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MoulSoul 11.01.21 11:20 am

Collecting a PC. Processor selection problem.

In general, I decided to change my video card, processor, motherboard and memory for new ones. My choice fell on the Msi geforce gtx 950 2gb video card. But as for the processors, my choice was divided: either the i3-6100 or the fx 6300. And I just can't choose. I've looked at all the tests, but you won't understand anything from them. On some with ay3 you can almost play at ultras, on others with fx. I read the comments, but some praise the Intel, others call it a "plug" and "office stone". Therefore, I ask for help here, who will explain which percentage is better to take. From the games so far I play only the Witcher 3 (at the minimum, and then it jams). Plus, they also say that prots from amd do not last long due to heating. ... Plus, the i3 chip is that you can then easily change it to i5 or i7, because ddr4. There is no such thing on AMD.
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Razor 11.01.21

MoulSoul Better save up a full-fledged 4-core percent on i5, you will have enough for a long time. And fx 6300 it is outdated, if there is really no money, then take something newer, for example, I have a budget employee AMD Athlon X4 860K, I have enough of it with 750 TI Witcher in HD resolution at high average 40fps, which I think is not bad.

WWQ 11.01.21

Game minimum for today, which will allow the rules to play full HD on ultra.
fx8300oc-4.5ghz + rx480 + 8gb ram
, differently better than office i3 and outdated 970, and most importantly not expensive.

evgeny.astrakhantseff 11.01.21

percent better than i5

Xiahou Dun 11.01.21

MoulSoul wrote:
Unfortunately, the budget is limited,
it is better to dig up 4k and buy an i5 than sit without games on the i3. In addition, what prevents you from looking for used percent on Avito.

evgeny.astrakhantseff 11.01.21

Valar Morghulis I have a
good option like this !! 750 x 2 GB! For the last Assassins, two are not enough! (texture quality only if you have to set it low) Larka is the last one on average! Crisis battles all sorts of edge lights on high-max go to 1600x900 perfectly !!

fog666666 11.01.21

thing I advise

evgeny.astrakhantseff 11.01.21

even i3 is better than many amude (no offense) and 7 for tops only !! i3 is optimal! Definitely! What about the views, whoever! I'm just used to nvidia !! As the first PC suffered through the terrible noise from Radik, it was enough !! Then I replaced 4 giraffes and everything is fine! The silence is complete !! Well, except that 550 from Kfa2, the Chinese was noisy in the load, but within reason)

evgeny.astrakhantseff 11.01.21

If the budget is very limited, then as here people wrote there is only one option! i3 8 GB RAM and 750 required 2 GB minimum

xxDiabloNeroxx 11.01.21

If possible, it is better to save up to i5. If you really can't wait, then definitely i3, because if anything, you can change to i5 i7 without problems. And if you take from AMD, then you have to wait for a new generation, because nothing else will come out on the current motherboards, then no upgrade can be done. 950 nvidia for i3 is a completely normal card, should open.

evgeny.astrakhantseff 11.01.21

xxDiabloNeroxx The
system will be ok ! The 950 will open without any problems! If i3-6100 or the like, then with time it will be possible to stick it in calmly and more powerfully

xxDiabloNeroxx 11.01.21

6100 will open a maximum of gtx 960, with 970 there will already be drawdowns under load. About all sorts of 980 and Paskali generally keep quiet. Therefore, it is still better to save up for i5.

evgeny.astrakhantseff 11.01.21

Agree! I didn't talk about top vidyahi! As for i5, of course, it's better, but apparently people want to collect as much as possible budget

-SK.art- 11.01.21

Oops42 wrote:
from, described that for my video card 970 is enough and 3 6100
is not enough ...
MoulSoul wrote:
My choice fell on the video card Msi geforce gtx 950 2gb. But as for the processors, my choice was divided: either the i3-6100 or the fx 6300.
for this card it makes no difference which of these processors to take. Both are trash, in fact. They will work approximately the same in conjunction with this card, they will reveal more than. FX if driven well, it will be a little faster even. But it should be borne in mind that a budget motherboard is not suitable for overclocking this stone. Whereas for the i3 you can buy the most budgetary one and not worry.

SPR1GGAN 11.01.21

test 970 on i5 and i3 6100
yes there are small drawdowns, but if the budget is in the butt, then it does not show itself badly

Purple giraffe 11.01.21

In this case, there is not much difference. Both the i3-6100 and FX 6300 perform well with this video card. But the i3 is still preferable, because it consumes less energy and allows you to upgrade to i5 / i7 in the future. And I would not be in a hurry with a video card. In the fall, budget models should come out to replace the GTX 950.
In general, the best option is to buy the FX 6300 and GTX 660 Ti from me. I will change the computer in August. This PC drags "Far Cry 4" at ultra settings, "Mad Max" at high / ultra, "Assassin's Creed Unity" at high / very high.

MoulSoul 11.01.21

By the way, another question. I bought one RAM 8 GB. And usually they recommend 2 to 4. Will there be lags because of this?

Purple giraffe 11.01.21

No. There will be no difference in games.

inartr86 11.01.21

Intel Core i5-4460 tell me the percentage norms? .. and what kind of vidyuhu you can take to it .. sorry for off topic ..

Rv770 11.01.21

fx 8300 4.5 Does not pull rx 480. Rx 470 yes

Mordok 11.01.21

And what is it cooler than the same 5960s, except for the extra bucks of course?