The second part (Darkest of Days)
There is a clear hint of the second part at the end of the game. Everything was interrupted in mid-sentence. What are your opinions on this matter?If they collect normally for the first part of the money, they will probably do it.
And they will not collect. Everyone needs promoted frontends from pompous, well-proven robes. And such games remain unnoticed (
I was also surprised when the credits went, and not the next mission. And the second part will probably be, at least hozza hoping for it
If there will be cash, there will be a second part. Honestly, I want to see Napoleon's wars in 2 parts
Mr. Blond
I also want to see the wars of the Napoleonic era, then there was a cool weapon - the bombard is the ancestor of the modern grenade launcher, well, there are powder grenades in the form of a black ball, flintlock pistols - in general, romantic, I would even like the game entirely about that time ... Maybe there is something like that about pirates?
And about the ancient Romans, I would have had very little to "see" the same era better, so that with authentic heerobalistic, incendiary throwing pots with "Greek fire" and a flamethrower, one could walk around, by the way the ancient Greeks invented it - "fire siphon "was called. (By the way, I started to write a novel or a story about this, I wrote the first chapter, though now it's stalled, the genre is sandalpunk :))
But I wanted to go through this game a second time with cheat codes, but it didn't work out very well - half of the cheat codes do not work. Who does not know what is there and how with them?
Let's say the Napoleonic Wars - it would be interesting to play, the Crimean War for a simple Russian sailor or officer would already be interesting to play, the Anglo-Boer War for an Englishman or a native would also be interesting to play. This project deserves attention because it is history!
oh, but the game is hooked, it has a lot of disadvantages, even very, but it has some kind of atmosphere that attracts, it's a pity that there is no second part