The laptop is strongly heated.
This is my laptop:Put Skyrim. He said he mastered the laptop and installed the game settings ultra.
And now the laptop runs cooler on top of the keyboard.
What to do?
Thank you in advance
Nenufar22 wrote:
And now the laptop runs cooler on top of the keyboard.
The fact that it is heated is fine if the laptop is not one year,it is possible to disassemble and clean (blow) the dust.
Monitor the temperature and only through them make conclusions. In General the CPU and the GPU (the main heat sources), as well as RAM, hard drive, motherboard and even the screen tends to heat up.
Go here: and download the program, installed with RTTS, which will also be included.
Will be installed in the end something like this:
In RTTS (rivatuner statistics server) installed everything exactly the same as me except the framerate limit (Lok frame 60), and the last color scheme (an individual matter) and the location, size, adjust in accordance with the monitor.
In fact, MSI Afterburner, click on settings (settings) or gear. Out the window - and there's a section Monitor select temperature SE, then just below - Show in OED - checkbox. Then the same thing be done with a)Download"SE b)Temperature in)CPU usage, g)frame rate d)Allocated memory. Of course click apply and OK. Start the game and outcome measures (approximately):
The color set of the monitored parameters and the size adjusted as desired.
The temperatures for the processor and graphics card - no more than 85-90 (90-95 more precisely, but for 95 already protection was activated).
If they are normal, but at least 70-85, you can easily play and work. Just keep track and if panic only then. In General, a gaming laptop is fantastic, especially the funny phrase"laptop mastered. But for Sirima the laptop is really good, at least for a clean of Skyrim.
Here's what I recommend (if not yet) to play Skyrim remaster - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition (DX11, 64-bit engine better digest fashion and works on a PC).
There are laptop cooling pads, I recommend to acquire, and the warm keyboard is always a plus, though not in the summer, cool fan fingers, and even better, spend 1000 roubles for Logitech Corded Keyboard K280e (like laptop flat, with 3 year warranty) or the keyboard is backlit, I have no idea how you can break hands and to fry your fingers on the keyboard of the laptop. Guys bought separately - easy to use and is the best option.
Well, found a way out of this.
I remembered that raise many years ago I had Acer Aspire and he had the same problem, we quickly sold. And the overheating problem so I decided put books on the sides to between the laptop and the table was a gap of 2 cm And all, he stopped to bask.
Here. Who should use the method.
Yes, that's right took your thrown and bought what you advise him not in cash((.