Poll: Most charismatic hero games
Call from 3 to 5 the most recognizable characters in video games.Solid snake (MGS)
Tommy Angelo (MAfia)
Dante (Devil May Cry)
Sheppard (Mass Effect)
Lucas Kane (Farenheit prophecy Indigo)
Forty-seventh aka Hitman - silent cold-blooded killer who knows his business, not peregibalsa stick.
1.Trio of Assassins Creed
2.Sam Fisher.
4.Duke Nukem
5.let it be the Joker)
1. Big Boss/Solid Snake
2. Revolver Ocelot
3. Joker from Batman Arkham Asylum/City.
Ezio auditore da Firenze ---> Assassin's Creed
Geralt of Rivia ----> the Witcher 2. Assassins of kings
1.Gordon Freeman
2.John Shepard (in different games often found the faces are different but the Name that everyone knows)
3.Darth Vader (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed)
The Joker Batman - Batman Arkham Asylum & City
Nathan Drake, Victor Sullivan - Uncharted series
Altair - Assasin's Creed series
Garrus - Mass Effect series