chains of honor (Diablo 2)
do you think the take on this armor is justified, and who really needs it, and whether it is needed at all. I did it once, I didn't see any sense from it
in the end - there is a sense to do it or not, whether it pays off. the same fort is not bad either
Olezha Bukhalo
what is the meaning you are looking for in the game? do it like it or not.
A person who has Ber should understand that running on a mefa does not make sense.
Summoner - the best armor after eni.
nwn2030, subtle! laughing in the bath. "the detachment did not notice the loss" .. of the teleport. ;-)
Another armor fits your definition. are there versions? :-)
Olezha Bukhalo, there is no need to collect TSOH. in the best times it was = throwing out Ber, now - even more so.
Obsessed wrote: there is no need to collect COH. in the best times it was = throwing out Ber, now - even more so.
best answer
what is the point you are looking for in the game? do it like it or not.
Olezha Bukhalo, here is the best answer ^. the answer of a man tormented by narzan. ;-)
with java, by the way, it is also slippery - the fort is credited to it for the sake of boosting the physical damag.
redoolf, or in general, a native skill. ;-)
charges - crab. :( end quickly, suddenly, it is necessary to fix it. and the party does not wait. not for nerds, in short.