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MWorld II 31.10.21 10:49 am

Dead island 2



Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC 
Genre: Open World Zombie Action
Publisher: Deep Silver
Developer: Yager (Spec Ops: The Line)
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Release Date: Spring 2015


Description: California, another outbreak of a zombie epidemic and another "dead island". The government closed the island's borders and left the survivors to die, but this does not mean the end ...


The game provides for a cooperative mode for eight, while this does not mean that you can only help each other, you can do dirty tricks, as well as just coexist. PS4 users will receive exclusive content and access to the beta that will run for a full month.


New developers from the Yager studio, who previously released Spec Ops: The Line, have completely redesigned the combat system, rethought the multiplayer mode and will be ready to present their vision of the "Dead Island" to the world in the spring of next year.


Debut Trailer: 


Modified June 10, 2014 by MWorld II
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dozensnake 31.10.21

hmm, the game is clearly turning into an analogue of the grandfather of the raising only in the first person

Frostengine 31.10.21

[quote name = "dozensnake" post = "4361244" timestamp = "1408853298"] hmm, the game is clearly turning into an analogue of the raising grandfather only in the first person [/ quote] And it seems to me that the game will definitely benefit :)

Gefus 31.10.21


Wurz-7 31.10.21

Watched the video above.


Maybe they showed it before, but here for the first time I saw how we were collecting (2m20s). Now, after ransacking, the bags disappear - it looks wretched.


In places, there is an absurd amount of blood. For 3m40s, 4m10s, etc. pierced with a knife and like an eruption on the whole screen.

dozensnake 31.10.21

for me it looks like sucks, all these numbers are huge and for some reason the combat feels worse than in the first one, but for me it was one of the most important chips in the game

Wario 31.10.21

Oh, I remember Part 1 was boring. Hope that there will be a variety of quests and a high-quality combat system. But I feel the game will be so-so ...

NetSky 31.10.21

Taki was moved to 2016 (((sorry this is one of the games that I was waiting for this year (



razgulnov 31.10.21

[member = 'NetSky'] sorry. I have a preorder in the store.

kolian666 31.10.21

do not know when the game will be released? and will it come out at all?

dozensnake 31.10.21

[member = 'kolian666'], http://www.polygon.com/2015/7/14/8964687/dead-island-2-loses-developer-yager-as-publisher-deep-silver-moves-on

kolian666 31.10.21

[member = 'dozensnake'], I remember that we parted ways with Jager, but the game is being made by someone or has been completely canceled !?

dozensnake 31.10.21

I think it's frozen 

Joker 31.10.21

They like Techland help them in development, don't they?

kolian666 31.10.21

there are just pre-orders for 700 rubles, I think if the game comes out pretty profitable, but if it was canceled or carried for an indefinite time, then the money is down the drain

dozensnake 31.10.21




Released on May 31st on PS4, XOne, PC.


Also included will be Dead Island: Retro Revenge


Stig 31.10.21

Indeed, why make a sequel if you can just release a re-release

Wurz-7 31.10.21

In Riptide, I could play ps4. On ps3, I did not take it up, after the first one was jammed up and down.


We made a bad video. All frames are only from the beginning of the first game.

Joker 31.10.21

[b] [member = 'Wurz-7'] [/ b], I will say this: Riptide is not worth this attention. I, alone and with my friends, wiped both of them to holes, replayed a thousand times and the first part is still on horseback. In Riptide, the bodies of zombies do not burn, there is no effect of fire. And it is impossible to dismember already killed enemies (((Almost half of the game consists of protecting fortresses. Even more copy-paste bosses from L4D were added (although absolutely in every game from Techland in terms of copy-paste bosses)) Again, the island, the events are the same as in the first part The only plus for me personally is the greater emphasis on the firearm. Compared to its predecessor, the weapon hits accurately and accurately, the skulls began to fly more savory, and in general the effect of the firearms is greater.

Wurz-7 31.10.21

[member = 'OLD DEIS'], how about locations? The first part had a good variety of places: beach, inland, hotel, villages, jungle, city, prison, sewers.

Joker 31.10.21

[b] [member = 'Wurz-7'] [/ b], everything that I listed is there, except for the prison. But most of you still have to spend in the flooded jungle. The rest of the places are visited in passing