Setting up sonicDX.ini (Sonic Adventure)
The file is located in the folder where the game is installed, i.e. conditional ... / Sonic Adventure DX / sonicDX.iniBelow are the parameters from the file and what they affect, as well as the default ("default") values ​​of those I have
framerate - the frame rate, the default is 1
1 = High frequency
2 = Medium
3 = Low
fogemulation - fog emulation, default is 0
0 = Automatic (It is recommended to leave this value
on the network) 1 = Emulate
sound3d - 3d sounds, by default it is 1
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
screensize - screen resolution, by default it costs 0
0 = 680x480
1 = 800x600
2 = 1024x768
3 = 1152x864
4 = 1280x1024
cliplevel - the distance of drawing objects, by default it is 1
0 = Maximum
1 = Average
2 = Minimum
screen - the game window mode, by default it is 1
0 = Windowed mode
1 = Fullscreen mode
Note Regardless of the selected resolution, in windowed mode, a window opens approximately 1375x760 (approximate measurement by pint). But in it you can already feel the difference between the selected resolutions.
By the way, I have a screen resolution of 1920x1080, and given that the game itself does not support more than 1280x1024, it seems to me that the windowed mode is "clamped" by a certain percentage of the screen resolution, in my ratio it is about 70% of the height / width
sevoice - sound effects and votes, default is 1
0 = Disabled
1 =
Enabled bgm - background music, default is 1
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
mousemode - mouse control
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
If enabled:
LMB + mouse movement - direction and speed of movement,
RMB in place - attack,
RMB in motion - jump
bgmv - The volume of background music, the default is 100
voicev - The volume of sound effects and voices, the default is 100
language - The language of the game, is also selected in the settings in the game itself
padconfig - Control scheme, a link to the config is indicated in the same file eg:
padconfig = pad_user
Here are the game settings described above
buttons = 9
pad0 = 2
pad1 = 1
pad2 = 5
pad3 = 10
pad4 = 9
pad5 = 4
pad6 = 17
pad7 = 16
pad8 = 3
Default control in my version ( Walking - arrows
Jump - space, X (H )
Attack - Z (Z)
Interaction - A (F)
Pause - Enter
Unknown parameters:
cmd0 = 3
cmd1 = 2
cmd2 = 258
buttons = 9
pad0 = 2
pad1 = 1
pad2 = 5
pad3 = 10
pad4 = 9
pad5 = 4
pad6 = 17
pad7 = 16
pad8 = 3
In general, I suddenly remembered that I wanted to experiment with the "control" from the INI file in my free time.
The result turned out to be sad - it was not possible to change it. Neither replacing the values ​​in places, which in theory would lead to the replacement of some controls, nor setting random values, nor even deleting the values ​​as such, worked.
Changes in the values ​​of cmd0, cmd1 and cmd2 also did not give absolutely anything that could be "immediately noticed"
But, tormenting the controls and poking all the keys on the laptop, I found that there is more than I wrote in the header, namely:
Up - arrow up, R (K)
Down - down arrow, C (C)
Left - left arrow, D (B)
Right - right arrow, F (A)
You can also move using NumPad:
Up - 8
Down - 2
Left - 4
Right - 6
There are movements along the diagonals, respectively (7, 9, 1, 3)
Jump - space, X (H)
Attack - Escape, Z (Z), V (M)
Pause - Enter
Rotate the camera to the left - Q (Y)
Rotate the camera to the right - W (C)
Reset the camera - E (Y)
Look up - I (W)
Look down - M (L)
Look to the left - J (O)
Look to the right - K (L )