Replacement parts
Old PC: i7 3770k, 8GB RAM, Maxumus Formula V, 650 PSU GTX 770 2gb, 2TB HDD SSD 120gb. I want to update, leave the memory disks, the case, to get operational (or fully replace) the PSU, if to be missed. How much approximately will cost to replace other components? Budget ready to give 60 +/- 5 thousand. That you can now collect this money in Russia? A supporter of intel and Nvidia (I'm not a hater of AMD).Aloska
I'd rather take a i9-9900k and 2070 than 9400 and 2080ti, in the second case there is no stability, as in modern games and any future margin percent. Era 4-cores has long passed, now at least you need 6 cores. So I was very glad that I sold my Quad-core i7-7700k and took 8700k, which pursues better and work with RAM higher frequencies, which also affects the lack of freezes and lags, as well as the percent much less loaded, it thereby ensures the low temperature, giving me the chance to further overclock it. In short, everything is interconnected - the timings-sustaining frequencies operatives and percent-load the card and its temperature. Do not, under any circumstances, would have taken now 4 effing percent. Do not, under any.....
Good quality screens! You with a website take? Want to desktop such to put. At 4k resolution fit?
Aloska wrote:
We are talking about 60 Hz and 4K.
I almost forgot! No, not 60 Hertz. I will test either on their Hz (i.e. 75) or without a rifle.
Although I did not understand on what the resolution will need the case to test.
And why so much to download them from the network when it is possible to do in the game?
What Monique do you have? Ordinary or some super gaming?
Show the same adromeda in the 4k and 5k in ultra, m? And dragon-Inquisition.
What gertsovka Monica do you have?
Yes, even on 120 Hz.
Take AC odyssey put ultra and 4K
Look like you threw money away for your 8700K
And vidyaha and indicators themselves Msi Afterbuner you where? That I don't see them in focus
LIGHTandDARK4 wrote:
And why so much to download them from the network
Yes, Yes, directly to the folder yupley, in the fotos, all day I sit and shake. In the folder screen shots, yeah. )))
LIGHTandDARK4 wrote:
Show the same adromeda in 4k resolution
On the Andromeda forum, in the gallery, almost 400 pieces, come and see.
I'm just happy that in this game, due to the 8700k friezes and lags, but in the same pozarska in the Odyssey (Alexandria) took place. Not something that was 7700k. And problems have become the 2 dogs In the Rekun - Valens, Metro new.
Show me numbers 1 and 01 in Alexandria.
Yes, Yes, directly to the folder yupley, in the fotos, all day I sit and shake. In the folder screen shots, yeah. )))
Meaning??? I do not understand why this madness...
On the Andromeda forum, in the gallery, almost 400 pieces, come and see.
Who is the author?
LIGHTandDARK4 wrote:
in the Odyssey (Alexandria)
In the Odyssey there is Alexandria? And how to get it? ))
LIGHTandDARK4 wrote:
Who is the author?
Daughter Таша20.
So you first your show.
Here's wildlands on 6700
Are you saying 6700 more powerful than the 7700k?
Where is the problem there?
I have review 115 and the character at a distance from the screen. Make skin in the same place, this is the first location in the game on ultra with an overview of the 115, under the same angle. And because of the larger overview image, in the sky, and maybe there is something slightly smeared on the ground background on the earth because of the tilt of the camera at a more acute angle.
You let your VIDOS on the ultra and there are already compare the picture quality if you is so important. The quality of the recording I wrote above, your vidyuhi with no problems washes to record using GeForce Egregie. And will not VIDOS you can continue to tell their tales of crazy )))))))))))))) since you just merged.
You have a really visible hard podlagi the bench. Of course you can see how the PERC is unable to cope and sags terribly.
Here, look: Not so long ago I did a video blog of the beholder 2 dogs.
KillKammbest wrote:
And because of the larger overview image, in the sky, and maybe there is something slightly smeared on the ground background on the earth because of the tilt of the camera at a more acute angle.
Ahah. ))))
What's up?
I have screenshots at different angles, and up and down, with the inner tube, why is no soap, nothing is stretched, not stretched. Moreover, it is not even ultra settings, and download VRAM it shows. xDD))
On the i7-7700k it was much worse than I have, especially in dogs. Before I bought 8700k