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Arcanum 05.11.19 03:14 am

Is there anything like Arcanum? (Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura)

Hello today I want to ask you a question! Maybe somebody knows any games similar to Arcanum. I already went through Arcanum and I want to play a game similar to Arcanum please if anyone knows tell me the name of the game. Waiting for!!!!!!!!!!!!
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SamayaSamaya 05.11.19

Disagree, Kult: Heretic Kingdoms is not like Arcanum.
Well, Diablo and Prince of darkness is not a bit similar. Found something to compare. I wonder by what parameters they are similar, Arkanum and the Prince of darkness?

Virgil_ 05.11.19

I wonder by what parameters they are similar, Arkanum and the Prince of darkness?

Isometry, hee hee..

El Tarno 05.11.19

no games like Arcanum especially with its unique atmosphere. I sometimes still play. like Nevers and the first fallout. to argue about?

saill 05.11.19

support zl of tarano

Anderby 05.11.19

It is a pity that from Sovremenny no game even from afar like in Arcanum. Although Dishonored, judging by the trailer, will try to fix it.

DarkOver 05.11.19

Actually in Arcanum most similar Planscape Torment and last but not least the most well developed dialogue in the entire gaming industry

Anderby 05.11.19

Dishonored, by the way, this plan is complete garbage appeared.

El Tarno 05.11.19


ZakarumFoot 05.11.19

returns-this game is said to be similar.

Taran2Lstar 05.11.19

@on Diablo more like Quake than Arcanum@
just noticed

KastilIia 05.11.19

Necroposter dancing. Even the games Arcanum or police there? I can recommend the Atom RPG and Age of decadance. And you?)

Dark Kahn 25.10.20

There would have been an Atom of norms if it were not for step-by-step. And in Arkanum, there's a reality.

Dr aspirin 08.09.21

Dark Kahn
Well, you said a pancake)) I almost fell off my chair)) speak as it is - you don’t know how to turn-based or just don’t like it) The
fact that in some game turn-based battles, it does not become bad.
And about Arcanum ... I can't imagine HOW MUCH it is necessary not to understand / not know the mechanics of such games in order to play Arcanum realtime)))) Yes, everything is done in it for step by step!) Starting from the design of the game window and ending with an abundance of all kinds of skills, objects, spells, etc.
At all I do not understand why fug there they screwed on the ability to turn on real-time battles. This is not some kind of top-down shooter like diablo, sacred, etc., where the whole game from and to it is a solid every second hack and where the interface is sharpened for it. The only area of ​​application of realtime in Arcanum is in the later stages, when you are already a pumped alpha and face a lot of weak enemies (wolves, rats, etc.). Here, yes - turned on the real-time auto mode and the crowd quickly resolved everyone.
And try you in real-time on average or on hard hitting Skinny Pete and his team))

Dr aspirin 08.09.21

In short, I read all the comments .. As usual, who is in the forest who is for firewood))
The problem is that you did not specify what kind of similarity you are interested in.
A similar setting? Isometric? Turn-based battles? The presence of both magic and technology in one world? ... Or is it all together?
But if I understand you correctly, then you most likely meant an isometric RPG with turn-based battles, a bunch of interesting places (cities, villages, dungeons, etc.), a bunch of NPCs that give a bunch of various interesting tasks and all this in a huge world where you are you travel across the graph map from location to location) So?)
Among those who unsubscribed, there were only a couple of smart ones who called games that were really similar (in many ways) to Arcanum. But so that one in one message lists all the similar ones - it was not)
Well .. the games most similar to Arcanum, in appearance, in gameplay, in fun .. in general, for everything that I have listed above, there are only three: Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Zlatogorye 2. Everything, more like me Do not know. And I played sooo a lot of rpg, believe me. And also once upon a time I was looking for games similar to Arcanum) I searched for a long time and carefully))
Fallout Tactics, ATOM RPG and Metalheart can also be attributed here (if anyone knows / remembers this at all). But not worth it. Tactics is a jaggid alliance in the shell of a fallout, ATOM is a frankly weak clone of the same fallout, and Metalheart is an even weaker clone of a fallout) It's completely liquid) I haven't even mastered it to the end - how boring is PPC!

ps I understand that the author of the question after 16 years is unlikely to be interested in all this. I tried harder for the rest, who suddenly accidentally wandered in to read. Will come in handy)