Game Information (Two Worlds 2)
The Polish studio Reality Pump, fearing the appearance of the next part of The Elder Scrolls on the horizon, took and announced Two Worlds 2 - a sequel to the action / RPG that was released in 2007. The sequel's target platforms include PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.Briefly about Two Worlds 2: the action takes place two years after the events that took place in the first part of the game. During this time, the world of Two Worlds has grown noticeably stronger - the artificial intelligence has been redesigned from scratch, the combat system has changed beyond recognition, the atmosphere of the fantasy world and the quest branch have been finalized, new locations in East Antalur, enemies and a prettier picture have been cooked up. For some reason, the press release puts a lot of emphasis on the graphic side of the project - dynamic lighting, parallax mapping and other scary phrases. However, the first screenshots do not really reflect Reality Pump's bravura speeches - it's standard, nothing more. The only ray of light - the developers vow to correct all the sins of the first part and be very attentive to all the criticism and kicks received after the release of Two Worlds. I want to believe,
The release of Two Worlds 2 will take place this winter.
ATP, for the exact info now at least I know when to run to the market =).
Well, if no one has written yet ...
Map of Antalur
PC version screenshots D0% B2% D1% 8B% D0% B5-% D1% 81% D0% BA% D1% 80% D0% B8% D0% BD% D1% 88% D0% BE% D1% 82% D1% 8B-% D0% BE% D1% 82-zuxxez / # more-1314
German magazine, XBG 360 Games recently tested the game and we were all eagerly awaiting their verdict!
They gave the game 92% out of 100%, which is higher than Oblivion's score from their magazine! As you can see on the scan below, 100% lacked quite a bit - the sound, gameplay and DauerspaB (the duration of the pleasure - literally) got 100%, and the graphics and multiplayer were about 90%. I want to clarify - they evaluated the Xbox version, and in the PC version the graphics are much better!)
XBG 360 Games were amazed:
-A huge world with different climatic conditions.
-Crafting and magic system.
-Interesting plot.
-Multiplayer mode.
Verdict: Huge, convincing and improved in the right places. This is a Top RPG!
Taken from
Well, dear friends, we have a real, standing RPG in front of us! On the 21st, everyone is running, and only for a license!
Verdict: Huge, convincing and improved in the right places.
It is hoped that this is indeed the case.
Yes, as I wrote in another Temka: TW will still grab his piece of the pie;)
I already know) But for the sake of a really good and not buggy RPG, you can wait as long as you want, but I don't want to wait until the American release)
Have you moved it again? It's a shame, but New Vegas comes out on the 22nd. There is something to play with to last until November 9th.
All the same, no matter how disgusting it is, but ... It's right that they endure it. They add something else to it, and in one fell swoop they implement a license without a bug. Heh ... it's also interesting how people will react to the release of TW 2 ...
sam lesley
Nobody showed up yesterday! Read the latest news?) The release was postponed to November 9