Maybe someone played Cly Fighter on the Sega mega drive. Here is a quilting igruha. PE4 for me is very funny moments.
bazaars with the Paramedic in MGS3
God Hand -the funniest
Giants Citizen Kabuto
GTA 2 radio
GTA San Andreas Vice city cut scen'y basically like a scene where the main hero plays cards with the head of the Chinese mafia (blind): D
[b] gojira [/ b],
This is you about the klai fighter. Well, pomoymu there so Elvis said. : D
Contra, Resident Evil 4, DMC3, God Hand, Brothers in Arms (when you listen to the morality of these scripted NPCs, just scream :-D)
[b] gojira [/ b],
I thought you were about Clay Fighter. Well, yes, Resik 4 is very funny when you play merchaneres
[b] Cyborg-Ninja [/ b], in PE4 in a scene where Salazar activates a trap and Leon falls into it (the trap, not Salazar's), but thus the Slazar spill is saved, and Salazar sends one of his bodyguards to him:
-You are tenacious but now you have a khan since I sent my right hand to kill you!
- Can your right arm come off?
- Whatever you say, DIE THE WORM !!!!
[b] gojira [/ b], [quote], in PE4 in a scene where Salazar activates a trap and Leon falls into it (the trap, not Salazar's) falls, but thus the Slazar spill is saved, and Salazar sends one of his bodyguards to him:
- You are tenacious, but now you have a khan since I sent my right hand to kill you!
I remember. Although Salazar himself is a rare frame. : D
-Can your right hand come off?
-Whatever you say, DIE THE WORM !!!! [/ quote]