Sound cuts out for a short time
Hi guys, can anyone come across a similar problem.In rare cases, the sound disappears for 3-5 seconds.
This happens regardless of the programs I use.
The filling of the computer is new.
It costs Win 8.1 x64.
The sound dropped on both speakers and headphones.
I reinstalled the driver, no changes.
I also use the Razer Surround program, maybe it somehow affects.
Since during the loss of sound in the mixer, the signal goes only to the Razer Surround, but not to the headphones.
But if this was the problem, why is it so rare and only for a couple of seconds ..
In short, detective X)
Five-Six wrote:
I also use the Razer Surround program, maybe it somehow affects,
try turning it off and find out.
Sanchez ramirez
It is not even clear whether this occurs on the integrate or on the discrete. Or maybe you have usb headphones at all?