Error starting Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Error starting Failed Losd: DDERR_SURFACELOSTHistory: UD3DRenderDevice :: SetTexture <-..........
since I myself searched for a LONG time, and found a solution, unsubscribe
In the game, you need to disable DirectDraw, you can do this using the program - hp and your pc or GPU and your computer.
You need to specify the path to the exe file, then click the game settings, tick the Do not use Directdraw box and click Apply (this turned out to be enough for me)
If this does not help, then in the same program you can try to open the game in windowed mode, sometimes too works ..
I also advise on the path to the game, remove all problems in the folder names. In my case, without doing this, I got the error History: UGameEngine :: Init
I hope it helped
and yes, on windows 10 pro in the secret room there is no such problem,
but in the first part there is a similar problem on both versions of Windows, it is solved in the same way as described above, by disabling directdraw