Education reform
What do you think about this article? Do bureaucrats do not know what they are doing? And where to watch the President?Literacy
In the 80 - ies, when to teach the Russian language and reading of steel, based on the phonetic method, corresponding member of APN of Daniil Elkonin, there were problems with literacy. Previously taught at the visual-logical method: we speak and hear one thing and write the rules. And now with kindergarten teach sound analysis of the letters the kids do not see, analyze everything by ear. In the lesson, the teacher shows the letter "a" and asks: "Guys, what's the word on "and" you know?" Polklassa shouting: "Agurets". From first to sixth class the children make the sounds of words: "mA-La-Ko", "sa-BA-ka", "yozhyk". Children are taught that "the moose", "horse", "beat", "day" is three sounds, the latest of which is soft. Their designation is. Hard consonant - blue circle, soft green and transparent red. Soft sign they do not put never. In second grade a boy wrote: "Fun summer day", where "day" without the soft sign. The teacher pokes a pointer: what is the last letter supposed to be? The boy says, "Green." Children write as they hear: "wah kno", "application no". Because they are taught - thank you Elkonina and his followers.
When they say that, if a child is not sounds to say, he will not learn to read, I object to: we of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin forgot? He Burr life, but well wrote and read in four languages. Literacy is a function of thinking, not pronunciation. We have still to come to this can't.
About reading
Only 30% of children from 11-th class come with full-fledged reading skills - understand the texts that are read. When the skill of reading is incomplete, students can not write an essay, create a sentence correctly, they don't read fiction, because "hung" barely begin describing nature, moral throwing of heroes, philosophical reasoning. Bumping into a complex sentence, cease to understand the meaning of what is read. Therefore, they do not read at all. Do not blame computers, not the TV. The problem is that they have not learned to read.
In the younger grades of children require reading aloud. But comprehension and vocalization - the two operations in parallel, not fused even in adults. When children are taught through a quick sound, then they can sound, but it does not delve into what you're reading.
Of Sciences
- What is the difference between the Soviet school and today? In the USSR there was the reverence of science. Program wrote the scientists: mathematicians, physicists, linguists, not teachers and psychologists, as it is now. It was thought that the main thing - to know the laws of physics, chemistry, biology, Economics, sociology, history, etc., in order to understand what what happens and try not to resist to the objective laws of the world. So formed conceptual thinking.
If the child is good at solving problems in physics and mathematics, he can handle any problem. Without the study of science conceptual thinking is not formed. Among adults less than 20 percent, and it's mostly techies, have conceptual thinking.
Science removed from everywhere. In the 90-ies of the students studied the history as the history of civilization - now it was replaced with a story in pictures. Enough to memorize and regurgitate.
Instead of biology introduced a General nature, which supplanted the world. Early in elementary school laid some of the foundations of scientific thinking, and now that the world - hash doesn't know about that. Still full of errors. Well, for example, the developers of the program are proud of the fact that the world they have - and practice-oriented. As a particularly interesting practice-oriented activity, they cite the lessons of the study of traces of animals. For what? The child could himself emerge from the winter forest. In the second grade. The authors do not know that the traces of animals from the forest not to go? And, thank God, our second grader alone in the winter woods is unlikely to be.
About mathematics and physics
New Federal state standards, children should not just solve problems - they must put the goal of a lesson, to make his plan. To count them once. Children learn of the numbers. 10, for example, is 0 and 10, 1 and 9, 2 and 8, 3 and 7. Here they memorize. Then can not be considered absolutely, because psychologists and teachers that these programs are not realize that memory of the operator function is not. As children memorized, and reproduced and 8 and 3 is not folded. Second the crap that we implemented to take American account on the line on which the children can be considered only in the range of 20 to 30 - not anymore.
Then they are taught the addition table is the score threes, fours,: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 etc Guys memorize these chains as poems, but the multiplication table can not learn.
Physics pushed back to the seventh grade, and it starts not with mechanics, and stories about nature. About space, rockets, Newton's laws. But the types of tasks children are almost solved. I ask: "What are you doing?" - "Presentation drawing". But if you do not solve problems in mechanics, to think not learn. Further physics goes part time, and then they say, coming Teens in crisis and to learn the students do not want to. But it is not in crisis - it is that sixth and seventh grade children do not understand almost nothing on most lessons
About discipline
- The fall of discipline is secondary. The child is unable to sit quietly in the classroom, if he has no systematic knowledge on which he can rely on. He doesn't understand not only physics and mathematics - the same is true for chemistry, biology, history... almost every two years and rewritten, children do not know what it was about, if they haven't read "Peter the First" by Alexei Tolstoy and "War and peace". And they have not read. Dry facts they just not what to believe. It's bad for discipline because the children are bored in lessons.
About computers
- In Japan, in France children have computers from an early age, there are educational and very useful program. The only problem: if the child does not learn to read, he will be nothing but smartphone. Live chat does not replace, the kids still hang out, especially in adolescence, whatever may be claimed by psychologists. I always tell parents: the child must be an honest 30 - 40 minutes a day of computer after he did the lessons.
