Entertaining Situation (Stellaris)
So. We have a galaxy in which there is no free space at all and 50 empires. On the outskirts of this galaxy is my state, pressed by fucking cats whom I once staged genocide when they were aborigines, and then somehow they became the largest empire and now they want to kill me and they are pressing in full, remaining the only race in the galaxy that is bad for me applies. At the same time, they lag behind me technologically.Question: What can be done?)
Kasaler Are you
on a par with seals in fleet strength? If so, then you can easily endure them and make them vassals.
No chance. They occupied half of the galaxy in 50 years.
They just throw meat at me + under them there are 5 more empires walking around that come running as soon as I start to break into them at least a little.
In general, it was crazy. In terms of technology, I am almost completely advanced in the galaxy (only extinct empires are stronger), but I suffer in full.
Then you need to unite with other empires. In which way, there is not much difference)
I have bugs living in my neighborhood with whom I have been friends from the very beginning of the game ... and that's it. They are also pressed.
People, how are you friends with other empires?
I tried to mend relations with the three empires at the very beginning of the game. Then I found another empire that declared war on me. I won the war. But I look at the relationship with "friends" - all have become enemies. Moreover, with the ratio [-200; -2000]. That is, no options.
The smaller the empire, the easier it is to download technologies.
Most likely, there is no other way out but to bend (become a vassal), if possible. If not, you will have to start the game over. For the third game in a row I have been taken out without any chance almost at the beginning of the game.
Ilya Rak
The system of diplomacy is a little bad. I had a vassal who threw kakakhami (insult) when my fleet became weaker than his, and as soon as I finished building another battleship, so immediately "establish an embassy."
Ilya Rak
Well, they opened my embassy ... they offered contracts ... In general, they themselves made friends with me.
We must try to bend under someone at the other end of the galaxy more powerful ... There, in principle, there are those who can write them out.
Ilya Rak
By the way, now they have written about what they consider it their duty to protect me. Even though I have already left the federation in which I was with them ... You can't imagine a better neighbor.
in the galaxy there are developed species, and their younger brothers are undeveloped which you touched
Yes, they are generally xenophobic militarists. Apparently touched a little.
Kasaler wrote:
now they have written about what they consider it their duty to protect me.
The most interesting thing is that they will protect you, and if you don’t want, they will start a war with you. Here is such a protection.
Ilya Rak
I don't mind at all. But they themselves are not in a better condition than me.
In general, my ass is complete if you think about it ... There are only 10 settlements left of my race. The rest of the cats staged genocide. By the way, do you know if there are planet-destroying weapons in the game?
no. And it shouldn't be. This is not 40k.
And how did they genocide you at all? If the planet has not been squeezed out of you, then you cannot control it. And if you squeezed out, then you have already lost your race.
Ilya Rak
Was pressed and cut out. Now robots live on my home planet.
Why shouldn't it be a word? Even in the dispute it was.
(Lol, my chief physicist is 200 years old)
Kasaler wrote:
(Lol, my chief physicist is 200 years old)
Perk took +120 years of life?)
Even you got smart AI)) I have 8 empires in the federation that can do nothing against me)
And I muddied the Federation on the floor of the galaxy with "Pumba / Boars", whale-like molluscs and crocodiles - "Earth's Axis"! Now we ride with a total fleet of 50K across the galaxy, and consistently every few years we bite off several planets from the opposing federation)) The turn of 2 fallen empires will soon come)
No. I didn’t take it. She has a 99% chance of dying for 10 years. Damn, she's older than many empires in the galaxy. (230 already by the way)
So far, I've seen the maximum for 250 years. ~ 176% chance of dying for 10 years)
In general, there is a lot that can be done: 1) load the save more anciently, in order to understand how much more time you have.
2) Try to join an alliance and use this alliance to recruit several vassals. 3) Without an alliance, subjugate several vassals.
4) If you are so advanced in technology, then rebuild many of your planets for the production of energy and minerals. 5) As soon as you increase the production significantly, you need to establish fast fleet construction, with max improvements according to the latest technologies.
6) So, let's say your energy is +200, and minerals +200. You put the governors on the speed of building ships, create decrees on the size of the fleet and again the building of ships. 7) Now the task is to create as quickly as possible, the largest possible fleet and your limiter, here it becomes not the limit of the permissible flotilla, but the amount of resources you extract. 8) It is desirable to achieve 2x, or better 3x, exceeding the fleet limit. 9) Well, with such an armada, see point 2 or 3. Successful enslavement of your cats)))