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NEW Valtron 3D 28.07.21 12:46 am

Games that MUST be played by the "gamer-forum user"

How we, with you, understand. the gaming industry is getting younger. Increasingly, on the Internet, you can see players, whether intentionally or not, who do not notice the existence of the industry before, say, ps 3 and xbox 360.

Everything would be fine, but the phenomenon is becoming widespread (especially outside the GAMEMAG forum), and the roots remain the sweet nostalgia of old phages.

Naturally, any opinion has the right to exist, as long as it does not pass into the category of convictions of others.

As with the base of school knowledge and cultural values, the minimum that every interlocutor must know in order to be interesting is the minimum, which, albeit an abstract value in this case, is quite tangible in game theory and practice.

Technologies are improving, the mechanics are overgrown with details, but the origins will not go anywhere, the masterpieces will remain masterpieces, and in this thread I would like you to highlight the games that any gamer who enters forum controversy and commenting should go through (or try).

Games-basics, games-10/10, games that influenced the future of the industry (from the obligatory school curriculum of the forum). 

And, of course, explain why.

Modified on May 27, 2015 by NEW Valtron 3D
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Alex gray 28.07.21

It's just that I always joke with the information "did not pass tlow - not a gamer"

So it is.
In general, it would not be bad to introduce a ban for a flood in the topic, otherwise I see everyone here bombing from scratch. I passed and no emotional experiences, about which there are so many conversations, I did not feel something. Modified May 30, 2015 by Alex Gray

DIAL1 28.07.21

Passed and no emotional experiences, about which there is so much talk, did not feel something.


Well done, just talk to yourself, if most people and critics agree that the game and the story are great, then it probably is.
In any case, each player must play TLoU and decide for himself whether he likes the game or not. 

Metacritic estimates seem to confirm my words http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-3/the-last-of-us

Modified May 30, 2015 by DIAL1

Brontozyvr 28.07.21

For me, there will be less and less such games, all shooters, be it Doom or Quake, will become outdated gameplay (already outdated), become clumsy mammoths, from which beginners will only have a gag reflex. In dynamics, each new simulator is better than the past. Yes, all genres since the time of the same PS1 have gone infinitely far ahead, I'm even ready to argue about it.
True, there are exceptions:

- you can advise games in which a strong atmosphere and plot. I think for this MGU will never become outdated, GTA VS can bribe Miami with its spirit, Max Pei with its style and depression, KOTOR, Deos ex, you get the idea.
- many, for example, may like the very mechanics of games, I can only imagine this for strategies and fighting games, it's just that technologies here have little effect on the gameplay itself. although games of these genres will eventually become a thing of the past forever. 

In conclusion, I will say that in many unsubscribed the principle "the grass was greener before" and nostalgia play, but 99% of the games of the past do not stand up to criticism, compared to the games of today. It's like in a movie that 50 years ago looked breakthrough and masterpiece, now looks modest and ordinary. 

Allmighty L 28.07.21

[member = 'Brontozyvr'], oh yeah kamon

doom is interesting to leveled design, not mechanics, by the way

as well as a set of weapons - he, in fact, set the trend for the entire industry for many years 

brass knuckles, a pistol, a shotgun, a gun machine, a rocket launcher, a plasma cannon, bfg - this was then copied by everyone. Only recently went into fashion for two available guns