I suggest giving it nostalgia and remembering what we played before.Old games are forever.
Well, my first games were "Secrets of the Ocean" and "Wait a minute!", And then Tetris and Xonix.
So far my favorite games are Rescue Rangers 2 and Duck Tales.
"Rescuers" have already passed a couple of dozen times :) Until now on the emule once a month I play: cool:
The first prince of Persia comes to mind.
when at the very beginning, on the run, planted on thorns, then already the air from the lungs knocked out. that was extreme
Battletods and Double Dragon are mega games! Duc that's just because they were on the dandy. And on Sega, I already saw some ports on the emule, IMHO crap.
I also remember the hours spent playing such games as Chrono Trigger, Zombies ate my neighbors, Alladin.
O! Remembered! Denzheros Dave! That was a game! What an action (no kidding). And the enemies! Everyone needs their own approach! COOL!
[quote name = "ARLe"] Battletodes and Double Dragon are mega games! Duc that's just because they were on the dandy. And on Sega, I already saw some ports on emule, IMHO crap. [/ Quote]
I played these games on Syubor: lol:
Battle City, Adventure Island, Troc, Mario, Contra, Tiny Toon, Exite Bike, Bomberman ..
Sonic, Contra Hard Cops, Gunstar Heroes (they want to reincarnate, by the way, on NGen's like), Vectorman, Battletech, Strike, Jim, Beyond Oasis ... Eh, childhood, times ..
The theme itself is of course 1/2 of the Shining Force, Phantasy Star, Pirats of Dark Water.
[quote] I suggest you give yourself nostalgia and remember what we played before.
Old games are eternal. [/
Quote ] Does it seem to me or is it already the third such topic? : roll:
for example here: [url = http: // t = 29847] [/ url]
First Tetris, then Dendy with Mario, Sega and WerstelMania, PS1 and
ISS Pro Evolution soccer 2, and finally PC with Half-Life 2: crazy:
Then maybe PS3 with GTA4, etc. : wink:
When I was little, and it was back in the days of the USSR, they brought me the Spectrum prefix with games on audio cassettes. Here's how I remember - my first game was ... in short, without a name - a black screen, 2 stripes at the edges of the screen and a square. Task: playing with your stripe to beat this square, do not miss it. Your friend is playing for the other strip.
And there was also such a game: a black screen, large white dots appear in which you need to get from a pistol (was included with the Spectrum). The game was called "Hare Hare".
BlindGuard, if you're interested, the sequel Gunstar Heroes is out on the GBA. In SI they gave 9 points. Gunstar Future Heroes is called.
[quote] I don’t remember what was the first, but I remember Wasteland (I didn’t come off at the time) [/ quote]
Yes, thing !!! I'm just a fan of this game! And so the first game on a computer, for me, was Captain Comedian.
I've been playing since the days of the NES. I played almost everything on the NES and Sega MD, but I was deeply impressed by:
[b] NES: [/ b]
Battletoads & Double Dragon
Double Dragon 2 and 3
Adventure Island I-IV
Contra Force
Super Spy Hunter
Duck Tales 1, 2
Darkwing Duck
Flinstones 1, 2
[b] Sega MD: [/ b]
all MK
WrestleMania (this is another story altogether)
Comix Zone
all Golden Axes
all Road Rush
all Streets of Rage
Robocop VS Terminator
Contra Hard Corps