The laptop can't handle games!
The laptop gives out little fps on almost all new well-known games, you have to play at minimum settings from 20-35 fps. How to increase fps ?! Laptop characteristics row best
Buy laptop with Core i7 + 740M or desktop with used i3-2100 / 3210 and GT 640 discrete.
At 740m, not much more fps, already checked. In order to play on a laptop, you need a card from the GTX series, and not just a GT, a friend's laptop with the cheapest GTX860 toys go well, it is in performance between the discrete GTX750-750Ti
It's just that the laptop is already old, it really would be time to update it, or rather, replace it, it's a laptop.
Perhaps replacing the thermal paste and cleaning the cooling system will help a little, but it's not a fact, the model is really outdated.
the laptop is not very suitable for games; at
least it should have something fresher x60 fresh.
interesting that he says that the card is connected to express x16
Vitaly Maletsky
Perhaps neo is unlikely to give more than + 2-3 FPS, so it is better to look for something like , I think it will be enough for a couple of years.