Games make you cry...
Sometimes, the passing game, it is not clear why, all of a sudden the emotions come out.Personally, I remember two times when I was crying during the game:
-after the first Prey, listening to music adding titles
-Yes, when for the first time in DMC 4 looked movie the Revival of Yamato.
You have been the same?
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1 death gas and Grigs at the end
Call of duty modern warfare 2 the death of the gousta and roach
MAFIA 2-ending
In heavy rain at some points .Well not to cry but you can experience much makes.
And so don't remember
Not one game (and movies) I've never been forced to cry,the rest of the modern masterpieces.Is that the port of GTA 4 and all games on the Gulman's,really make not to cry and to cry.How you can prevent such bugs ?!,well prostorage I do not say anything.Because it's not a game,it's one BIG BUG OR a GLITCH !!!
Yeah,to tears, though not reached but...Mafia 1-2,CD MW4,Fahrenheit,silent hill,stalker sooooo long sunk into the soul,a very sad ending.+ topic