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Ser Vereskag 08.09.19 01:53 am

Games make you cry...

Sometimes, the passing game, it is not clear why, all of a sudden the emotions come out.
Personally, I remember two times when I was crying during the game:
-after the first Prey, listening to music adding titles
-Yes, when for the first time in DMC 4 looked movie the Revival of Yamato.
You have been the same?
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Seltik09 08.09.19

Ali [Undermind]
man, you're either a heartless bastard )

Eli [Undermind] 08.09.19

Of course,the death of a couple million pixels - it's dramatic,isn't it?
And when the storyline can be seen a little more than full - so this is a reason to fall into depression.

Vingo 08.09.19

Yes we must not forget that this is just a game,everything is invented.
That's the only game that has touched me is mafia 2 as I wrote above.
When Henry cut alive,Joe was taken away in an unknown direction, etc. and then a little bit.

get away_[667] 08.09.19

Drama Mafia 2 primitive. Don't understand how there is generally possible shed a tear, so to speak.

Yes we must not forget that this is just a game,everything is invented.

In movies too, all made up and that? Catchy indeed! In the books nothing can be seen, they play with our imagination and nevertheless, thanks to the talent of the authors is able to give emotions. Games are not worse, Yes :)

Moreover, do not forget that in today's gaming industry as in the film is the casting of the sample, the authors think of the characters, the actors give the characters their animations and voice. So, feel the drama in games is even possible)

Diman94 08.09.19

There was nothing never.
I only remember the moments when the game is really for the soul took. For example, Metro 2033, at the end of the game when the tower standing there.. even the music is specific.

SANEKK 08.09.19

Sometimes when you like someone for the soul of scratches, but tears never came.

Altair 7 08.09.19

No, not cried before games.

D 1 G 1 T 4 L 08.09.19

I read it and cried from laughter. ehhh kids...
God forbid, what would you cried only for the occasion in your life!

Uncle Dan 08.09.19

I was overwhelmed by the ending of Hitman: Blood Money.
Also, In GTA:SA when I found out about the betrayal of the Raider and the Robot.
But the tears never came.

KONSSTA 08.09.19

In the last part of the Medal of valor at the end when small, too, lost touch(

Mister Dzhon Shepard 08.09.19

Another kindergarten!)))

Sooltan DJ 08.09.19

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare - it was a shame to see how killing Gus Griggs and Captain price.

Sotoneyuschiy tichka 08.09.19

I read it and cried from laughter. ehhh kids...

Similarly ))))) Still cry over every square eaten by the snake.

Chocolatka 08.09.19

At the end of the first mob, when the old man (i.e. GG) was killed, honestly, in tears, was unable to withstand the stress and emotions

IVaN4B 08.09.19

I was touched by the ending of Mafia 2, poor Joe...(((
but to cry 0_o nah, it's just a game!

LowGear 08.09.19

It was one time. The ending of Half-Life 2: Ep2 struck a tear t_t

Similar emotions were aroused by Portal 2 and Mass Effect, but straight to tears not brought

Lord On Acid 08.09.19

there were a couple of times,but it's not just games and music and movies can sometimes cause similar emotions.

megga BOSS[zabil na 1 par 08.09.19

To tears was nedovolil.But in the moments I wanted to cry.

Hroum 08.09.19

Both endings make ME somewhere in yourself to leave.
and still COD 4, I looked at it and thought.
*Playaaaaa.. how so????*

[MADMAN] 08.09.19

in Metro 2033 the mission,such as the Paveletskaya station,where the mutants decided to do all hooked.
and of course the ending of ME.