A child Prodigy
- There are geeks and there are pseudoboundary. Higher mental functions are by nature not depend in any way. Glenn Doman is a brilliant doctor, a neurologist, opened in Philadelphia a school is the maximum development of human abilities, said that from the birth of Leonardo da Vinci. It is important that we can activate, what to bring and what to develop. But our education system is such a path that even healthy children can not teach. Makes them retarded, limited, and aggressive.
Child prodigies are children who received harmonious education. It is believed that smart children are anxious and have a lot of social problems. It is a myth. If the child has formed the conceptual thinking, he uses it in dealing with people. We also often called a Prodigy child, successful in one area. But if develops some kind of ability, but no thought, the child can not be everywhere successful. Hence the anxiety and difficulties with social adaptation.
A child Prodigy often referred honors, which go to memory. They get straight a's in elementary school, because they say literally everything that the teacher. They have developed memory, but no thinking.
About Indigo children
- It is believed that children who don't behave, can't learn - it is the children of tomorrow. You need to wait until they manifest themselves. It is the solace of parents. Children who are called "Indigo children", should be treated. Now they are considered hyperactive. And before that they were diagnosed with minimal brain dysfunction or problems postpartum encephalopathy. Previously, such children did not survive, but today, thanks to modern methods of maternity care, care for those who weighed kg at birth, six months, with different pathologies. It is not the children of the future is children that need further study.
About the Soviet programs
- In Finland, whose education system is considered the best in Europe, is an Association of teachers working in the Soviet textbooks. Four years ago they were joined by Germany. Norwegian University sent me the results of testing in Russian schools below 50 percent no child fell. In Boston there is a school where mathematics was taught in the Russian language of the Soviet program. Those who received the diploma of this school, take a job anywhere.
I say to everyone: children or hire Tutors, or eighth grade, buy Soviet textbooks, collections of tasks for students in higher education - also 70 - 80-ies - and decide. There are authors such as Zack, tamber's. Search for.
On the materiel
The school is very dependent financially. If the Director is trying to do something different, it will replace what is necessary. Shot of the gymnasium and Lyceum budget allowances. For a higher level of education will not pay, so that teachers makes no sense to give. Moreover, abolished the entrance exams for high schools and colleges - now by place of residence are open to all. And if the child is insufficiently developed on the base of three of each are required to learn. We have three now considered base. After a couple years there will be a complete zero.
The last two years, the developers are struggling with the change of mathematical software: why to study algebra, if nobody understands. In parallel, the reduction of universities and students - not only budgetary, but also commercial. Educated people could not be attached. Apparently, education officials say will train a minimum, and they still going abroad. It is unclear who is upstairs. Or people with no conceptual thinking or temporary.
Believer1 It
depends on where to make money. Most jobs are a form of euthanasia. Nobody needs your work, nobody cares about your results, you just have to serve your term from 9 to 5, then vomit for two hours home, where you fall in front of the telecom and tomorrow again to useless work. So that there is no energy and money to comprehend their situation and try to get out. Round to wear, square to roll, and so on to the grave.
To begin with, go to OK or VK and see how those who received education (secondary, or even specialized secondary or higher) in the USSR write. The literacy level for many is "zero". That in the USSR, that now they give an incentive to study, who wants to study, who does not want to complain about how everyone hinders him. Despite the fact that in the USSR there was neither the Internet with a bunch of manuals, books, video courses, nor the opportunity to choose a training program (now they are different in schools). Now what prevents reading and watching? Personally, Putin and the Minister of Education come to everyone, tie them to the sofa, turn on the TV and give beer to their hands? Or are they forced to watch Tik-Tok and hang out in the yard, instead of doing self-education?
Modern children have porridge or vinaigrette with americano sauce in their heads. And I work with children who go to the art school. That is, the families are prosperous, the children are intelligent. I tell them about art history. We pass the Middle Ages. Naturally the question of religion. I ask who is the Mother of God, who is Judas, what is the Crucifixion. And in response, silence. And they, in the ordinary school of the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture (OPC), are going on for a year. We analyze Russian art, I hear, they call Peter the Great, Catherine the Second, I rejoice. I ask who Alexander Nevsky is. Early rejoiced, friendly flapping eyes. Cause? A textbook on the world around us, in which natural history, history, social science and physics were selectively shoved. This is in one year, so it says about the Civil War "The Reds and the Whites fought, the Reds won" is that normal? Therefore, Peter the Great found a place, but Nevsky did not.
What about Soviet education? In the 200s, a professor spoke at my aunt's school and talked about world education. He said that when Finnish was recognized as the best, they decided to find out what was the reason. It turned out that Finnish education is Soviet education, minus the ideology.
And with them, in a regular school, the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture (OPK) go on for a year
Most likely, they don’t go. .And instead of it, any other