors.
these with a knife for fun ... patrons sorry for them

Diman94 27.12.20

Demons, librarians,
both those and those often attack from behind unnoticed - when passing by from such moments sometimes he jerked =)))

tuskan-- 27.12.20

Demons must be properly watered. You fire several lines, he flies away, arrives, you give more. Failed three for the game
there are sticky grenades in the shed with the radio station.
you carefully attach it to the demon between the wings, it takes off ... and - BOOM!

Khusin 27.12.20

demons need to be soaked 5.45 shotgun, although a SHOTGUN, but in the game as a simple unnecessary toy and nail shots, they are current for the kikimor, and it's really a stupid way, well, who will look at the friend after he earned about 150 or 200 rounds of ammunition and was able to hack the game on art money (playing litsuha with stim) I didn't really like the method, but if someone has troubles on the hard, you can get to the bazaar in the old fashioned way to hack the game, although the method is Nubian, but for whom it is very tight and on hard you can break the hunt (from 1 time it may not break money is needed in the region of 200 or at least 100)

Komodo Saurian 27.12.20

I’m here, like I studied at school, now I don’t understand, I’m used to when punctuation marks put nicherta is not clear

tuskan-- 27.12.20

demons need to kill 5.45
was able to hack the game on art mani

aa ... well then, I see.
but this is UG in its most striking manifestation ...

Khusin 27.12.20

heh, I clearly wrote a friend hacked the game, not me (komodo I hope you are happy and now everything is clear to you) xDD druzhban after earning about 150 or 200 rounds was able to hack the game on art mani this is tuskan

Khusin 27.12.20

but forgot 5.45 simple, not monetary ...

tuskan-- 27.12.20

Then explain what the deeper meaning is to dump a bunch of cartridges into the demon, if the logic of the game provides for a natural path to hell for him - with a sticky stick on his hump. Well, or with 5 arrows.

Ripper man 27.12.20


DukeOfChaos 27.12.20

I have neither a Demon nor, moreover, the Librarian did not die from one hedgehog-type grenade. Even if I managed to "hook" them a hedgehog right on the snout.