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saa0891 03.11.19 03:10 am

Ahab (Borderlands 2)

Could you tell me the Ahab rocket launcher can be embossed with the Master Gee the Invincible only RWIH or at any level of complexity,just in RIICH a bunch of times it failed but the rocket does not fall,the level of HS 57.
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Znak kachestva Ubeysoft 03.11.19

Buy buyer of crystals Seraphim.

saa0891 03.11.19

Sign a quality Ubisoft
For this we need to pass the game on RWIH that would farm all the crystals,and I also play on RIA where crystals with the Seraphim do not drop,but with the machine in the DLC, the abode of the dragon farm saprissa,they rarely fall out.

Znak kachestva Ubeysoft 03.11.19

On the 57th level is nothing to catch in REICH, even if it comes, will be low.

saa0891 03.11.19

Sign a quality Ubisoft wrote:
even if he falls, it will be low.
Yes, I was a little worried,I just need to know is it to knock on REICH and does it matter the level of GG.

armageddon_Trulio 03.11.19

The level of HS on the drop rate is not affected in contrast to the complexity, RIIH the drop rate is extremely small, so need to farm for it especially no.

saa0891 03.11.19

armageddon_Trulio wrote:
The level of HS on the drop rate is not affected in contrast to the complexity
Serafinska things start to fall out of 61 level I on this and ask,is there any chance to knock Ahab on REICH and even at the 57 level.

On the wiki it is written.
It should be noted that actually serafinski weapons only available in RWIH. In other modes, though there are fences and guards available for battles, but this will drop crystals, and the probability of servisnogo weapons from them is extremely small.

In General it is clear that the chance is very small,it is necessary to finish the remaining quests and go to RWIH.